Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 333: : Grand Entertainment Strategy

Come out with Yue Lindao.

The sky became more gloomy, and Su Qing shivered more and more as the wind blew.

I always think it's raining somewhere.

Because there is moisture in the wind.

I think I must change thick clothes tomorrow.

Yue Lindao looked down at his watch: "Qingyue, it's still early." He said, "I couldn't speak just now. Let's find a place to chat for a while?!" He said in an affirmative tone, "Coffee? What do you like to drink tea?"

"I definitely choose tea!" Su Qingyue smiled faintly.

"There is a tea house near my home. It is a membership system. You can drink tea, or order two side dishes for a drink. It's very good." He said, "Let's go over, and I will have some wine after drinking tea." Weather: "The weather is perfect."

After speaking, two people got in the car.

Su Qing understood that Yue Lindao must have thoughts.

But Chen Feng's words are still in his ears, and luck will not always be on his side.

What will be the problem? He thought, he has confirmed that his recent thinking has no problem.

But there will definitely be setbacks in the implementation process.

The car stopped as soon as it entered the ring road.

The front is blocked again.

Yue Lindao lit a cigarette and chatted with Su Qingyue: "Qingyue, I have always been particularly optimistic about you. I think it would be inappropriate for you to work again." He said, "It doesn't matter if you are COO or CEO, you must It’s the initiative. But I listen to your big entertainment system, it’s not simple behind it."

Listening to him, Su Qing looked at him.

I understand that Yue Lindao, like those investors, sees it very clearly.

I also know what is behind my speech, even though I just gave a quick explanation of the direction.

Zhan Peng of the Falcon must also want himself, but he has too few chips.

The words seemed weak.

While thinking about it, Yue Lindao said again: "I am just like you, I have always wanted to do things." He said, and took another cigarette: "I was in the channel before, so I could only count as a tie-in with the gaming circle. I always wanted to rush in later. , Because I know that this industry is in its golden age, and there is no opportunity to come back in time!"

"You are right, but the gaming industry is a technology-based industry, and the water here is deeper than expected."

"Brother, you are too right!" After being said to the heart, Yue Lindao lit a cigarette with excitement, and said: "So your success in the focus, let me finally see hope!"

Feeling the impulse in his words, it was like returning to a young age.

Suddenly I remembered the loss of Amu's father when he talked about missing previous opportunities.

He understands Yue Lindao.

Following the latter, he said: "Qingyue, what do you want to do, I will do my best to cooperate with you."

He said with assurance.

Understand what he means, and believe him.

The car in front finally moved.

They moved on again, and finally got a little smoother.

At the next moment, Su Qingyue still said: "Mr. Yue, I haven't fully thought about it yet."

"Qingyue, I advise you, don't wait for the time to fully mature before doing many things." Yue Lindao said: "Are you ready to focus? Are the conditions fully available? But you still went and succeeded. Some things, yes We must solve it as we go, and build bridges when meeting mountains and opening mountains and meeting water."

"I mainly consider the implementation and cannot fight unprepared battles." Su Qingyue said, being excited by Yue Lindao's words.

"Brother, you must have better understanding of the industry than me. I am definitely not as good as you when I work, but I know how to start a business." He said, "Entrepreneurship is not when you think you are fully prepared to implement it. It is to do it first, to summarize and grow in the battle."

His words inspired Su Qingyue.

The latter sentence reminded Su Qing more of the words of the venture capitalist of Cui Liu Club: Columbus just went to sea, and thought that place was the beautiful and rich East.

The next moment, he said: "I'll be here later, I will tell you in detail."

"Great, just wait for your words." Yue Lindao laughed.

The car went on, and after a while, they drove off the main road.

After two more intersections, Yue Lindao turned the car into an alley.

The surrounding quieted down instantly.

Only a little wind is left, blowing the treetops.

They got out of the car and walked in.

In a very inconspicuous place in the alley, a small wooden sign hung.

It says in a brush: An Linju.

Inside is a courtyard with three openings and three entrances.

There is an old tree inside.

Let Su Qingyue think of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

A girl wearing a cheongsam came up.

Called softly: "Mr Yue."

Yue Lindao introduced that the owner of this shop is the owner of their courtyard. He likes to tinker with antiques and research tea ceremony.

"They are all membership systems, and they are usually not external."

As they said, the girl was led into a box.

The glass in the box is very bright and cleaned, so you can see the old trees outside the courtyard.


Yue Lindao showed Su Qingyue the tea list.

The latter only turned two pages and found the Luan melon slices he had drunk when he was a child.

He smiled and said, "Sure enough, he is a tea lover. I haven't seen this tea in Pingjing."

"What kind of tea is this?"

"A kind of green tea. In the Qing Dynasty, it was a tribute tea. In the Ming Dynasty, this tea was all top-quality tea." He said.

"Then this." Yue Lindao said: "Bring me a pack of cigarettes and snacks."


The waiter leaves.

Su Qingyue said: "Mr. Yue, let me tell you my thoughts."

Yue Lindao nodded and lit a cigarette.

Su Qingyue began to say at this time: "I started with Hualuo, got to know this industry, and slowly gained recognition from the industry..." He whispered, and began to tell how he found problems in the impetuous state of the industry and made up his mind. Tried.

Yue Lindao nodded as he listened.

He talked about the essence of this problem.

"Most of the companies in the industry have been transformed by software or stand-alone game companies. Their R&D ideas, project management, and product operations are all based on the laws and habits of the software industry. And I think what is truly suitable for the market is the Internet Gene's research and development, products, operations, marketing and fan management."

"You went to the focus, did you practice your ideas?" Yue Lindao understood what he meant.

"Yes!" Su Qingyue replied, "I have no access to R&D in ChinaNet, and I have no way of participating in or changing the project establishment and R&D process. It is not only my personal opinion, but also many R&D activities of ChinaNet. Yes. This is also the main reason why I left ChinaNet."

"Brother, I admire your courage!" Yue Lindao nodded, and then said: "Also insight."

Ignoring these, Su Qing smiled faintly and continued.

"But when I got to the focus, I found that the position that Mr. Jiao gave me was nothing more than this." He said: "It was only to solve specific problems. Later, I had no way to propose the "free model". There is a fluke behind this, and I also A lot of thoughts and gains. On this basis, after a long time of thinking, I have the new idea of ​​today."

Realizing that he was about to enter the subject, Yue Lindao nodded and waited.

At the next moment, Su Qingyue said: "I realized that to really do well in this industry, it's not just about research and development, it's not just about having the so-called Internet genes." He said, paused and said: "What I didn't talk about on the stage just now is that the grand entertainment strategy is based on the Internet, creating an intellectual property fan economy."

"intellectual property?"

"Yes," Su Qingyue nodded and explained: "For example, the works of the old man are born with such charm. Then the stories surrounding him will build a series of products such as film and television, games, storytelling, comics and so on." He Said: "These products will feed back this story again, and gradually they will form their own universe and continue to innovate."

He is here.

Yue Lindao's eyes lit up, and he seemed to understand.

After all, Su Qingyue had already spoken a lot on stage before.

With such a supplement, he naturally understands.

Then Su Qingyue said again: "My initial plan is the theme of martial arts. On the basis of different martial arts themes, a complete set of worldview and character logic is established, connecting all the'single' character stories and the interweaving of each character story. "While he was talking, the waiter came and started using the standard tea ceremony to give them tea.

Su Qingyue told Yue Lindao that most companies now only cook cold rice.

Squeeze the last drop of oil and water from a work, a novel, and a movie.

"My thoughts are fundamentally different from them." He said so.

Yue Lindao was very excited and lit another cigarette.

"My approach to a work is to treat this story as a universe. Product research and development with it as the core, through continuous iteration, innovation, adding bricks and tiles...Add more themes to intervene, and finally achieve a work and form a circle A large number of fan groups around this work."

He said, Yue Lindao nodded from time to time.

Excitedly admired: "You feel right, it's a bit like a material operating system! Complement each other! Beautiful!"

Seeing him so excited.

Su Qingyue also felt that he had found the right person.

During this period, everything has been in the mind, forming words.

But he didn't really mention it to anyone.

Now someone can understand and is willing to do it.

He suddenly felt that he was getting closer and closer to that dream.

He went on again.

"On this basis, the high-quality content produced in the game sector can be streamed online, and can be extended to products such as TV series, movies, fan economy, etc.; and offline, you can go to game carnivals and theme parks. There are also derivatives. The development of the market for products and consumers, the huge profits made by these products and the influence of the brand can also feed back on game development.

After he spoke, Yue Lindao could no longer suppress himself.

The exit is just one sentence: "Cow..."

The more Su Qing laughed ~www.ltnovel.com~, she became more and more excited, and her speech speed also accelerated.

Continued: "The most important thing is that there is no longer a fragmentation in user consciousness. Each product derives new formats, new products and new experiences. Entertainment factors and Internet platforms no longer have boundaries, and all business models in all industries can be carried out. Integration and intercommunication. From works to games, from games to core fans, from fans to entertainment expansion, the expansion of entertainment is back to the game. With more and more such small cycles, a big entertainment that continues to grow and grow is finally formed system."

"Brother! Just tell me how much is the first step!" Yue Lindao asked excitedly.

However, Su Qingyue did not succeed.

He added: "I will come up with specific plans and plans, and work hard to achieve it step by step. The process cannot be smooth sailing, nor can it be accomplished overnight, but the goal of the'grand entertainment strategy' will not change."

"Brother! I am willing to take all my net worth to bet you!" Yue Lindao emphasized again.

At this time, the waiter served them tea again.

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