Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 334: : Life is enough to have a confidant

Never thought that if you have a goal, you can achieve it.

Recalling from the small place in Huaiwen to the southern capital, from the southern capital to Hualuo, and then to the focal point, the past is vivid.

But it was like a dream again, and it really happened.

Su Qingyue looked at Yue Lindao's firm gaze.

There is more than that, there is trust and appreciation.

The more Su Qing suppressed the flame in his heart, he kept admonishing himself.

If you want to ask more, why is it me?

Recall that someone once said: Ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Having said so many strategies, if you don’t talk about implementation or execution, then it’s just talking on paper.

The next moment, Su Qing became less excited, but became calmer.

Said: "I am going to buy one or two copyrighted novels for product design and research and development." He said: "Of course, including operation and marketing, we must do it ourselves." He said, picking up a teacup and drinking. After taking a sip of tea, he said, "In addition..."

"Qingyue, you can't finish talking about the specific plan today!" Yue Lindao waved his hand.

He looked very excited and waved his hand to let the waiter leave.

Then he personally picked up the tea set: "I will come for today's Kung Fu tea."

"Are you here?" Su Qing smiled.

"Don't believe me?" Yue Lindao laughed. He said first throw away the brewed tea and rinse the tea set again. "The people on our side are the most particular about tea culture. In the past, there were places to drink tea in various small shops. When I was young, my family was poor, no rice, but all tea."

"Treat the gentleman, clear the mind and body." Su Qingyue said suddenly thinking of an article about Kung Fu tea.

"Right! That's the sentence."

Yue Lindao laughed.

Started step by step, and asked Su Qingyue: "Do you know how many procedures are there for real Kung Fu tea and ancient methods?"

"You said." Although Su Qingyue loves to drink tea, the Jiangnan area is mainly green tea, and he doesn't know much about Kung Fu tea.

Looking at the movements of a few signs on Yue Lindao, it is not simple.

"A total of twenty-one." He said: "In modern society, everything is electrified, so a lot of processes are saved." He said: "At least there are no more fire-lighting and fire-hugging, but there are more than a dozen procedures left. After he finished speaking, he rinsed the tea set with clean water, and said: "However, no matter how it changes, people only have a chance to drink tea at the tea table."

Hearing it out, he speaks with tea.

Only those who can get to the table have the opportunity to taste tea.

Su Qingyue said: "So we have to go to the table first."

"Yes!" Yue Lindao nodded earnestly, and proceeded to the next step: "No matter how many processes you have, modern or ancient, you will only have the opportunity to go to the table first. This is the eternal conclusion." He said, thinking about it. After a while, he said, "In this respect, I am the same as you, but different."

"How do you say?" Su Qingyue asked.

"Just like you, I was unwilling to start my business when I was in college. Later, after graduating from college, I founded the Lindao Software." He said, "I can say that. At the beginning, many people opposed my business and said Whatever you have no way, you can do it? But if I see that opportunity, if I don’t rush forward, I will regret it forever."

The more Su Qing could imagine, the pain of not being admitted without any support.

Suddenly recalled how I felt when I decided to go to Pingjing.

Correct! It's almost exactly the same.

Watching Yue Lindao scrape off the tea foam.

A word echoed in my mind: some birds are destined to be unstoppable, and each of their feathers shines brightly.

Think about how many years I have endured.

But in the end he couldn't hold back, and broke out of the cage.

"At this point, I am like you. I can't see the opportunity but keep myself in a cage."

"That's how it feels!" Yue Lindao said.

"Can I say something different?" Su Qingyue said: "I think I can guess what you are going to say.

"You said, Qingyue." Yue Lindao smiled.

"The biggest difference between me and you is that I have never been to a tea station." He said: "And you have at least drank tea on it, although the position is not in the middle."

"Qingyue, what I admire most about you is spirituality!"

Yue Lindao language stopped laughing.

Pour the tea in the tea cup and hand it to Su Qingyue as a gesture.

Smell the aroma a little.

Take a sip.

Yue Lindao continued: “I have sold all Lindao software now, not because I don’t want to be in this position, but because I see that there are too many people on this table, but the water is getting less and less, and the tea is more It's faint. If this continues, sooner or later you will have to drink plain water."

"It's boring, it's better to leave!"

"Yes!" Yue Lindao said: "But this is temporary!"

"When you come back again, it must be the one who sits in the lead and drinks tea!" Su Qingyue said.

Instantly understood Yue Lindao's ambition.

The latter suddenly laughed: "The one who knows my heart is better than you, brother!" After speaking, he said again: "You can tell me how much it is."

"The first phase will cost 30 million!" Although this ambition is worthy of such a quota, it is still somewhat uneasy. At the next moment, Su Qingyue explained again: "Because the development of two projects and the initial market expenses are required at the same time, so..."

"This is the first issue?"

"Yes, because..." Su Qingyue wanted to explain again.

"The scale of investment is too small to reach the goal. And only when the product comes out can it be convincing." Yue Lindao interrupted him and said, "Brother, just follow your plan. I will pay the start-up capital, and let the stall first Support it. You are responsible for the management and operation of the company, and I will do a good job of logistical support, including finding money and relationships."

"Go all out!"

Su Qingyue has nothing to say.

He thinks that at this moment, the only thing he can do is to make a plan and start as soon as possible.

At this time, Yue Lindao said: "I quit all Lindao software. The money is paid in three times, and the total is 120 million. I just received the first sum of more than 40 million and paid more than 3,000 taxes. Put in, don't worry!" He said and ordered: "But you don't look for anyone else."

I didn't expect Yue Lindao to be so real.

He even said about his family.

That kind of aura of giving up to others is something most people don't have.

So it makes sense for some people to succeed.

Yue Lindao didn't want such a chance to go to the tea table, so he was taken away by the sword.

I hope I can do things at ease.

The next moment, Su Qingyue picked up the tea cup, and finally couldn't restrain his emotions anymore, and said: "Mr. Yue~www.ltnovel.com~ Replace wine with tea!"

In an instant, Yue Lindao also served a cup: "Qingyue, I am old, I may not be so accurate in catching the times. But I am fortunate that I know you. Since the success of "Martial Arts World", I have been following you. "He said: "I worried about you before because of the focus."

"I see."

"But I always think that you are ahead of us. You can grasp the industry and grasp this era." He said, his eyes blushed: "You are a genius in this regard. I have waited for so long, and I am waiting for you this day! In fact, I should thank you!” said excitedly: “After the merger of Lindao Software and Wangqi, there was a stage that was particularly lost. I think maybe this is all the achievements of my life, no matter how difficult it is to break through... Fortunately for this industry, fortunately you……"

After speaking, the circles of their eyes were red.

Replace wine with tea.

Su Qingyue finally said: "For the grand entertainment strategy! Also for the re-launch!"

The two sip tea lightly.

Laughed brilliantly.

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