Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 335: : Strike while the iron is hot

The words of emotion are finished.

They continued.

From specific company establishment to address selection, opening time, initial scale, and departmental structure.

Think about the future again.

They have a lot of ideas about the company's name and LOGO.

The more I talk, the happier I am.

I asked the waiter for a few pieces of A4 paper and painted on it. More than an hour passed without knowing it.

During the period, Yue Lindao laughed from time to time. It was a kind of comfort from the heart, full of expectation and excitement about the future.

For two people who want to do things, frankness comes first.

At the end, talking about shares.

Su Qingyue is hesitating, not knowing how to allocate such a large amount of investment.

How to "talk about money without hurting feelings."

At this time, Yue Lindao directly gave a plan: "Brother, you listen to me, we are one and half."

"Huh?" Su Qingyue was startled, and for the first time heard that equity could be like this.

Then Yue Lindao said: "47.5% of one person, and the remaining 15% is for the team! But you will hold it on your behalf." Finally he asked, "What do you think?"

Can't speak for a while.

Su Qingyue has been in the industry for so long.

What market is very clear in my heart.

At this point in time, the industry's valuation of entrepreneurial teams is basically less than 10 million.

Angel investment basically ranges from a few million to a few million, with investors occupying 20 to 30 shares.

However, Yue Lindao valued himself so high, but chose to let himself hold the controlling stake.

Returned 15% to the team.

This also represents respect for the team.

This kind of sincerity is naturally nothing to say.

He has worked with Jiao Kejun.

He knew the industry situation very well.

People like Yue Lindao who have great wisdom, are willing to give up their interests and respect the team, are worthy of respect.

But it is also a burden.

Feeling the sudden increase in pressure, Su Qingyue put down the teacup: "Your sincerity is in front of us. My team and I can only work hard to meet the mountains and open the mountains and bridge the water. We live up to this goal, and we live up to our ideals. It must be served."

"If you can't get on the desktop, it's up to you." Yue Lindao said, pouring him tea again, with a smile on his face: "This is my second business venture. Last time I was young and just graduated from university. Now you are. Just like me, but you catch up with this golden age, the opportunities are endless."

"We are together!" Su Qingyue said.

"I'm responsible for checking and filling up vacancies, and do your logistical work, brother."

Su Qingyue nodded, poured tea on Yuelin Island, and said: "No problem! Let's continue down."


Yue Lindao nodded.

The two continued.

The first is company registration, office leasing and decoration.

You must first have an office location, otherwise it is informal and many tasks cannot be carried out.

Su Qingyue discussed with Yue Lindao, and Chen Ting would do this.

Zhou Ziyou, He Lili and the legal counsel of Lindao Software can act as assistants to assist her.

But Yue Lindao asked: "There is something before, I have to ask my brother, will Chen Ting agree to help us?"

"Yes." Su Qingyue replied in an affirmative tone: "Sister Ting, not only is a good person, but also a smart person who can do things well. She can handle administration, personnel, logistics, and business very well. Good. At least Jiao Kejun is not blind at this point."

"This is his right arm." Yue Lindao said.

"Outsiders seem to think so, but neither Jiao Kejun nor the two pigs understand this way." Su Qingyue did not say that Chen Ting's inner dissatisfaction and longing for respect were suppressed for a long time. She helps, not for her. Isn’t it a kind of enjoyment to make the best use of one’s talents? As for the future, I can only say to treat each other with sincerity and let the flow go. The eyes of the people are discerning, ha ha..."

The meaning of the drunkard lies in his heart.

He said so, and stared at Yue Lindao for a moment.

The latter nodded and said, "Yes."

Then they continued.

But what Su Qingyue really worried about was the R&D team.

For the core personnel of the project, will Jiao Kejun release it?

What should I do if I don’t let it go? After all, they are all prohibited from competition.

These are all he wants to think about.

The two talked a lot later.

It was so busy till late.

Looking at the sky outside, it was already a dark night sky.

The cold wind blew the branches outside the courtyard, and someone came in for tea.

Take a rest for a while.

Yue Lindao lit a cigarette again, this time Su Qingyue also smoked one.

Smell the clouds.

Seeing that Yue Lindao had only smoked one third, he squeezed out the cigarette.

Su Qingyue finally couldn't help being curious, and asked: "Mr. Yue, why do you only smoke one third of the cigarettes forever?"

"For the taste and for the health."

"Huh?" Su Qing became more puzzled.

Then Yue Lindao said: "The length of the cigarette is generally 84mm, and one-third is the best place to smoke. Do not smoke the rest. It is not good for your health." He smiled and said, "And the taste behind It will get worse and worse, so I stick to one-third of the bottom line."

He said nothing.

Su Qing laughed more and said: "Then don't smoke."

Slightly relieved, the two confirmed the general direction again.

Su Qingyue also talked about some of his favorite online works.

He believes that the current online works, although not fully accepted by the mainstream market, have a very good structure and a very exciting plot. The most important thing is that the content is detailed, the amount of information is large, and the space for adaptation is large.

He is going to make three shots with Zheng these days.

Walking out of the teahouse, Yue Lindao asked him: "Qingyue, let's find a place to drink at night? I can't sleep when I go back."

"Mr. Yue, I want to go home and prepare a plan. I work hard and hit the iron while it's hot." He said, looking at the ramen restaurant at the entrance of the alley, and said: "Let’s simply eat something. Know who will do it."


Yue Lindao no longer discouraged.

Entered the ramen restaurant, it was very shabby inside.

A smell of cumin.

They only ordered two ramen noodles with meat, and another platter of cold dishes.

Su Qingyue ordered two bottles of beer.

Yue Lindao said: "Then wait for the day of establishment! You must have a good meal."

"No problem!" Su Qingyue said.

Two people clink glasses.

Soon the dishes came.

The more Su Qing ate, he already refined the plan that he had perfected before.

After focus training, Zhou Ziyou can now take the lead in the market on his own.

For the entire research and development, Su Qingyue is also very confident.

But the question remains: Will Jiao Kejun release people?

A few days ago, Tian Zhong and Ouyang both complained: Legal Affairs asked them to discuss a competition agreement.

Saying bad things is a threat, saying good things is preventing trouble before it happens.

Su Qingyue realized that team formation is the main task for the future.

He thought about continuing to eat with Yue Lindao.

During the period, they talked a lot about the industry.

Yue Lindao was also in Xingtou and ordered beer three times.

Just decided to leave.

Pingjing at night was even colder.

The clouds are thick and the wind is bigger.

But in one day, there was no rain.

He still got off at the intersection ~www.ltnovel.com~ passing by Little Pink Deng and Paris Spring.

The smell of barbecue came.

The human voice was noisy, and for a moment he seemed to return to the scene where he first came here.

Only the temperature is different.

But there is a feeling of a world away, and when I look back, I realize that I have started a business.

Why is it so fast? He asked himself suddenly.

It seems that everything is so logical.

I don't know what Amu would think, they always discuss this issue recently.

But in fact, there is no answer.

The only thing two people can face is to move forward together!

Thinking of this, home finally arrived.

The wind outside was very cold, so he quickened his pace and opened the door.

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