Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 337: :concern

Forgot the time.

He worked out the initial work plan step by step.

There are several key points, such as novel copyright purchase, official company registration, personnel recruitment, etc. are all important nodes.

In the grand entertainment strategy, Su Qingyue's subject matter selection is still martial arts first.

Because the market acceptance is high, and he is familiar with it.

And this generation has more feelings for the world of the arena.

"Where there are Chinese, there are martial arts", which shows the universality of martial arts themes.

But the old man's work was bought by the falcon.

Secondly, the works of Long Ge, whom Su Qingyue liked very much, were also sold.

There are already several games on the market.

Su Qingyue was interested in him.

However, Long Ge's unruly character caused confusion for the heirs, and the internal copyright has not been clear.

This will make the product risky later.

There seems to be little hope for the works of two authors with head effects.

Su Qingyue was lost in thought.

Because there are head products, there is head flow.

In the field of martial arts, the arena has been set.

Regardless of the theme of the work, or the various games and movies adapted from it, the head pattern has been established.

It is even harder for latecomers to enter.

He thought about looking at his list again.

The books of Shenjian Shanhe are not bad. It is considered an excellent work in the new martial arts, Su Qingyue decided to get in touch first.

I was thinking, looking at the watch, it was already half past twelve.

Amu has fallen asleep.

Without daring to touch her file, Su Qingyue continued.

After a while, when he wrote about the market, he directly wrote Zhou Ziyou's name.

Send him a message and tell him what happened today.

Including team equity.

The last line of text tells him: I will wake up tomorrow and contact myself.

Then just about to continue.

Just look at the series of exclamation marks from Zhou Ziyou.

Followed by a series of shocked expressions.

Finally, a text was sent saying: "The boss is mighty!"

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Su Qingyue asked, looking at his watch, it was 12:45.

"Look at the book and charge it up. After resigning, I slept upside down in black and white, and I saw a whole night of books." Zhou Ziyou sent a text and added: "There are also the novels you and I said. I have some alternatives, and I feel that if we really set up a company, some can really be considered."

Understanding Zhou Ziyou, after he resigned, he left at home.

Although other companies approached him, they were all politely rejected.

Every day is reading and charging.

Thinking of this, Su Qing sent more and more words: "Then set it down, and we have a small meeting tomorrow night."

"It's okay, boss!" Zhou Ziyou said, with an excited expression again, and said: "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time, and finally caught up!" He said, using an exclamation mark in every sentence. To prove his excitement.

Across the computer, Su Qing smiled.

Of course I know the mood of waiting.

Replied to him: "There is motivation, but also pressure. There is no turning back in starting a business!"

"I understand this! Boss!" Zhou Ziyou replied.

The two were chatting.

Suddenly think of He Lili.

Beidaihe rebelled against Gao Yanhai.

Once back to Pingjing, she did not give the company a chance to open her own, and took the lead in resigning.

Known as the female hero. However, while admiring a bunch of programmers, there is also a sense of loss. The hope and motivation to get up to work every day are reduced by half...

But the sweet and salty He Lili maintains the fragile ecosystem of focal software.

Gao Yanhai's behavior broke this ecology and also prompted a change in the foreground.

Unexpectedly, a word of her own can make He Lili have an earth-shaking growth.

Su Qingyue was very happy.

After working together for so long, Su Qingyue still understands her.

Knowing that she is careful and hardworking.

It is really rare to be beautiful without knowing it and not seeking beauty.

It's just that sometimes, the mood is not stable.

Then he asked Zhou Ziyou: "Lily, how are you now?"

"Boss, if you are an administrator, I recommend Lily." Zhou Zi directly replied, "I told her that she was looking for a job recently. You wait for the boss. But she said that she really has no money and can't wait."

"What kind of job do you look for? I won't have it!" Su Qingyue said straightforwardly: "Come to the meeting tomorrow night."

"Thank you, boss!" Zhou Ziyou was smiling again.

Continue to make plans.

Then he left a message to Zheng Sanjian and asked him when he would have time. I want to go around and check out their novel platform, and I want to talk to him about some things. Deliberately didn't say to buy a novel, and wanted to see how the whole Shenjian Shanhe was and what they thought.

Send out a message to see that it is already 1.45.

I stretched my waist and saw that the plan was almost done, and sent it to Yue Lindao.

Then he left a message to Chen Ting, saying that he would like to treat her to dinner at noon tomorrow.

Then turn off the computer and prepare to rest.

At this moment, Amou had already fallen asleep, and Su Qingyue was as gentle as possible.

Charge your phone at the bedside.

At this time, the phone QQ rang suddenly, and he immediately reached out to mute the sound.

Amou was awakened by her side, but she didn't open her eyes, and only asked in a daze, "Who? So late."

"Former colleagues."


Amu continued to sleep again.

Su Qingyue turned on the phone and found out that Chen Ting came back.

"Sure," she said, and then asked: "But what's the matter?"

"Meet and talk, and ask you for help." Su Qingyue replied.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ting hadn't slept so late.

"Okay, see you tomorrow at noon." Chen Ting said, "I invite you. Let's go to the Sichuan restaurant opposite the unit, how about?"

"Listen to you, Sister Ting." Su Qingyue said, and sent another message asking: "I haven't slept so late."

"Can't sleep." Chen Ting replied.

It may be insomnia, Su Qing thought more, and then said: "It's always like this, you can eat some melatonin."

He has no means to treat insomnia.

This method is known only after reading some magazines.

But Chen Ting later replied: "Heart disease and melatonin are okay."

When she said, Su Qing became a little worried and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong? Sister Ting."

"It's okay."

Chen Ting returned.

Su Qingyue felt it was not that simple, and waited for a while.

Chen Ting's text was sent again: "Qingyue, sometimes I feel very emotional."

"What are you feeling?"

"I feel so emotional that I can survive in any environment." Chen Ting sent a message, confiding in a rare voice, and then said: "It seems that everyone treats me as a tool person. Do you feel that way too?"


Su Qingyue hit three question marks in a row.

He said: "No", and then wrote: "In my eyes you are a very important and respectable person."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course, or else I call sister Ting Ting all the time? I am from the bottom of my heart!" Su Qingyue sent out the text, trying to comfort her: "The person who treats you as a tool person does not realize you at all. Great."

"Do you think I am cowardly?" Chen Ting suddenly asked.

"Sometimes kindness will be misunderstood, but it will not be misunderstood forever." Su Qingyue replied, wondering if something happened to Chen Ting. Focus? Or family? So he replied: "Anyway, sister Ting, at least you are with me. In the eyes of our little brothers, you are really an important eldest sister."

"Big sister? Haha: Chen Ting sent a smile, and after a while, she returned with a message: "But when you are in focus, it is indeed my happiest time." She said, "Thank you, Qingyue, accompany I talk about it."

"It's okay!" Su Qingyue smiled back.

Until Chen Ting didn't want to talk ~www.ltnovel.com~ he didn't continue.

After a while, Chen Ting issued a text: "Then we will meet tomorrow."

"Well, let's talk about it when we meet."

The two finally finished talking, and Su Qingyue put the phone away.

See if Amu is still sleeping.

He stretched his waist, looked at the ceiling, thinking about starting a new life tomorrow.

This is his dream goal.

He could start chasing so soon, he couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Amu was turning around, opened his eyes to look at him, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." Su Qingyue replied.

Then I closed my eyes and it started to rain again outside the window.

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