Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 338: : Blessing

No dream for a night.

Almost early in the morning, Su Qingyue woke up from the cold.

Opened his eyes and looked out the window, the sky was still dark.

Look at the watch, it's already half past five in the morning.

The rain outside is still falling, and it seems that the late autumn rain has completely brought down the temperature.

It is impossible to return to summer if it is promoted.

I heard that Pingjing had a record of snow on October 7, but now it seems that it is really not bluffing.

He thought about it, and found that Ah Mou was also shivering with cold, got up and took the thick quilt and covered her.

Squinted again.

This time he had a dream, dreaming that he was flying.

The tall buildings below were a bit scared, and he always wanted to find the feeling of stepping on the ground.

But there is no chance.

Only keep flying, soaring in the sky.

High and low.

He didn't open his eyes until Ah Mu asked him to get up. Looking at the watch again, I found that it was half past eight.

Hurry up and contact Yue Lindao.

The other party obviously hadn't woken up yet, but as soon as he heard that he had dinner with Chen Ting at noon, he immediately became more energetic.

Asked again: "Is Sanjiao contacted?"

"He hasn't returned to me yet. I will call him later." Su Qingyue said, and said again: "There is still another evening, I will call a few people to have a meeting, including Chen Ting. The main thing is to talk about the plan. We must hurry up."

"No problem." Yue Lindao said.

After hanging up the phone, Su Qingyue told him the address.

Sitting in front of the computer, I remembered what Chen Ting said last night.

I don't know what happened to her, but I can feel some resentment in her heart.

There are also disappointments.

Is it about the company? Or family?

Chen Ting has never been like this.

Maybe it's easy to feel lonely at night.

Su Qingyue thought, seeing that Amu had finished washing up, he asked, "Isn't it just starting on Monday?"

"Yes, I have to adapt in advance to get up early..." Amu said lazily, "I've been too lazy these days."

After speaking, he sat in the chair and laughed.

Su Qingyue nodded.

Recently, he and Amu have indeed been more leisurely, and their work and rest time can be said to be getting late.

It's time to return to normal.

He got up suddenly and went to wash up.

When I came back, my phone was ringing, and it was Zheng Sangun who sent the message.

The latter sent a polite welcome message and sent the address.

The two exchanged greetings for a while.

We will meet in the afternoon.

Then it was Zhou Ziyou who said Lili’s feedback and the next arrangements.

Did not return him.

People kept looking for him throughout the morning, from heads of major companies to venture capital.

He wanted to read novels for a while, but he couldn't be quiet.

I feel busier than at the company.

At eleven o'clock, Yue Lindao picked him up, and the two went to the hotel agreed with Chen Ting.

On the car, Yue Lindao's eyes were red, and he obviously did not sleep well.

"Insomnia?" Su Qingyue asked.

"It's a bit excited, I haven't felt this for a long time. The mentality of an entrepreneur is incomprehensible to others..." Yue Lindao said with a smile: "I wanted to call you, but later I didn't think it was appropriate. I was afraid of affecting your rest in the middle of the night. I didn't go to bed until five o'clock this morning." He said, the car drove through the ring road: "I will cooperate with all my strength.

The two said, moving on.

Arrived in a while.

Because it was early, there were no people in the restaurant.

Su Qingyue asked for an elegant room and sent it to Chen Ting.

The latter arrived as soon as they sat down.

She is wearing a woolen jacket today with a knitted peony embroidered on it.

The lower body is still a skirt.

Upon entering the door to see Yue Lindao, he raised his eyebrows and shook hands with him: "Mr. Yue, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"No!" Yue Lindao said with a smile, and asked Chen Ting to sit down, and then said, "Since I quit Lindao Software, Mr. Jiao has stopped looking for me." He asked, "How is it going? Is the company busy?"

"Mr. Jiao may be too busy." She replied, sloppy for Jiao Kejun, but did not respond to the company. Instead, she asked with a smile: "Mr. Yue, Qingyue, how are you together?"

Look at her brilliant smile.

Su Qingyue felt that it was a sincere kind of closeness and warmth, without hostility.

There is no need to go around or hide anything.

In the next moment, Su Qingyue said straightforwardly: "Sister Ting, I have started a business with Mr. Yue."

"Huh?" Chen Ting froze for a moment, then smiled to express her congratulations, and said, "Good deed, Qingyue."

Su Qingyue added: "Yue is always my partner now."

"I just do miscellaneous work for Qingyue and check for missing vacancies. The main work is that Qingyue doesn't want to do it or doesn't have the energy to pay attention to." Yue Lindao added with a smile, and said: "I always hear clearly about how good Sister Ting is and how to take care of him. Tell me about the project team, he thank you very much."

"Working with Qingyue is very comfortable." Chen Ting said with a smile: "Smart and responsible, and not hypocritical. It is really a blessing to find such a partner."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Yue Lindao said three pairs with a smile.

The three of them spoke and began to order.

Chen Ting ordered two spicy dishes, two of which were not spicy.

The other two cold dishes also match the same way.

Yuelindao rarely drank alcohol because he had to drive.

Everyone chatted a few more words.

Su Qingyue felt that he could speak directly.

He said: "Sister Ting, we want to ask you for help."

"Well, you said." Chen Ting nodded, already guessing what it was after thinking about it.

"Because of our long-term cooperation, I trust your professionalism very much." He said: "The establishment of the company requires professional and trustworthy people from registration to office leasing, post-procurement and decoration. So I discussed with Mr. Yue for a long time. No one is more suitable than you."

"no problem."

Chen Ting smiled back, simple and clear.

There is not even a word of extra.

Yue Lindao obviously didn't expect that the former would be so neat.

No request was made.

There is no pretending to be embarrassed.

There is no hesitation.

He froze for a moment~www.ltnovel.com~ and then he said to Su Qingyue, "Qingyue, let's replace the bar with tea."

"Okay!" Su Qingyue also held up the cup: "Thank you Sister Ting, then."

"Qingyue, don't say that." Chen Ting took the cup and smiled: "I am happy to see you get up step by step. I hope you can follow your established goals and be yourself. Don't care what others say! I will do my best to support you!"

"Thank you." Su Qingyue nodded.

The three of them replaced wine with tea and cheers.

Then he said he had a meeting in the evening.

The location is still set at that tea house.

Yue Lindao smiled and said, "I came to make Kung Fu tea for everyone in the evening, and there was a box of Wuyishan Dahongpao left, which was delivered by air from the boss' hometown.

When the business was finished, Chen Ting used tea instead of wine to respect Su Qingyue and Yue Lindao: I hope they have a good business.

Everyone is just chatting.

From the industry to the entertainment circle.

Everyone deliberately avoided the focus of the status quo, and said nothing.

After dinner, Chen Ting didn't let Yue Lindao send herself.

Su Qing understood that she was afraid that Jiao Kejun would see it and was suspicious.

Thinking about it, it's a bit boring to be so careful.

Watching her leave, Yue Lindao said, "Chen Ting is a real person."

"And also very capable." Su Qingyue said, sighing: "It's a pity to be in the focus."

"Let's walk around." Yue Lindao said.

The two smiled at each other tacitly.

Get in the car and leave to find Zheng Sangun.

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