Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 339: : See Zheng 3 Shots Again

Zheng Sangun's office is outside the Fifth Ring Road.

There is development, roads are being built everywhere, and construction sites are everywhere.

The machine roared, day and night.

Blocks of tall buildings stand proudly across the fence.

Yue Lindao pointed to a place not far away and said to Su Qingyue: "This should be the headquarters of the Sunshine Company, the largest computer group, and all the staff moved here immediately." He said, "I heard that Xiguancun Software Park is also here. "

"Then here will be the center of the universe." Su Qingyue said.

Looking out of the car window, large vehicles came and went in and out of the construction site.

Think of it as a place where there used to be horse-raising for the army of the Ming Dynasty. The Second Banner usually only had twenty people.

Later, there were some villages between Qi and Qi.

It was originally a place far away from the Emperor Tiangao, who would have thought that it has now become a pivotal science and technology center.

Su Qingyue sighed with the changes of the times.

I don't know how the golden age will evolve.

But one thing is certain, I will do my best in this era to hit my goals.

Seize the day and live up to your youth.

The car continued to drive forward.

Because roads are being built everywhere, road signs and traffic lights are set up temporarily.

Su Qingyue had to call Zheng Sangun to confirm the address again.

Finally, after walking a lot of injustice, finally found the place Zheng Sangun said.

A relatively long-term community, it is estimated that the welfare housing distribution in the 1980s and 1990s.

The style is old, and the external walls of the building also show signs of being washed by rain for many years.

Su Qingyue knows that many start-up companies have emerged from such residential buildings.

Mainly because the cost is relatively low.

In addition, since there are no modern properties in the old community, the people who work are more free to come and go. Of course, this is a double-edged sword.

They drove in.

He Yuelindao rolled down the car window, building number after building.

Finally found the place Zheng Sangun said in the last building.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw Zheng Sangun coming out of the unit building.

The three immediately beckoned.

Zheng Sanjiao came over, shook hands with Yue Lindao first, and smiled: "Mr. Yue, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know if you are coming, I will welcome you." He also blamed Su Qingyue, half jokingly. Said: "Qingyue, you should tell me in advance so that I can go out to meet him."

"What you said, it seems that Qingyue is not worthy of you." Yue Lindao smiled.

Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Zheng Sanjian hurriedly smiled and apologized: "No, no. Qingyue is his own..."

In fact, no one took it seriously.

The topic quickly went wrong.

Under the guidance of Zheng Sanjian, the two walked upstairs.

He led the way and smiled embarrassingly: "On the sixth floor, there is no elevator, so I can only climb up hard." He said, and laughed: "But I can exercise. I lost six pounds this month." Then he asked: "Mr. Yue, I don't know what wind brought you here. Qingyue suddenly contacted me yesterday. I still don't know what's going on."

"I'm following Qingyue, come and take a look."

Yue Lindao said, looking at Su Qingyue.

Obviously, I wanted to give Su Qingyue the story.

But Zheng Sanjian might not understand, and he said: "Then you are right, our Shenjian Shanhe is currently in contact with several big companies such as DADA, Dongfang.com, and Yiyuan." He said with a smile, like a proud man. The child said again: "Now we occupy half of the entire online literature market."

"Then there should be a lot of good works," Yue Lindao asked.

"A lot..." Zheng Sanqiang said, speaking only to Yue Lindao, not to Su Qingyue, and said: "Especially "Kill the Immortal" and "Bing under the City" are all here with us, and they are already It’s a big hit. Internet literature has just emerged. Unlike physical publishing, it’s low cost and time efficient.” He said, with a disdainful expression: “The writers are cheap.”

Su Qingyue felt that it was a bit bad for him.

But Su Qingyue did not reveal anything.

Go up to the top floor, the door inside is half open.

There is a very small front desk as soon as you enter the door, and the shadow wall is written in a line: Shenjianshanhe.

The word is good, Su Qing thought.

Zheng Sanqiang said to Yue Lindao: "Mr. Yue, online novels are now a big hit. We are studying a more complete profit model, and the prospects for future revenue are very good." He said, pointing to the living room after entering the door. : "This is our editorial department."

There were two rows, eight tables, and it was crowded.

However, it is normal for a startup company to squeeze a bit.

A platform can have so many excellent novels, no matter how small it is, it is great.

Su Qingyue thought so and asked Zheng Sanqiang casually: "Do you have the copyright to these novels now?"

"Of course there is. The default contract when publishing." He explained, and looked at Yue Lindao: "Now this industry is growing savagely, and many authors are not very professional, so they don't understand the contract, and there is a lot of room for maneuverability. ..."

He said three people and walked upstairs again.

Zheng Sanqiang went on to introduce: "Do you know how the name Shenjian Shanhe came from? It was a friend of mine who wrote this book when he was bored. We created a personal website and uploaded it for international students to appreciate, so this website was created. Later, when we formally established the company, we signed all the copyrights of this novel at a very low price. My friend was originally a ticket, and he didn’t care. It can be said that now he has no rights except the right to sign. , Haha..."

Shocked at how he faced these authors and even friends.

Su Qingyue and Yue Lindao looked at each other for a moment.

He felt that he was not in this attitude when he was drinking with Chen Feng that day.

But thinking about it can understand, after all, it was with Chen Feng that day.

Yuelindao is also considered a leader in the industry.

He may be somewhat restrained.

Su Qingyue originally wanted to say that he had read this novel for himself and liked his pursuit of traditional culture. At the same time, he borrowed a lot of the most popular games, movies, and cartoons.

But still remained silent.

After all, this is about business.

Just thinking about it, Zheng Sangun led them into his office.

There is an executive desk inside, and the chair is a bit old.

Three people sat down.

Someone poured water for them.

Zheng Sanjian looked at it and frowned.

Instruct someone like he instructed him: "Make some tea, what is this?"

The man hurriedly said sorry and wanted to take the cup away.

Su Qingyue and Yue Lindao were suddenly embarrassed, got up to stop, and hurriedly said no.

Su Qingyue asked, "How is your copyright business going now? Except for "Shen Jian Shanhe", do you have any other works for us to recommend?" He said, in fact, he meant to recommend works for himself. At the same time, Su Qingyue also wanted to know if there was anything good that he had missed.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Sangun did not mention these, but said to himself: "Copyright is now our business, and it should be said to be quite good. There are many excellent works being discussed." He said, turning to Yue Lin. Island: "And the price is not cheap, the whole company is very profitable."

Only then did I understand what Zheng Sanqiang meant.

It turned out that he thought that Yue Lindao was here to investigate, and he seemed a little impatient.

Think that you can buy the company and cash out.

Look at each other with Yue Lindao.

A little awkward.

At the next moment, Su Qingyue interrupted him: "Three shots, Mr. Yue and I came here today, mainly because I am fancying your novels here and want to ask if you have sold them." He said, "There is also I want to ask you, what is your best-selling type now, you can also recommend it to us."

"Oh?" Zheng San shot startled, looking very surprised.

Later, Yue Lindao smiled and nodded and explained: "I started a business with Qingyue, a game company, and Qingyue is our CEO," he said: "He is very interested in the novels on your platform."

"Ouch..." Zheng Sanjiao was taken aback, stretched out his hand to Su Qingyue, and laughed: "Manager Su, I'm sorry! I'm sorry."

The two shook hands again.

Zheng Sanqiang changed his personality and asked, "Which novel did you read, President Su?"

"I want "Sword Mountain and River", and there is also "Ming Yu Hebian"." Su Qingyue asked.

"There is no problem with "Excalibur Mountain and River", "Ming Yu Hebian" has not been serialized yet." Zheng Sangun introduced.

"The copyright exists." Su Qingyue said.

"Don't worry about that." Zheng Sanqiang was confident.

Su Qingyue also believes that there is no problem.

That being the case, it must be settled as soon as possible.

He asked straightforwardly: "Brother, you can give me a price."

"In this way, I will let the business make a comprehensive evaluation, because we are currently doing this work, but the other work you mentioned has not been finished yet." Zheng Sanjiao said: "I will let them do it quickly, wait a moment."

"So fast?" Su Qing asked, faintly feeling that the assessment was not quite right.

"Special matters."

Zheng Sangun smiled and started typing on the computer.

Then he once again asked Yue Lindao and Su Qingyue to exchange tea.

Then he said: "The new tea just came down this year."

As he said, Su Qingyue looked around.

Zheng Sangun's bookcase is second-hand and looks a little shabby.

The walls have been repainted, but they are not too flat.

Think about the scene when you just came in ~www.ltnovel.com~ the lights are dim.

These are not consistent with the status quo that Zheng Sanqiang said. I don't know if it's not showing money or bluffing?

After about ten minutes, Zheng's three QQ shots rang, and he took a look.

He raised his head and said to Su Qingyue: "Su, our comprehensive assessment is 500,000 per copy, all copyrights."

Although the evaluation process is a bit quick.

But the price is not bad.

Su Qingyue believes that "Ming Yu Hebian Ji" is not a head work, nor is it a first-line author.

But full copyright development is great.

"Excalibur Mountain River" is no problem.

Slightly bargained with Zheng Sangun.

In the end, the two parties traded at the price of 850,000.

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