Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 340: :unexpected

I didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

They discussed drawing up the contract tomorrow and signing the contract the day after tomorrow.

Su Qingyue is still very happy.

Su Qingyue originally had a list in his hands.

But in the end he didn't speak.

He also laughed and said: "Mr. Yue, you can consider voting for us in the future." He said: "Our business is now booming. The key is that this group of authors are just a bunch of children, so they are very easy to fool." With that kind of disdain, he saw that he usually thinks that way, and then he said: "Everything is under control."

At that moment, Su Qing understood why he felt something was wrong.

It is because of Zheng Sanjiao's attitude towards others.

In his mouth, both the partners and these authors have become the resources he can realize.

Every sentence brings out disdain.

If you don’t even have a little respect, don’t talk about respecting the interests of others.

But still smile and listen to him continue.

And Yue Lindao nodded from time to time, um ha ha.

In the end, I couldn't listen anymore, Su Qingyue looked at his watch, interrupted him directly, got up and shook hands with him.

"Mr. Zheng, the company has just been established, and we have other business." He said, reaching out and shaking hands with Zheng Sangun, and then said: "Let's say that, you quickly make the contract."

"No problem, it's all template contracts." Zheng Sangun said.

Yue Lindao also got up.

Just a simple greeting, leaving with Yue Lindao.

Zheng San shot them off and said: "By the way, where are you going to choose the office location?"

After hesitating, Su Qingyue said: "Let's talk about it after discussing it, who knows."

"Brother, I recommend this to you. There is definitely room for appreciation in the future." He pointed to the place where he was, and said: "The locals here don't have to do anything, they are worth more than ten million. Look, this is something. How cool..."

It feels like he was not like this the last time he drank.

I do not know how it is.

Su Qingyue and Yue Lindao boarded the car and greeted him politely again.

Then left.

Passing through the potholes again, the sound of electric drills on both sides continued to rang.

They raised the windows.

Yue Lindao asked him: "Why didn't you take out the back list?"

"Let's take a look first," Su Qingyue was a little worried, so he explained: "Let's sign this first, don't worry about the others."

"I have this feeling too." Yue Lindao nodded and asked again: "Do you think that Zheng Sanjiao is a bit inexplicably exciting."

"Somewhat." Su Qingyue said.

"Well, let's have the same idea." Yue Lindao said: "I have been in the channel for so many years, and I have seen a lot of fraud. The contract will have to be reviewed by then."

"Sure." Su Qingyue said.

The car continued to drive forward.

Near the evening, they went to pick up Zhou Ziyou and He Lili.

The reason why I didn't go to Chen Ting.

The main reason is that I am afraid of the troika, anyone who sees it will tell Jiao Kejun.

You can't just cause a lot of trouble to others without discussing any benefits.

They met Zhou Ziyou and He Lili in the cafe downstairs.

The sky was already dark at this time.

It's late autumn, and the temperature feels a lot.

Su Qingyue introduced Zhou Ziyou to Yue Lindao in the car, and the latter turned around and shook hands with them one by one.

Yue Lindao went on to say: "Qingyue, I suddenly remembered that when we met at that time, you happened to be the marketing manager, right?"

"That's right, then my son and friend will follow me." Su Qingyue said.

"This time feels like yesterday," Yue Lindao sighed, laughed, and said to Zhou Ziyou: "You Ziyou, you have a good vision." He said, "The job selection is very important, and the right people will get twice the result with half the effort. ."

"The main thing is to thank the boss for choosing me." Zhou Ziyou smiled.

"Choose from each other."

Listening to the politeness of the two of them, Su Qingyue really couldn't stand it, and interjected: "Okay, don't be sour."

He then introduced He Lili.

Tell Yue Lindao that Lili had been assisting Zhou Ziyou with some marketing work, as well as logistics.

Yue Lindao said that it was hard.

Drive forward, and when it comes to the tea house, it is already dark.

They chose a big bag this time.

It is no longer a French window, but there is a bookshelf as a shadow wall.

The whole arrangement is a bit like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Su Qingyue picked up a copy of "A Dream of Red Mansions" in a thread-bound package.

Yue Lindao ordered some refreshments first, and asked the waiter to bring the Dahongpao he treasured.

The four of them were chatting, and Chen Ting called.

Said it was at the entrance of the hutong, but did not find the location.

Su Qingyue got up to pick them up. Before leaving the hospital, he saw Chen Ting walk in.

He smiled awkwardly and explained: "This brand is so big, I didn't even see it, so I walked it over and over twice."

"It's not that you didn't see it alone, and I didn't see it either." Another girl explained with a smile.

Su Qing remembered that she was Fan Shengnan, the legal counsel of Lindao.

A girl from Northeast China.

Very capable.

Shake hands with her immediately.

Seeing them coming, Yue Lindao hurriedly got up to greet them.

Several people greeted, Su Qingyue made it clear that He Lili would continue to be Chen Ting's assistant.

Then Yue Lindao sat back at the tea table and said, "I will make Kung Fu tea today." He said, "I will be your logistics in the future." After speaking, he unfolded the tea set skillfully, and started by pouring the warm tea pot, he said again : "You talk about you, don't worry about me."

Su Qingyue said straightforwardly: "Even if our group is established today, I would like to thank sister Ting and Sheng Nan for their help. I have helped us in the project team before. I hope we can cooperate happily this time. I represent myself. , Mr. Yue, and the company thank you all."

The words are simple, but they have the meaning.

Then Chen Ting spoke: "What we want to talk about is mainly about the establishment of the company: equity, address, additional decoration arrangements, and company name. The internal implementation must be unified first, and then work can be carried out as soon as possible."

After she spoke, people began to discuss.

Zhou Ziyou said: "I thought about it last night. I listed a few names. You guys listen to: Yiyou, Shiyou, Videogame..." He said, explaining the meaning of the next two words: "The world of the world, TV’s view."

"It's okay." Chen Ting said with a smile.

Yue Lindao looked at Su Qingyue.

The latter shook his head and put forward his opinion: "It's good, but it's too focused on games." He explained: "We should be a network-based entertainment company. The business line that can be entered in the future is not just games." He waved his hand and said. : "This name should be neutral."

As he said, everyone started to think again.

Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou mentioned more than a dozen names, but they were not very satisfied.

However, Chen Ting suggested to keep them first.

She said: "In the end, no matter how you get a name, if you can't pass, there is an alternative."

Nodded and said yes.

Several people continued afterwards, and Yue Lindao also gave a name from time to time.

But they are not too satisfied~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue feels that the name is already before his eyes.

At the next moment, he suddenly said: "How about Yuedao Network?" Then he explained: "Yue means happy and happy. This is our company's core competitiveness, which makes users happy. And Tao is not just referring to the gentleman's love for money. Taking the right way also means that we have our own way."

"This is good!"

Zhou Ziyou and Yue Lindao haven't spoken yet.

Fan Shengnan said: "Tea has a tea ceremony, and playing games has its own way. I think it's good."

"I also think it's better than the previous ones. The key is to have a better meaning." Zhou Ziyou added.

Then Chen Ting also said, "I don't quite understand, but it sounds good, I think it's okay."

As they said, the waiter brought them refreshments again.

At this time, Chen Ting said again: "Then let's continue with the following topics."

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