Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 349: : Grievance

See her tears welling up in her eyes and slid across her white cheeks.

She didn't wipe it, but suddenly grabbed Su Qingyue's hand and sobbed: "Brother Yue, you say you say..."

She was full of alcohol.

The face went red to the neck.

Okay, my sister hurried over to complete the game: "Qingyue, she drank too much."

"I know." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

Feeling the temperature of her palm, recalling Hengqin, her hand was as cold as a piece of nephrite.

Now it may become piping hot because of excessive drinking.

It's like a hot red soldering iron.

I don't understand what she meant by not telling me.

My sister did not leave, probably because she was worried that Xiao Yu, who was drunk, would make embarrassing behavior.

Su Qingyue had no choice but to emphasize again: "It's okay... don't worry... it's all your own, knowing the roots."

Xiao Yu finally wiped away tears, twitched his nose, and looked up at his sister.


Looking back at Su Qingyue again, he said, "What are you worried about? Brother Yue, tell the truth, are you worried about me telling Jiang Zhengshang about your business secrets. Are you telling the truth, isn't it like this?"

Su Qing became even more embarrassed by the reply that the donkey's lips did not respond to the horse's mouth.

I just wanted to say: How could I mean that?

At the next moment, Xiao Yu said again: "You didn't find me for starting a business, is it because of this? In your heart, I am no longer your own?"

She finally returned to the subject.

Su Qingyue understood what she meant.

Suddenly I felt my heart was gripped suddenly, and wanted to say how this is possible.

Seeing her talking, she continued to sob.

Knowing that Xiao Yu had misunderstood himself, he originally believed that his brutal life did not require explanation.

But facing Xiao Yu, he found that he had to explain clearly.

"I want to wait until things are heard." After thinking about it, I felt that one sentence was not enough, and then said: "Don't you understand me? I like to do everything well before telling others."

"Really?" Xiao Yu burst into laughter suddenly.

"Really." Su Qingyue nodded.

My sister took a breath and thought it was all right.

But the next moment, Xiao Yu suddenly cried again.

Sobbed: "No! Don't lie to me, you just don't want me, right?"

"Really not." Su Qingyue said, having to pat Xiao Yu's shoulder with his hand.

But Xiao Yu ignored his response and continued: "Is it because of Jiang Zhengshang?"

"How can it be?"

"No, I know, it's because of him." Xiao Yu cried: "I know that you two are at odds. He doesn't believe you can succeed, so he ridiculed you. I know, I know all. I quarreled with him. I've said it all. I won't lie to you, Brother Yue."

"Xiaoyu, old Jiang and I have no problem! Even if we have some opinions or disagreements in character, we won't become enemies..." Su Qingyue said quickly.

But Xiao Yu obviously drank too much.

Refusing to end it, she continued: "No! Brother Yue!" Her voice suddenly rose, attracting the attention of Zhang Dongtian next to her, and then her voice suddenly lowered again, "To be honest, if I tell you now, we are over. Brother Yue , Would you still want me?"

A sentence that can easily cause misunderstandings is spoken.

Su Qingyue only felt that Zhang Dongtian looked over unconsciously.

This time Zhou Ziyou also came over and explained with a smile: "Sister Yu, I'm drinking too much!"

Zhang Dongtian also hurriedly smiled and said, "Understand, understand."

Xiao Yu added in time at this time, pulling Su Qingyue very close to him, and then said: "Brother Yue, I think of us people, and do things happily as they did in the past. Do you understand?"

"Understand, understand." Smelling the faint fragrance of her body, Su Qing returned.

"You don't tell me when you start a business, I don't hate you, nor do you hate Ziyou." She said: "I only hate myself now, why did I believe his nonsense in the first place. With him, can you understand this, brother Yue "" She said, taking a look at her sister and Zhou Ziyou again, "Do you understand?"

The three of them froze instantly, not knowing how to answer.

Despite some days, Su Qing gradually realized that Xiao Yu seemed to be at odds with Jiang Zhengshang.

I never thought that the rift between them would make Xiao Yu couldn't help but say this in public.

I don't know how long she was depressed.

Feel the great sense of loss.

In order to protect her privacy, Su Qingyue hurriedly said: "You have been drinking too much, stop talking."

"No! I'm going to say! What are you afraid of?" Xiao Yu raised his voice again, and his tone was instantly tough: "What are you afraid of!" Then he changed from being tough again to a low level: "Brother Yue, I am very wronged and wronged." She emphasized .

Su Qingyue can only nod.

Listening to her continue: "I admit that in China Network, he treats me very well, he is very caring, and I am also very touched. He also tried to deceive himself and others, put down precautions, and walked forward together as much as possible. But since he arrived at Falcon, he has changed. "She said, crying and clutching Su Qingyue's hand: "He desperately spent money on me, just to make me obey him. Even the underwear, shoes, and socks I wear every day have to be reported. Everyone I see every day has to be reported. Brother Yue, am I a criminal?"

"Huh?" Zhou Ziyou exclaimed next to her.

Su Qingyue was also startled.

He thought about their disagreements, but never thought Jiang Zhengshang would be like this.

Completely unexpected.

At this time Xiao Yu wiped his eyes and said, "Brother Yue, I am tired and tired. Maybe this is my life." She sighed, "I can't deceive myself anymore. He is just a passerby in my life. , You are my family. If you don’t even want you, what else do I have..."

"None of us don't want you!" Su Qingyue explained.

"Yes, Sister Yu, you are our best brother!" Zhou Ziyou said from the side.

My sister also squatted down and patted her shoulder: "What nonsense, Xiaoyu. Everyone loves you very much."

"But you don't call me a business." She sobbed again.

Wiping her tears with her hands, like a little girl who has been wronged.

The more Su Qing understood, there was no need to explain anything.

After so long, he understands Xiaoyu.

She has always been forbearing, and she has never expressed her grievances like today.

At that moment, he stopped blocking.

Just a little worried about privacy.

The others at the wine board were okay, they all drank too much, some crying and laughing.

No one noticed them, or even if they noticed, they swept away.

But Zhang Dongtian was sober.

He burped alcohol and continued to watch the excitement.

The place of right and wrong, can't stay any longer, and said to Xiao Yu: "Don't drink, we will take you home."

Then he drew his hand hard.

Shake hands with Liu Jin.

I chatted with Zhang Dongtian again. The latter was drunk again at this time, and said, "Brother, come back to get together, I drank too much today, so I won’t give you away." I don’t know if he is really too much, but Su Qing understands. Zhang Dongtian was too lazy to spread such gossip.

Then he greeted them with Sheng Tiancheng.

The other party saw Xiao Yu drank too much.

I understand.

Yu Chenglong came out to help again.

Xiao Yu said from time to time: "Brother Yue, I shouldn't be with him. Selfish, arrogant, and higher than the sky. Am I an accessory? I have to listen to what he says!"

Yu Chenglong beckoned to stop the car next to him.

Su Qing clearly felt that Zhou Ziyou and Haohao's sister couldn't help a drunk person.

I had to follow along and help myself.

Xiao Yu held Su Qingyue's neck at this time, leaned close to his ear and said, "Brother Yue, you shouldn't tell me because I will always stand by your side." She said, and then: "Brother Yue, Are we still getting together?" In one sentence, a few helpers all looked over~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue's face was hot immediately.

At this time, Xiao Yu looked at her good sister, and said, "We are still together."

Everyone understood.

Yu Chenglong finally stopped the car, and the driver saw this situation and did not take it to life.

A few people talked badly.

In the end, Su Qingyue said, if she throws up, I will pay.

The driver allowed them to board the car.

He asked Zhou Ziyou to sit in the back seat with Zhou Ziyou to prevent her from opening the door after drinking too much.

Say goodbye to the brothers again.

The car started.

Xiao Yu is still saying: "Brother Yue, Brother Yue, listen to me...I won't grab the position of Ziyou..."

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