Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 350: : I really want to go back in time

The wind in late autumn is very cold.

Make the whole city clean and cool.

The branches are gradually drying up, and the cold light of the street lamps makes people unable to offer a little warmth.

The men and women hurried on the street, walking fast to avoid the wind.

Su Qingyue asked everyone to close the windows. He knew that the most important thing for people who drink too much is to catch the wind.

Listening to Xiao Yu still complaining in the back seat, explaining that he would not betray him.

Nor will it compete with Zhou Ziyou.

He felt sad.

These were things he had never thought of, but they must have been countless times in Xiao Yu's heart.

Looking back at her blushing face, tears remained on her face.

Listening to her: "Brother Yue, do you know? I think of you as my family. Now my home is gone, and you are all gone." She said, "I thought Jiang Zhengshang would really Give me a home, but all he gave me is an iron cage... He treats me as a little cat that can be controlled! If you are not satisfied, you will scold the street and fight..."

I can't imagine how old **** would be like that.

But realized that it was because he liked Xiao Yu, so much.

Just like a rare treasure, I am afraid that she will be taken away.

Only then desperately control, and formed a set of principles based on oneself.

Anyone who opposes him will be disgusted, despised, and rejected by him.

Thinking of that meal again, their differences.

Jiang Zhengshang's face.

Su Qing calmed down.

Faintly regretted helping him chase Xiao Yu.

I heard Xiao Yu say at the back: "Brother Yue, you don't know or understand. He won't let me contact you, let me contact you all! Especially you! I've had enough, I've had enough! "She said, pulling Su Qingyue's shoulder from the back seat through the block: "What you said to me, independent women are the most beautiful. I always remember them clearly."


For a while, Su Qingyue didn't know what to say.

At this time Xiao Yu sobbed again and said, "How could I not contact you... How could this be... Without you, there would be no way to have me today. He can't understand, won't understand."

Finally said all the thoughts in the backlog.

Su Qing froze for a while and dared not look back at her.

The entire carriage is extremely quiet.

Only the driver, looking at Su Qingyue, showed a smirk: "Brother, blessed!"

At that moment, Su Qingyue used vulgar language to resist the so-called humor.

The car continued to drive forward.

Because they moved, Su Qingyue didn't know the exact location.

Su Qingyue let Xiao Yu show the way.

I don't know if Xiao Yu quarreled with Jiang Zhengshang before, whether he said anything in a hurry.

What will happen after drinking too much today?

I can't imagine how this will stimulate Jiang Zhengshang.

Will Xiao Yu remember when he wakes up?

How does their relationship get along.

Just thinking about it, Xiao Yu's phone rang.

She rolled over, panicked.

My sister handed her bag over: "I'm afraid you will lose it, I will hold it for you."

"Thank you, sister." She laughed, looked at the number, and immediately dropped her face and hung up first.

But the phone rang again.

Hang up again, and call in again.

Two or three times in a row.

I understand it must be Jiang Zhengshang.

The next moment, Xiao Yu answered, the voice on the other end of the phone was not very clear.

Xiao Yu listened for a while, and said coldly, "What can I have? Jiang Zhengshang, can't I give you the slightest trust in you like this? I want to tell you that we are both over! I'm not in this life. If I marry, I won't marry you!" She said every word, wishing to gritted her teeth.

Then I had to hang up, but then there was something else.

Xiao Yu replied: "Yes! Look at what you do! You robbed "Sword Mountain and River", don't you think you did a very beautiful job? Didn't you tell me, is that what you like? Co-authored It was a tricky work done in partnership with Zheng Sangun, and in the end it made the company take a lot of money! To be a good person."

She said, and responded there again.

But Xiao Yu finally said: "Okay, don't say it! That's it!"

She finally hung up the phone.

Su Qingyue, who was sitting in the front row, was afraid to say a word, and noticed that the driver looked up at the rearview mirror from time to time.

Look at yourself again.

His mind was on the bright side, but he dared not speak any more.

The car continued to drive.

Xiao Yu sobbed again and said, "Brother Yue, I really want to go back to the past, I really want to go back!"

Talking and talking, she actually fell asleep.

The driver said at this time: "Hey, don't sleep, how do you go?"

My sister called her: "Xiaoyu, how can I wake up?"

"Follow Brother Yue, so happy!"

"Niu..." The driver suddenly laughed and looked at Su Qingyue again.

He turned his head and called Xiao Yu softly: "Xiaoyu, how do you go? The traffic light is over, we don't know."

"Turn left! Turn left!" She opened her eyes, looked at the front in a daze, closed her eyes, and said: "Then turn right at the second traffic light... Brother Yue... I don't want to go back, I don't want to see him Face."

No one speaks.

The traffic at night is still a bit blocked.

Su Qingyue didn't know what to do for a while.

Finally arrived.

They live in a newly built community, which should have been bought by Jiang Zhengshang.

The exterior wall of the building looks very new.

The location is also very good, just on the edge of the Fourth Ring Road, with a park next to it.

There are many roadside cars outside the community, and the driver struggles to drive in.

I complained from time to time, "Can you afford such an expensive house and can't afford a parking space? You have to park outside."

Then they arrived.

Started to blend Xiao Yu out.

The latter was very upset this time, struggling to say: "No! No! I don't want to go back, I will go home with you. Good sister, either I will go back with you. I don't want to see him! You don't Understand, I am depressed! I am uncomfortable!"

"Brother, get her down first. Where do you want to go, that's your business!"

The driver followed.

Su Qing glared at him, but still paid the fare.

Several people struggled to frame Xiao Yu.

Feeling that the soles of her feet have no power, they are completely suspended.

The cold wind blew them.

Su Qing cuddled her and said, "Go back quickly and don't blow you up."

The phone rang at this time.

Xiao Yu looked at it and picked it up again.

He quarreled with Jiang Zhengshang on the phone again: "What's wrong with my drinking? You are allowed to spend a lot of time outside, so-called all-in-one play, so I am not allowed to drink? Yes! I drink with Brother Yue! I just like to be with them..."

After speaking, he slammed the phone to the ground.

For a while, Su Qingyue felt that the air was stagnant.

Good sister has been silent and silent.

Zhou Ziyou was too embarrassed to know how to intervene.

The taxi driver finally reversed and left the scene.

Now, Su Qingyue just wants to send her home as soon as possible.

Let her sober up slowly.

Finally can't remember all this...

Zhou Ziyou asked: "Sister Yu~www.ltnovel.com~ Which unit?"

Suddenly behind him came the acceleration sound of the car belt idling, and the headlights of a car suddenly lit up.

They had to block the glare with their arms.

Following the car rushed forward.

Can't avoid it at all.

Su Qing subconsciously pushed Xiao Yuhe to his side.

The car stopped abruptly when it was less than half a meter away from him.

After sliding more than ten centimeters, it almost touched his leg.

Then under the bright light, Jiang Zhengshang got out of the car.

One of them stood in the light and the other stood in the light.

Just stared at each other.

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