Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 352: :destined

Loop in the night.

Pingjing at night.

Neon lights flashed in the dark.


The cars on the loop were fast, passing them one by one.

From the rearview mirror, I saw that my sister had tears in her eyes, and she kept looking out the window.

She may be thinking about being a coach.

Secretly sighed, Jiang Zhengshang's angrily and depraved appearance appeared before his eyes.

And Xiao Yu took his arms and said: Don't give up on me.

I want to say that you just misunderstood me.

Can't explain clearly.

He realized that Jiang Zhengshang and Xiao Yu had no hope.

Even if they let go of their past this time, there will be another time.

He still remembered what he said to Xiao Yu: You are the most beautiful being independent.

Never thought that things would develop into this way.

I can't imagine what it's like for a man to live in his complex.

This will be his eternal illness.

There is no cure at all.

Now he finally understands how could there be so much expansion in the world.

Everything is just the emotions that have been accumulated in my heart for a long time, and finally I have an opportunity to take advantage of the problem.

He sighed.

Zhou Ziyou complained in the back seat: "It's not your fault, he still wants to threaten!" He said, "Boss, if there is any problem, I must take the lead! Don't worry!" Zhou Ziyou said, "I have never been afraid. He! If it weren't for the face of you and Sister Yu..."

"Okay, stop talking." Su Qingyue stopped Zhou Ziyou.

The car continued to drive forward.

He looked back at his sister.

The latter was silent, looking out the window thoughtfully.

Su Qingyue said: "I'm sorry, it makes you embarrassed." He said, and then: "It's a very happy thing that took you so long. I'm so sorry." I don't know why I have to apologize, and I don't understand why I committed it What's wrong. But the more Su Qing understood these words, he cared about them and didn't want to lose them.

"Don't say that, Qingyue." My sister replied and sighed: "I only hope that everyone cherishes this relationship." She said, "It's just that Jiang will not be with us again. He completely misunderstood, Xiaoyu is again The kind of person who would never explain. Her toughness intensified the conflict between them."

Good sister is very accurate in analyzing.

But it didn't say that Xiao Yu liked him.

No one touched on this topic.

Jiang Zhengshang has completely dived into the horns.

And Xiao Yu lived in the past world and may never come out.

Sigh helplessly, first send her good sister.

Then gave Zhou Ziyou.

The latter asked him: "Boss, are you okay? Or I will take you back first."

"No, I'll give it to you." Su Qingyue said coldly.

Followed Su Qingyue and comforted him: "Boss, don't feel sad, don't blame you for this matter."

"I know, leave it alone."

I understand Zhou Ziyou's kindness, but he can't get involved in this kind of thing.

Su Qingyue said a word and asked the driver to continue.

Until the destination.

Zhou Ziyou got off the car and said, "Then call me when you arrive."

"Okay." Su Qingyue nodded, feeling completely deprived of alcohol.

Only infinite melancholy remained, the car continued to drive forward and soon reached the intersection.

He got out of the car again early and walked back.

The smell from the barbecue stall suddenly reminded him of just coming to Pingjing.

At that time he was still at a loss, the smell of barbecue often made him uncomfortable.

But now he is actually used to it.

I even miss it.

If it were not because he had already drunk too much, he would actually continue to drink.

Drink until dawn.

Drink until I forget about tonight.

But not now, a rational voice told him that he would have other things tomorrow.

I will go to Lin'an soon.

Finally returned home.

As soon as the door was opened, Ge Guang came out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom.

The two of them just met each other, and the former said, "I'm going! Which girl are you looking for? The perfume smells too strong. Brother, you can!" He said, laughing: "Just for fun, You hide it clean, you smell." He leaned in Su Qingyue and took a deep breath: "Chanel, number five! One hundred percent!"

"No! I didn't look for anyone!" Su Qing explained louder, afraid that Amo would hear it in the room, and then explained: "Others drank too much, and a female colleague couldn't get it back. I had to help. I went together. Three or four men." He added several people.

Brother Guang laughed and said, "It doesn't matter, you can say anything! It depends on what your wife thinks!"

With a word of him, Su Qingyue felt that Ah Mi was about to rush out.

But there is nothing.

My bedroom is very quiet.

He suddenly remembered that Ah Mu had also gone out today.

Because it was the first team building she participated in at the company, it was normal to play late.

In an instant, he sighed and felt lucky.

Hurry into the house to change the clothes.

The moment he put it in the washing machine, Ge Guang said, "You put some disinfectant in it, so that you can block the smell of perfume."

"Big Brother! It's still up to you!"

After Su Qing spoke in Vietnamese, he poured an excessive amount of disinfectant.

Only then did he return to the house, the drunkenness came up at this time, and his head began to feel groggy again.

Close your eyes.

At this time, Brother Guang came in and said, "I want to discuss something with you."

"You speak." Su Qingyue said, and Xiao Yu sobbing always appeared before her eyes.

Then Brother Guang said, "I don't think that the investor is too likely."


"Now there is another one looking for me, I plan to contact it, do you think it is okay?" Guang Ge said: "You can't hang on a tree, right? I think this one is full of sincerity."

Suddenly sighed, feeling that Brother Guang was too anxious.

He said: "Brother Guang, you are a little bit patient, don't worry!" He said: "The important thing is to do well in the business, and to refine the business we have said. Instead of thinking about it every day, I think you ..." He said, suddenly lost energy, his drunkenness made him powerless, and he followed: "Wait, be patient!"

"But...I think..." Brother Guang argued.

Xiao Yu was sobbing again.

Jiang Zhengshang shouted: "I treat you as a brother!"

He suddenly felt weak, and subconsciously said: "Let's do it with you!"

Then fell asleep.

I don't even remember what I said ~www.ltnovel.com~ to Xiao Yu and Jiang Zhengshang.

Or to Brother Guang.

I just feel groggy.

After an unknown period of time, Amu came back. Seeing him in bed, call him twice: "How about the party today? Did you see Xiao Yu? Thank you for helping me. Thank you for your help last time."


Su Qing returned weakly.

Don't want to respond, don't want to reply.

He continued to sleep.

I dimly felt Amou lay down and heard her say: "Hey, if you don't let you drink so much, you have to drink."

I wanted to say: Amu, we must be good.

Can't respond.

Finally fainted and fell asleep.

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