Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 353: : Depart from Lin'an

I remembered that I drank too much last night, a little bit unconscious.

There is still something wrong with Guang Ge's affairs.

So Su Qingyue got up in the morning and knocked on Brother Guang's door.

"Get up so early?"

"Yes, what you said to me yesterday, I was so groggy that I didn't hear too well. Would it be convenient to talk to you again?" Su Qingyue was straightforward.

"It's convenient, you say..."

Su Qingyue said: "Brother Guang, I have some ideas about virtual goods trading. First of all, I am very optimistic about this project, but the concept of the entire industry has not completely changed, and the project itself has many uncertain factors. For such a brand-new model, we It is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and there must be a lot of discussion and adjustment in the middle."

He said, look at Brother Guang.

Know his mood.

But let’s say the last suggestion: “We’d better set up a team in the original company and continue to make adjustments while developing business, and expand after the industry and model mature. The advantage of this is that the cost and risk are all controllable. Especially it is more acceptable to investors..."

"But..." Brother Guang said, his expression clearly embarrassed.

After knowing that he met Zhong Tankai that day, Brother Guang was especially anxious.

Su Qingyue had to comfort him again: "I know your mood, but this is not something to be anxious." He sighed, and said: "Think carefully and call if you have any problems."

Ah Mu also got up.

Su Qingyue checked the time, talked to Amu, and left.

Time flies so fast, it’s November in a blink of an eye.

Pingjing in November is cold and bleak.

The aspens that decorate the city were blown by the north wind, shaking off the last branches and leaves, leaving dry trunks.

Morning and evening are cold.

At this time the lowest temperature is close to zero degrees.

When Su Qing went out of the house, he couldn't help but shudder.

Think about it at the end of October, it was not so cold yet.

Now I have to put on the down jacket.

It feels like overnight.

Get on the Dongshan car and head to the airport.

Recently, other affairs of the company are progressing smoothly, but the most critical R&D team has never settled.

This makes Su Qingyue as CEO very worried.

They had already booked a ticket to Lin'an.

The purpose is simple, it is to persuade this R&D team composed of the seven sons of West Lake University to join Yuedao Network.

But this is not a simple task.

Judging from what Su Qingyue knows, this team has a different style from other teams.

It is said that in the face of numerous investment and industry companies, the head of this studio refused to accept the performance appraisal and at the same time did not accept the gambling agreement.

This discouraged everyone and made their lives very difficult.

Su Qingyue thought it was not so simple.

A team cannot deliberately refuse to invest again and again.

There must be other reasons.

Perhaps they are pursuing a higher goal, and this goal is difficult to quantify in the early stages.

Su Qingyue felt that it was not their problem that he failed to grasp their demands.

But Su Qingyue was not sure whether he could have an appetite for them.

He and Yue Lindao also went rashly this time. They only knew the address, not even the name or contact information of the person in charge. What's more, it is said that their external contact is a plan named Hu Xiaomao, so it doesn't matter whether they have this contact method or not.

After the plane took off.

Looking out the porthole, the building gradually became smaller.

Yue Lindao asked him: "Qingyue, have you been to Lin'an before?"

"I went there several times when I was in college." Su Qingyue said: "Later, there was less work and no time." He looked out the porthole, and finally climbed to the clouds after the plane took off. He added: "I heard people say that Lin'an has changed a lot in recent years."

"It has become more and more livable." Yue Lindao said: "The air quality is particularly good, and the pace is not fast."

"Suitable for entrepreneurial research and development, not so tight." Su Qingyue said: "You see Hengqin is like this."

"The opening of Zhima is very powerful." Yue Lindao said.

Su Qingyue suddenly thought of the commander.

I don't know what happened to him here, the last time the drinker Shuai did not talk about life in Lin'an.

But it is said that he is married and has children.

Very sorry for him and his sister.

I don't know what happened to Xiao Yu and Jiang Zhengshang.

That thing the next day.

Xiao Yu once sent him a message, saying that he was embarrassed to cause him trouble.

Said that he would always be on his side.

Su Qingyue told her: It doesn't matter where you stand, it's important to stand on your side.

I had a lot to say to her.

But in the end it didn't export.

Su Qingyue knew that she and Jiang Zhengshang were finished.

He and Jiang Zhengshang have never contacted again.

Sometimes when I look at Jiang Zhengshang's profile picture, Su Qingyue suspects that he has deleted himself.

Recall the threat he made to himself that night.

Su Qingyue didn't care.

As for what Xiao Yu said, he wanted to let it all go away with the wind.

Thinking about Amu, it was still very touched.

The rear is unstable, and entrepreneurship is just empty talk.

Holding hands tightly with each other can walk towards the beautiful place of life.

The plane stabilized, and the stewardess brought a drink.

After drinking for a while, I read aviation magazine for a while.

Then fell asleep.

When I woke up, the plane had landed.

Lin'an is still at over twenty degrees at this time, despite the cloudy sky.

But it is much warmer than Pingjing.

The down jacket is obviously a bit too much.

Su Qingyue put on autumn clothes as soon as he entered the hotel.

A flight jacket chosen by Amu for him fits his pilot watch.

Had a simple lunch with Yuelindao.

Then go to the studio.

They were in an old community. When they first found it, the rain fell.

Fortunately, they stepped through the unit door early.

It was gloomy, and there was not even a light.

The studio is a split-level on the top fifth floor. The door was not completely closed, it was hidden, and the light of an incandescent lamp was exposed.

He and Yue Lindao knocked on the door first, and then walked in.

There is a screen inside.

Walking inside is the office room, which obviously embezzled the living room.

It can be seen that this is a large apartment in an old-fashioned building.

The living room is not big, but there are many rooms.

The lighting is not good, they have to turn on the lights.

The sound of typing on the keyboard was heard from time to time in the room, and someone was in a meeting in the next room.

A small round table is obviously for visitors.

There was a stranger sitting there.

A programmer in a plaid shirt, seeing them coming, did not get up, and asked directly: "Who are you looking for? Something?"

"Let me find..."

Su Qingyue wanted to say that we wanted to meet the person in charge and then introduce ourselves.

But at this moment, he was in the hall and saw a familiar word: Everything in the past is a prologue.

The signature is his name: Su Qingyue.


Su Qingyue thought about the information about this studio introduced by a friend.

Seven West Lake.

At the next moment, he was shocked and ecstatically said: "Brother, Fan Lao and Snake Ye said, and said that Hualuo's old colleague Su Qing is coming."

Did not wait for the program to respond.

Someone chuckled.

Su Qingyue looked back and noticed that it was a visitor sitting at the round table.

The man wears a black suit.

Nodded at him, "Su Qingyue of the Three Kingdoms, right?"


"You can't see him." The man said, "Look how long I have been waiting, Lord Snake is busy."

I always feel that this person is very familiar.

At this time, the programmer said: "We are our master Mao, and Lord Snake is generally not external."

"You told Lord Snake, I just came to see him." Su Qingyue smiled back.

The man was taken aback and looked at them.

Su Qingyue nodded seriously.

The guy behind him still said, "The Lord Snake is having a meeting."

The programmer interrupted at this moment: "Okay, let me tell him."

Knocked on the computer a few times.

Su Qing said yes, and carefully observed the office environment here.

Although it was an old house, it was clean and brightly painted.

There is a heavy smell of smoke in the room.

The desk is not new, it is estimated that it has been used for some time.

There are some cute cartoon dolls on some tables~www.ltnovel.com~Yue Lindao watched his status beside him, very curious: "What's wrong with you?"

"I wasn't sure when I came, but now I feel that the confidence has risen suddenly!"

The guy behind him said, "Come on? How many people has Lord Snake rejected."

Ignoring him, Yue Lindao asked curiously: "You know this person, don't you?"

"Yes, he was the former head of Hualuo Hengqin."

"What?" Yue Lindao instantly widened his eyes.

Su Qingyue said: "You heard that right! He is the producer of "The Great World of Martial Arts" and the backbone of Hualuo back then.

The two talked.

Suddenly heard a burst of hearty laughter.

Before the person arrived, a familiar voice came: "It's really a wish, and I said that someone who understands me will come!"

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