Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 354: : See Lord Snake Again

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Sure enough, Dongfang Jun.

Two people followed.

He was still white and fat, with a blessed look on his face.

A gray shirt tucked into his jeans, looks sharp.

A snake belt is particularly conspicuous.

As soon as he saw Su Qingyue, he said again: "Brother, don't say a word in advance when you come." After speaking, Su Qingyue was not given a chance to speak. He patted him on the shoulder and introduced to the person next to him: "This is what I always mentioned to you, my brother in Hualuo. The guy who promoted "The World of Martial Arts" and created the miracle of the gods, the "Three Kingdoms". "

After he spoke, everyone introduced each other.

One of them, Su Qing, remembered that he had met him in Hengqin.

But the name is a little vague.

The atmosphere that was still somewhat blunt, disappeared instantly.

Su Qingyue knew, and the other one who followed the snake master was called Yingzheng.

It was the first time Su Qingyue saw this surname.

Shaking hands with him, knowing that he is from the Department of Mathematics of West Lake University.

Later, I liked computers, so I switched to computer science.

He is in charge of planning and he is also responsible for numerical planning.

This person is handsome, like a girl.

Wearing a t-shirt for landing on the moon.

Also jeans, a pair of Nike sneakers.

Dongfang Jun said with a smile: "Xiao Ying, is a mathematics genius. It is an honor for our industry to marry us in the game industry. He is different from me. I was merged by Yuhang University and he is a pure West Lake University."

He said, "Jigang, don't I need to introduce it?"

"Of course, we met in Hengqin, Yang Jigang." Su Qing smiled more and said, "I heard him talk about the relationship between Yiyangzhi and Six Meridian Sword..."

"Yes, yes, remember, great."

Subsequently, the two shook hands.

Dongfangjun introduced other people: "This is our plan and our external contact Hu Xiaomao."

Ying Zheng interrupted with a smile next to him: "He is called Master Maoer, or Brother Health Care!"

"Health?" Su Qingyue was startled.

"Yes, it's the kind of health care you want."

Ying Zheng said a word, Dongfang Jun helped his forehead helplessly.

Su Qingyue and Yue Lindao both laughed.

The health brother blushed.

Wear a creative Tang suit with a cat pattern.

The people in the office all laughed when Ying Zheng added this.

Then Lord Snake pointed to Su Qingyue's writing on the wall, and said: "Qingyue, take a look! I keep your writing in my heart. The reason why I left Hualuo is because of this. And... …" He said: "I still use this to continuously spur myself to make progress."

Several people exchanged greetings.

Su Qingyue also introduced Yuelin Island.

The latter laughed immediately and said, "That is all related to Jianghu people, right?" He smiled and said, "Although you are not our Hualuo, you can be regarded as a big person closely related to Hualuo." He said. Then, he said to Su Qingyue: "Qingyue, I heard that you started a business?"

"Yes, Mr. Yue is now my partner." Su Qingyue said.

"I'm just doing miscellaneous tasks for the brothers. If there is anything I can't handle, I'll go and help." Yue Lindao said modestly.

Su Qingyue introduced Dongfang Jun to him again.

The latter went on to say: "Then we can be regarded as a gathering of people from all walks of life."

Yang Jigang couldn't help but hummed, "Cang Hai laughed!"

Several people said, Dongfang Jun led to the office.

He took care of Yue Lindao from time to time and explained: "Mr. Yue, I'm sorry. At the beginning, the place was still crowded."

"Small is the essence." Yue Lindao said with a smile.

As he was talking, the person behind him who was also a visitor said, "Dongfang, can you talk for a while?"

"Wait a minute, I have a distinguished guest here."

Dongfang Jun rejected him.

The more Su Qing listened to the discussion from the people next to him, the sun really came out from the west! Lord Snake is not normal today...

Then they entered the office.

This should be a bedroom reformed office.

There is a balcony outside.

The barbed wire has rusted.

Unlike Dongfang Jun's office in Hualuo, Dongfang Jun has grown a lot of green plants here.

And also made a small tea table.

The smell of cigarettes is still strong, and the ashtray is full of cigarette butts.

He went to the balcony and opened the window.

Ying Zheng next to Su Qingyue said, "Brother, I always listen to Lord Snake mentioning you. You said that by your own strength, you pushed "Feng Shen World" to the top three in the industry. He also said that "The World of Martial Arts" is also thanks to you. . Of course, every time I finished speaking, I would say that this is my brother.” He said as he handed Su Qingyue a cigarette.

The latter smiled and took it.

Replied: "It's not your own power, but everyone works hard together."

"It's one's own power!" Dongfang Jun came back and said, "What is Fengshen's thing, and let Guan Er play that way. If it weren't for the most critical moment, you would have finished the Fengshen's power. Why not one's own power? These are now the company often misses, as a myth."

After he finished speaking, Yue Lindao also said: "There are too many myths in President Su."

As they said, Dongfang Jun took out a box of tea leaves from the drawer.

Yang Jigang was startled suddenly.

Following Dongfangjun's introduction, "Someone gave my grandpa's Longjing... the old tea tree."

Su Qingyue likes to drink tea, of course he knows the old tea tree.

The average age of this tea tree is more than a hundred years, and some can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty.

According to legend, the tea saint Lu Yu once recorded that tea trees were planted in Longjing Village.

If you want to taste the original West Lake Longjing, the old tea tree is the best choice.

Watch Dongfangjun put its tea pieces into the teapot, although the appearance is not very beautiful.

But he knows that its tea soup aroma and taste are excellent.

"Boss!" Yang Jigang spoke next to him, "How many times do I want you to ask you to give us a taste, but you are not willing to do it. This is not good, you will make it as soon as you come," he said, covering. He held his chest and made an injury: "No, I have suffered 10,000 points of damage."

"Me too." Ying Zheng followed.

They talked and laughed and chatted, all sat down.

Then Dongfang Jun said: "Qingyue, I have heard about your achievements in focus." He said: "I tell the truth, I especially appreciate your courage. Dare to do it, and it can be done. Because of you, The current charging model has all changed..."

"Your free model is too powerful." Ying Zheng said, "But you are out of focus now, right?"


"The Three Kingdoms is not working anymore. I have played, and it feels too radical and not fun anymore." He said, "I used to be very addicted to playing, but now it feels completely different. It has become a fee for charging, which is too much. Utilitarian practices will greatly reduce the lifespan of the game."

He said so.

Su Qingyue remembered what Chen Ting had said, the performance of the Three Kingdoms had begun to decline again.

Then Dongfang Jun made the tea.

Serve them.

The more Su Qing took a sip, only one was better.

Can not help but say: "Good tea!"

A few people chatted and didn't rush into the topic.

After a long while, the tea went down for more than half.

Dongfang Jun suddenly asked, "Qingyue, what do you plan to do this time for starting a business?"

Su Qingyue thought for a moment.

Feeling that there is no need to conceal it, he said: "I am going to buy one or two copyrighted novels for product design and research and development." He said: "Of course, including operation and market, we will follow the integrated model of research and transportation." He said, He took a sip of tea and said, "In addition..."

He talked about his grand entertainment strategy.

And his thinking process and choice transition from martial arts to fantasy.

Talking about the audience of fantasy works and the future market size.

Tell them that fantasy must be a mainstream in the future.

And on this basis, product design ideas, promotion strategies, future fan operations, cross-border expansion and circulation.

Dongfang Jun couldn't help but nodded.

Yue Lindao added from time to time.

Su Qingyue said: "What I want to do is not a game in the traditional sense, but a real virtual world." He said, spread his hands, and summarized: "So I found you here."

After speaking, Dongfang Jun was stunned.

He and his brothers were thinking.

After a while, he finally said: "Qingyue, you know me, I am not doing this for money!"

"I see."

Dongfang Jun continued: "For the sake of money, I can wait for ChinaNet to go public." He said, "Those venture capitalists come to me and talk to me about investment. To be honest, I'm not that noble and I don't hate money, but everyone thinks. The difference is too big." He said: "What I want is to make basic preparations steadily, sharpen the knife and not cut wood by mistake. However, the preliminary preparation time is a bit long, and many people cannot understand and accept it. The most important thing is that I also give it. No clear timetable."

"Understanding." Su Qingyue nodded, just listening patiently.

He understands Dongfangjun's ideals.

He is a man of pursuit.

Then Dongfang Jun said: "We are now developing a newest 3D engine." He said: "I always hope to be the best 3D engine, with my own core engine ~www.ltnovel.com~ the later iterations and Scalability will be much stronger..."

"I understand." Su Qingyue nodded, he agreed with this point, and said: "Without the support of core technology, all achievements are temporarily unsustainable. Any strategy must be built on the basis of core technology..."

In an instant, both of them seemed to understand each other.

Can also accept each other.

The more Su Qing can accept, it is his ability to believe in Dongfang Jun.

Dongfang Jun's identification with Su Qingyue was because he knew Su Qingyue's ambitions and recognized his strategy even more.

The next moment, the two looked at each other for a moment.

Su Qingyue directly extended an invitation to him: "Master Snake, President Yue and I sincerely invite you to join our Yuedao network and become a partner."

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