Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 365: : Speak freely

See everyone introduce themselves.

Each has its own style.

Ouyang still takes the sensational route.

Eyes were red, telling everyone about his previous experience, and emphasizing that Su Qingyue brought him out.

He said: "Everything I have today is given by the boss. My attitude in doing things is to fight for my life!"

Next is Zhang Fang, the art group of the Hangzhou branch.

He came up and said that he was Zhang Fang.

Behind him, he should have a mouthful, and follow: "nickname Xiaofang."

Then he didn't introduce what he did, and said to himself: "In fact, it's nothing."

Then he said: "We came from Lin'an, and we were in Hualuo before. Let's do things, I think it is the pursuit of perfection. President Su makes this ceremony very interesting. I will do my job well in the future, and our female role in Yuedao is definitely It’s the most beautiful in the industry. The desktop occupancy rate must be high, making people want to stop..."

Only the last two sentences, let everyone understand.

After he spoke, he laughed.

It feels like a foot in the sky and a foot on the ground.

Not next to anywhere.

It seems that he didn't talk like this before.

Su Qingyue chatted with Dongfang Jun.

The latter laughed, and whispered: "He's just like this. When there are too many people, the words will be uncomfortable."

Then Dongfang Jun introduced himself again.

When he spoke, he said that he was Dongfang Jun.

Tian Zhong said: "So this is the rumors of Lord Snake."

Wang Xinjie also said that he always listened to them and it was the first time I saw him.

Greetings everyone.

Dongfang Jun said: "The main goal of our Hangzhou branch is to consolidate our company's technical foundation. We will build the best domestically produced 3D engine and provide strong technical backing for the brothers in the future. President Su also talked about Entertainment strategy is a dual engine of content and technology. Please rest assured that technology is my lifelong pursuit."

After speaking, everyone applauded.

Then Tanaka introduced himself.

He said: "Our team is different from the others here. We belong to the'supernumerary' team. But our hearts are together. One day, we will achieve victory and meet our teachers..."

Stop talking.

Ning Cheng followed: "Boss, don't worry! We are'in Cao Ying and heart in Han'!"

She said nothing.

Everyone laughed again.

Then Zhou Ziyou began to introduce himself.

"I am Zhou Ziyou and I am now in charge of the marketing department. I have followed the boss from "The World of Martial Arts" until the focus." He said: "What I want to say is that the products that my brothers have made, I will promote it well! He said: "Except for the boss, I really haven't served anyone in this regard!"

Seeing that it was almost the same, Su Qingyue said to Yue Lindao: "Mr. Yue, can you say something?"

"Hey...what do I have to say..." Yue Lindao laughed, waved his hand, thought for a moment, and said: "I am one of the founders of the company, and my main job is to solve everyone's worries. Thank you Qingyue here. Because of him, there is Yuedao Network and only you."

When he said this, everyone immediately applauded.

Tian Zhong yelled, "Boss! Say a few words!"

"Qingyue, just say a few words!" Chen Ting followed.

Yue Lindao also gestured to please.

Following Dongfang Jun, he said, "Boss Su, let's talk about it, your speech is very important."

Seeing everyone, Su Qingyue suddenly felt blood surge upwards.

I moved a computer box, crossed it, and stood up.

He took a deep breath and said, "Brothers, I won’t introduce myself. I remember a story before: A Japanese entrepreneur was very excited when he first started a business. So he brought a box and faced the only two One employee spoke in an impassioned manner. After speaking, one employee came up and slapped him; another employee did not slap him, but offered to resign on the spot... I hope that after I finish speaking, you will be kind to me..."

He said, everyone laughed.

Then, Su Qingyue said: "Today's ceremony is very simple, but I am very excited. One day we can finally talk about our ideals and career. I come from Huaiwen, Huaiwen is different from a big city, and the success rate is low. The knowledge is narrow, and the scene at this moment is hard to see on TV."

He said.

Ouyang listened carefully, as if thinking of himself.

Zhou Ziyou couldn't help but nod.

Almost all those present felt the same.

Then he said: "During the Hualuo period, I was very interested in the industry and did a lot of things. Some people praised others and some criticized them, but I carried it over. I thank Hualuo for that experience. Some people said it was a talented person. The era of Su Qingyue. In fact, what I want to say is that the China Network of that era gave me opportunities, so I am always grateful to China Network."

He said.

Dongfang Jun couldn't help but nod their heads.

They are also from Hualuo after all.

This company poured too much of their feelings.

Then Su Qingyue said again: "Later I came to the focus and I was lucky to succeed. I think this is the team's success, not mine alone." He said, looking at Tian Zhong and Ouyang, and at other people, before continuing: "Unfortunately, for many reasons, our brothers are still working at the focal point, in a so-called supernumerary state."

"Boss! It's okay! Let's do it right!" Ouyang couldn't help but interject.

"Where is not important! The important thing is that our hearts are together!" Wang Xinjie said.

"Yes..." Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows and interjected.

He even hummed Daolang's song.

Everyone laughed.

Su Qing paused, waiting for everyone to be quiet.

He said: "But they are our eternal brothers, no matter what form."

With this sentence, Ouyang Hetian's eyes were red.

Su Qingyue had no choice but to comfort them: "Don't get excited, you must be happy today!"

The two nodded.

Su Qingyue certainly understood that this was excitement.

He doesn't want to take up too much time for everyone.

Finally, he said: "Now we finally have our own home and our own goals. I want to build the most combative team in this industry and make the best products in this industry... I will become a lunatic for our common cause. Crazy, crazy for you, crazy for this golden age."

Everyone applauded and cheered frantically...

Su Qingyue waved his hand and looked at Chen Ting.

I think it's time.

So he said: "In addition, I have another important thing to announce~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone immediately becomes serious.

He went on to say: “Every company needs a big butler. As a startup company, this is even more so.” He said, cast a brilliant smile to Chen Ting, and said straightforwardly: “Mr. Chen from the focus Just accompany us, her character and ability are beyond doubt. In fact, without her, we wouldn't be able to start and open business so quickly."

He said, noticing that Chen Ting was stunned.

Obviously, he did not expect Su Qingyue to mention himself.

Su Qingyue talked about Chen Ting's work performance.

He said again: "So we are going to invite..."

Before she finished speaking, He Lili had already walked over to offer flowers.

At this time everyone guessed that she might be hired as a vice president.

But Su Qingyue said at the next moment: "We formally invite President Chen to be our fourth partner, chief executive officer, responsible for administration, personnel, legal affairs, business, procurement and public relations, etc." He said, and Yue Lindao Towards Chen Ting together: "Sister Ting! Thank you for your selfless contribution these days. We formally invite you to join our Yuedao network."

After he spoke, Chen Ting couldn't help tears anymore.

Cry out loud.

There was thunderous applause in the office.

After a while, Chen Ting wiped her tears and laughed and said, "I didn't expect that one day Chen Ting could have my own career and goals." She said, "Please rest assured, from now on, my goals are It is to work hard with everyone to build the Yuedao network."

Stop talking.

Su Qingyue raised the cup.

Everyone also followed.

Su Qingyue said: "Come on! You guys for our goal!"

"For our pleasure!" Tian Zhong said.

"For ideals!" Dongfang Jun followed.

For a while, everyone drank the wine.

Then Guan Pengpeng said: "Let's take a photo now!"

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