Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 366: : You sit in the middle

   They twittered to choose a place to take pictures.

   Guan Pengpeng couldn't help shaking his head, denying one angle after another.

   made everyone start again.

   Dongfangjun asked curiously: "Brother, is it so complicated?"

   "The picture is not clean." Guan Pengpeng sighed: "It's too messy, I should clean up again."

   Yingzheng interjected immediately: "Then let's start. Where do you say you need to clean up?"

   "If you don't clean it up completely, then i'm useless." Guan Pengpeng said, walking around the office area, trying to find a good angle.

   "Pengpeng, what's the matter?" Su Qingyue also interjected.

"The picture is not clean, there are too many odds and ends in the office, and they are not properly placed." The art group Xiaofang responded to Guan Pengpeng, saying: "This is a professional photographer who has his own obsession with the picture." He said. He laughed: "We all talk about this in art. It is also the most basic quality."

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   This principle has been said by a photographer at his newspaper.

   However, this is not what I want to pursue today.

  Su Qingyue originally wanted to say: We are still good documentary, in fact, the more messy, the more the opening scene can be revealed.

   But he still asked Guan Pengpeng to find it.

After a while, the latter came back and asked: "Mr. Su, can't we go to the door? It happens to have our LOGO, and the screen is relatively clean." He said, showing Su Qingyue the footage he took, pointing Pointing: "The front desk has not been installed yet! You can move it away first, so that the depth is greater!"

   "OK." Su Qing smiled.

   Everyone walked to the door.

   found that Guan Pengpeng could only squat at the door to take pictures.

   He Lili was a little worried and asked, "Can your camera frame so many people?"

   "Other people's shots are not good, I am fine!" Guan Pengpeng said, taking his own shots proudly.

   The brother he knew well next to him said quietly: "The ability to shoot the little master is not enough to equip him."

   Chen Ting asked everyone to stand a little tighter.

   "Squat on the ground in the first row." Someone suggested.

   But Su Qingyue immediately said: "Don't be so formal, just sit on the ground."

   After another word, someone said: "Mr. Su and Mr. Yue are in the middle."

   Ouyang immediately pulled him.

   Yue Lindao was also pushed by everyone.

   Su Qing objected harder and harder, and said, "We don't want to be old-fashioned. We have to be in the middle? Should we move a chair?" He said, "Don't be like this."

   "Yes! Don't make this happen." Yue Lindao also laughed.

"No! Boss, you and Mr. Yue have to listen to us!" This time Zhou Ziyou was the first to stand up and object. He said: "You represent the image of the company. If you are not in the middle, this is a publicity for our future. Not good."

   Chen Ting also followed up and said, "Qingyue, on the other hand, this photo will appear on our cultural wall. You really should be in the middle."

   "Boss! In the middle!" Ouyang cried.

   Dongfang Jun said: "Qingyue, you are welcome!"

   At this time, Yue Lindao also said: "Qingyue, right in the middle!"

   No more to say, Su Qingyue came to the middle.

   Everyone sat and stood around him casually.

   Guan Pengpeng retreated to the door and let everyone look at the camera.

   Before taking the photo, he asked: "I count one, two, three, and you call eggplant! Okay?"


   Everyone agreed in unison.

"one two Three……"


   The shutter sounded.

   Guan Pengpeng said another one.

   then shouted again.

   But at this time, Chen Ting suddenly raised her hand and said, "Pengpeng, can we not call eggplant?"

   "Okay, what do you call?"

   "Let's call Yuedao Network!" Chen Ting said.

   Guan Pengpeng was startled: "Four words?"

   "One word! Wyatt! The same is a grinning mouth!" Su Qingyue followed.

   "Yes! Yes! Yue is good!" Chen Ting smiled brilliantly at him.

   Guan Pengpeng continued immediately.

   "One, two..."

   Su Qingyue adjusted a little.

   After Guan Pengpeng counted to three, they shouted together: "Yue!"

   The shutter sounded.

   Guan Pengpeng looked at the photo, and finally smiled satisfied and said: "Perfect!"

   Ying Zheng said next to him: "It's still out English!"

   After taking these photos, Su Qingyue suggested to take another photo in the office.

   He told Guan Pengpeng not to be afraid of chaos. Entrepreneurship is messy, and truthfulness is the most important thing.

   The latter agreed immediately.

   Then Chen Ting greeted everyone to eat cake.

   said suddenly: "Pay attention, everyone, this is our home, don't throw cakes and make your home dirty."

   She said this.

   The few colleagues who were about to wipe out, all stopped.

   Wang Xinjie smiled and said, "Why don't Ting tell me, I still wanted to wipe Ouyang! Who told me to wipe me on my birthday!"

   Ning Cheng said: "He wiped me too!"

   Dongfang Jun smiled and said, "Brother, you must never celebrate your birthday, otherwise you will die miserably."

   Everyone burst into laughter.

   At this time, everyone is holding a drink cup.

   Chen Ting's eyes were still red to Su Qingyue: "Thank you, Qingyue."

   "Huh?" Su Qingyue was startled.

   "To tell the truth, I didn't expect it."

"In fact, we have discussed it a long time ago and hope to give you a surprise," Su Qingyue said: "Besides thank you, we should also be grateful. Now, this is your home. Let us make it a success together and make our home Good business!"

   "Thank you, I will do it well." Chen Ting nodded seriously.

   "I absolutely believe this." Su Qing smiled.

   The two took a drink.

Looking at everyone talking and laughing, Chen Ting said: "Come on! Let us all raise the cups!" She said, everyone followed to toast, and then said: "We will replace wine with drinks, let us Our new home! In the days to come, we must build this home well!"

   "Yes! Build your home!"

   "This is our home!" Ouyang nodded seriously.

   See how excited everyone is.

   Chen Ting said: "Cheers!"

   "To our home, cheers!" Su Qingyue followed.

   Everyone also followed: "For Yuedao Network! Cheers!"

   looked at his watch, it was almost four o'clock now.

   Everyone has almost eaten, and almost finished drinking.

   Ouyang came over: "Boss! Let's continue to clean up, right?"

   "Hmm!" Su Qingyue nodded.

   Everyone immediately began to clean up.

   Su Qingyue and Yue Lindao also helped everyone.

   Throughout the opening ceremony, they did not invite any media.

   There is no hype.

   Despite this, news of the industry about their official opening still spread like wildfire.

   The entire industry forum was fried that night.

   There are people who say everything~www.ltnovel.com~ Some people say: "I see a giant in the industry about to rise, as if I have seen the **** wind in the future."

But some people also said: "I thought it was possible to make a product by developing a new version and a model based on other people's games? It's a thousand miles away. I want to see how he stumbles!" Glancing at the account and laughing.

   But Su Qingyue felt that he was right.

   Entrepreneurship is a brand new job.

   His pressure is really great.

   Then people kept sending him blessing messages.

   Qiao Zhen also sent a message, saying: "I hope we can do a good job."

   Su Qingyue also replied: "It is necessary!"

   Look at the watch. It's half past eight, and everyone is still working hard to clean up the office area.

   Su Qingyue looked out the window.

   There are heavy traffic, and tall buildings are rising in the distance.

   are like giants.

   He knew he was going to set off again.

   Everything is ready, hope everything goes well...

   At this time, Zhou Ziyou came over and said with a grin: "Boss! Cleaned up!"


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