Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 367: : Getting on track

   Everything is finally ready.

   There is still some finishing work. With Chen Ting here, Su Qingyue is not worried.

The    team is basically formed.

   From marketing director Zhou Ziyou to operation director Liu Yuming, and website manager Qin Shaofeng.

  The manager of the legal department is naturally held by Fan Shengnan.

   Chen Ting serves as the co-founder and CEO.

   Dongfang Jun is naturally the general manager of the Hangzhou branch.

   Although only the core employees are still in place, Su Qingyue believes that with their help and leadership, the team will quickly form combat effectiveness in the future and should not be a problem.

   Only the operation and maintenance technical director, channel promotion director and financial director are not in place.

   But for the first two positions, Su Qingyue already has a general candidate in his mind.

   In terms of finance, Chen Ting brought a financial manager and a small cashier over, and short-term work was no problem.

   As for a good financial director, it is impossible to meet, and I will touch it later.

   Time just passed day by day.

   The company is gradually on the right track.

   includes recruitment and the operation of the pre-market.

  In addition, the allocation of items was established.

  The project team in Tianzhong is mainly responsible for "That Little Fairy Qi".

   "Little Magic Fairy" is in charge of Dongfang Jun's project team.

  Su Qingyue requires everyone to be familiar with novels.

   "At least five times!" he emphasized.

   Ouyang geared up and kept up: "Boss! I promise ten times!"

  Look at them one by one.

   Originally, he was still worried that the two project teams would conflict because of who and what.

   Because of the problem of competing for projects, it is inevitable in most companies.

   The adaptation of "Little Demon Fairy" is slightly more difficult than "That Little Fairy Qi".

   Plus she is a female perspective and a female author.

   It is more difficult to grasp.

   But as Zhang Fang followed the author's description, he drew a portrait of the character casually.

   With just a few pens, Su Qingyue knew that this project was none other than the Dongfangjun team.

   In Zhang Fang's paintings, the character is alive.

   is more than beautiful.

   More important is the independent temperament and own spiritual world.

   Su Qingyue is looking forward to seeing their adaptation.

  The project has been allocated, the direction is MMORPG, the theme is fantasy.

  Art style: "That Little Fairy" was initially set as a realistic style, focusing on mature markets; "Little Devil" is a Q version style, focusing on the young market.

   Su Qingyue asked everyone to go back and prepare, and a formal project meeting would be held soon.

   In Pingjing after winter, the temperature instantly dropped below zero.

   Su Qingyue has to face the biting cold wind every day.

   Fortunately, there is heating.

   At this time, he will think of Nandu.

   think of every cold winter.

   will shiver involuntarily.

   Get up in the morning and wash up.

   See Amo pick up the recorder from the table and put it in the bag

   asked her: "Is there an interview today?"

   "Yes." Ah Mou said, "I made an appointment with Falcon, interview Zhou Yang."

   "I heard that he is now the chairman of Falcon?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "Yes, the first day of today. So multimedia, only a few companies got interviews." Amu laughed: "It's all Xiaoyu's help, I really want to thank her."


   Su Qingyue nodded.

   I want Zhou Yang to be the chairman of the parent company of Falcon and announce his appointment as chairman of the subsidiary.

   This shows that Zhou Yang has realized the importance of the game business.

   Once upon a time, Falcon was just one of many companies under the group.

   has no sense of existence at all.

   But since the emergence of the free-to-play mode, the entire game market has expanded rapidly, and the scale of revenue has also increased.

   The golden age has officially opened.

   The entire industry has undergone earth-shaking changes.

   At the end of November, Hualuo announced that the company's focus has shifted to games.

   In early December, Qicai, which has always claimed to be an agent, also began to form a research and development team.

   Shengshi Tiancheng even invested a lot of money to acquire two well-known R&D companies in South Korea.


   More and more non-industry companies are also pouring into this industry.

   First of all, Dongfang.com, one of the Big Three, announced its involvement in casual games.

   recruits elites from all walks of life in the industry.

   Including Sheng Tiancheng.

  He took the post of Director of Channel and Marketing.

   Its "Crazy Bomberman" was a huge success.

After   , a well-known group engaged in hardware also took the opportunity to keep up.

   invested in many game companies.

   Some fast-moving consumer goods have increased cooperation with the game industry, and even made games with their own brand attributes.

   In addition, all sources of capital with capital attributes have also been gathered.

   These funds come from real estate, northwest mine owners, and some unclear funds.

   Of course, related capital with an international background also entered in large numbers.

   Su Qingyue receives more than a dozen calls every day.

   hope to invest in him.

   I will introduce myself when I come up.

   Talk about how good they are, how good they are, and what resources they can provide for Su Qingyue.

   There is another thing that I have money! I am very rich! I am so rich!

   How much do you want? Speak!

   Actually, they don't understand the industry at all. Su Qingyue concluded that they just started mining.

   Others are the same as the interrogator, who came up and asked him about his revenue.

   Su Qingyue politely refused one by one.

   Of course, this is not because he does not pay attention to the next round of financing.

   is the investor he thinks in his eyes, he should be able to grow up with Yuedao.

   At the same time, he thinks Yuedao does not need financing yet.

   There is no need to make the equity institutions so complicated at the beginning of the company's establishment.

   Their expenses are sufficient.

  Because their staff is small, each team has only fifty to sixty people.

   With the people in the headquarter, there are less than one hundred and fifty people in total. When the product starts to be promoted, it may have to increase a lot. It is enough to recruit six months in advance.

   In this case, the monthly cost is more than one million.

   The payment to Focus is again made in 4:3:3 installments.

   This is a rule.

   has little effect on cash flow.

   Post-advertising has a billing period, and the impact is not big.

   And with Yue Lindao’s industry resources in the channel and his own influence in the industry, a large amount of prepayment can be recovered from the channel before the product goes on the market.

  In this way, the cash planning of the entire company is safe.

   He thinks that after one or two products, the company will enter a very virtuous circle.

   Get dressed and walk out with Amo.

   The latter seemed to have just remembered, and asked him: "By the way, do you know that Xiao Yu is the assistant to the chairman?"

   "I know."

   "I heard that she and the chairman..."

   "Don't listen to those rumors, you don't know what's going on at all." Su Qingyue said.

   "Oh, my heart hurts." Ah Mou pouted.

   Of course, not really angry.

   Su Qingyue hugged her: "The rumors stop at the wise man, we all know Xiaoyu, she is not such a person."

"Then you said that old Jiang is so good to her, why did she kick him up and down?" Amu asked puzzledly, "I really don't understand. Although old Jiang is a bit ostentatious, he still uses Xiao Yu. Heart. I think it is related to the happiness of a lifetime, not just having money."

   "Yes, of course it's not like having money."

   Su Qingyue said, thoughtful.

   Thinking of what Xiao Yu said to himself that night, Jiang Zhengshang did all kinds of behaviors.

  I even care about underwear.

   This kind of control desire, and his strange complex.

   Of course, there may be other reasons.

   But for these, Su Qingyue didn't dare to explain to Amou.

   Otherwise, it can only cause trouble to the upper body.

   After thinking for a moment, he said again: "You can't just treat yourself well."

   and Amou separated at the intersection.

   was about to get on the Dongshan car, Amou chased after him in surprise: "You won't go to the unit?"

   "Go to the focus today? Project meeting."

   "Oh." Ah Mou nodded and left.

  Su Qingyue only got on Dongshan's car.

   Unexpectedly, Dongshan wanted to turn left and head to his office in the west of the city.

   Su Qingyue hurriedly stopped.

  During this period, Dongshan and him did this every day, turning left when they left the road.

   "Why are you going back again?" Dongshan asked.

   "Go to a meeting." Su Qingyue explained.

   The car made a big circle around the intersection, ignoring the horns of other vehicles, and drove forward quickly.

   Today’s project meeting is the official establishment of the project "That Little Fairy Qi".

   All the original producers of "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition" have returned. Of course, because this is a new project, on the basis of the original team, many new people have been transferred and recruited.

   Jiao Kejun finally convinced Li Lin and Gao Yanhai.

   But the troika also broke completely because of this.

   It is said that Gao Yanhai quarreled with Jiao Kejun in the office.

   Then he announced to leave the focus.

   It is rumored in the industry that Gao Yanhai got a sum of money from the boss of Northwest Coal, and the amount is huge.

   A sensation in the industry.

   is really standing in the wind, pigs can fly.

   But many people still admire it.

   It is said that the boss directly gave him a Mercedes-Benz S500 in order to persuade Gao Yanhai. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Su Qingyue is not interested in these.

   He just thinks that everyone is looking for new growth points.

   is especially true in remote coal mines.

   But Jiao Kejun and Li Lin have also looked for a lot of funds.

   was not successful.

  Su Qingyue certainly understands the reason.

   is nothing more than the defeat of "Three Kingdoms Heroes".

   The remaining projects have been delayed.

   And their historical burden is too heavy.

   Various company disputes exposed in the industry before.

   The shareholder structure is very complicated, plus the divestment of Qicai.

   These are the focal points of the oldest brand, unable to catch the golden age shuttle bus.

   Once there was an opportunity in front of him, he did not cherish...

   On the contrary, people like Gao Yanhai had a chance.

   The golden age is of course also under the mud.

   Su Qingyue thought.

   Turn left at the Dongshan crossing, and the car reached the focal point.

   Su Qingyue got off the bus.


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