Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 376: : You can't lose to him

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Qiao Zhen's message popped up.

"President Su, are there any arrangements for tomorrow? Including your game planners?"

"Are you there tomorrow?" Su Qingyue replied.

"No, no, I can't make it." Qiao Zhen said, and explained: "It's Xiaoxian Sanqing, the author of "That Little Immortal Qi", can go there. He asked you if you have time tomorrow? I want to go to your unit and communicate with everyone. a bit."

I feel that the schedule is very random.

When Xiaoxian has time, everyone else has to cooperate.

Did not speak for a while, open the schedule and check tomorrow afternoon.

"There is no way," Qiao Zhen explained: "It's not easy for these authors to come out. Because they have to be updated every day, a few thousand words a day." He smiled and said: "We can read it in a few minutes . But in fact, the author spends the whole day on it. They have less personal time than office workers, and it’s not fixed. Xiaoxian is in Pingjing this time, so let’s hurry up, otherwise we don’t know when. ..."

Listening to him, Su Qingyue learned that it’s not easy for Xiaoxian to spare time

There is nothing wrong with the schedule displayed on the computer screen.

Let Tian Zhong ask Ouyang again.

Then Su Qingyue replied to Qiao Zhen: "Just tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay." Qiao Zhen replied, sighed, and said: "Sanqing Xiaoxian is even more exotic. He is a rare person at our station who doesn't have a chapter. Every day is smashing, so he said that there is I will arrange for you as soon as possible." Qiao Zhen said: "After all, I am very concerned about the progress of your project."

"You mean he is writing now?" Su Qing was stunned for a while.

"Yes." Qiao Zhen replied: "He is in our station nickname: animal fairy!"

He said nothing.

The more Su Qing remembered, from himself till now, Xiaoxian Sanqing has never stopped.

Sometimes I still interact with everyone on the forum.

Su Qingyue worked as a reporter.

He knew that the difficulty of a few thousand words a day was more than just a simple idea.

The key is to update every day, which means there must be new content every day.

It must be understood by readers.

I can't help but admire these web authors.

At the same time, I have a deeper understanding of this industry.

Think about it, no one can succeed casually.

After making an appointment with Qiao Zhen, Su Qingyue hurriedly informed Tian Zhong, Wang Xinjie and Ouyang.

Tell them about this.

Ask them to make preparations.

You must be at the work unit before two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie both responded with no problem, but Ouyang's portrait was dark and did not respond.

Su Qingyue didn't care too much.

Thinking he might be busy, so he ignored it.

Tian Zhong would definitely tell him this kind of thing.

He also told Zhou Ziyou that he is ready to shoot tomorrow, and it is best to find a camera to record.

Because these are valuable information for the company, it will be useful for future publicity.

Almost all of this is in order.

Su Qingyue reviewed his own adaptation opinions again.

He believes that although the adaptation is good, it also faces difficulties.

The work is not only the basis of the adaptation, but also its shackles. In the eyes of some fans, conforming to the original is a prerequisite for the success of the adaptation. Games and literature have different systems. Literary works are based on words. Readers can use words to establish the context and images of stories and characters in their minds. There is a lot of room for imagination.

The game is completely different.

The game is an adult’s fairy tale, a virtual world system, and it also follows the theories and laws of real society such as "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" and "consumer psychology".

The value of the plot is to allow players to quickly understand the world and integrate into this world, so that players have a familiar sense of substitution, so that players can quickly become interested in the system and gameplay, and then generate individual needs, such as: equipment, treasures, levels, social networking, Honor and so on.

And its long-term value is to make the players feel unfinished, establish a common discourse system between users, common mental qualities and common value appeals, which are also necessary factors for the formation of a relatively fixed fan group.

Therefore, if you want to change it, you must fully understand the work, communicate with the author, understand the background of his creation and the preferences of fans.

On this basis, express it with plot, task, system, gameplay, etc...

It is precisely because of this that Su Qingyue has full self-confidence, and also has worries and doubts about the team.

Confidence is that once your products come out, they have core values ​​and competitiveness.

Worries and doubts are whether the team can do it and understand it. After all, there is no precedent in the industry, and the results of previous adaptations were mixed...

As he was preparing, Ah Mi suddenly sent a message: "Do you know about Jiang Zhengshang?"

"???" Su Qingyue replied a few question marks, but suddenly realized what was wrong, so he followed up: "It means that Equity Investment gave him money, right?"

"Huh! What does Boss Chen mean!"

"It's not interesting, people invest normally."

"I'm just not convinced," Ah Mou made an angry expression, and then said: "I heard he had 15 million dollars, and a colleague asked me today..." Her text paused for a moment. . UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"What did you ask?" Su Qingyue asked.

After a while, Ah Mou replied: "Ask you when will you get the next round of financing, and also asked me about your holiday. Now, you two have conflicts, and everyone knows it in the circle." She exasperated. With a humming expression, he said: "So you must win and be better than him! This is not only related to your face, but also to me!!!"

See Amu hit three exclamation marks.

The more Su Qing understood her thoughts, she still hoped that she was better than him.

And the circle of unit colleagues is a vanity fair.

Su Qingyue coaxed her and said, "Okay, okay, okay... Don't worry, I will definitely be better than him."

He said so.

In fact, I felt that Jiang Zhengshang got the money and there was nothing to say.

In terms of product development, he is at least much more reliable than Gao Yanhai, and he is a R&D talent.

It's just that he is intolerant of love and the so-called complex, which makes him still unable to let go.

Su Qingyue felt that Jiang Zhengshang would be swallowed up by his various emotions sooner or later.

It really is character that determines fate.

At this time, Amu said: "Their marketing department has contacted us, and will develop a conference next Monday."

"Yeah." Su Qingyue replied.

"I want to go to an interview, what do you think?"

Understand what Amu will do.

Su Qingyue laughed helplessly and persuaded her: "Sell others to go." He said, and then explained: "When you have an unpleasant relationship with him, it will affect your company, and it will also point the finger at me. The industry has this. It’s a voice saying that we have fallen out, and you are completely seated."

"Huh, I'm afraid he won't make it?"

"Well, of course not."

"I don't care! Su Qingyue, you can't be weaker than him!"

A Mou emphasized again, Su Qing couldn't help laughing.

Finally responded again: "Don't worry!"

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