Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 377: : Industry chaos

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December 18th.

It's a cloudy day.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the cold wind was like a knife, trembling the dead trees on the street.

But the room is very warm.

It's like summer.

A few hours before Sanqing Xiaoxian arrived, Su Qingyue met Yu Chenglong in his office.

This is their original appointment.

Before that, Su Qingyue also specially asked Tian Zhong and others to arrive early today.

Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door outside, walked in with tea.

Say hello to Yu Chenglong who has just sat down.

Since they are all old colleagues of Hualuo and they have both drunk, the two are very enthusiastic.

Even Jackie Chan made two jokes about Zhou Ziyou.

Then he said: "Ziyou, I will be hired in a few days, can I have a drink?"

"Are you sure you are coming?" Zhou Ziyou asked with a smile, putting down the tea.

"If you promised the boss, can you just go back on it?" Yu Chenglong said with a smile.

Unlike the past, he wore a casual suit today with a down jacket on the back of the chair.

He shaved the green skin and his eyes became more piercing.

But the more he smiled at Su Qing, he was full of respect and non-threatening.

Seeing them you say a word to me, dissatisfied with each other.

Su Qing suddenly realized that he hadn't been so relaxed in a long time.

After leaving Hualuo, various difficulties in the focal point made him adapt to walking in the potholes.

Looking at them now, the previous feeling suddenly returned.

Zhou Ziyou went out and said: "Then it's settled. When the time comes, you will pat your wallet on the table. Whoever falls down first will buy the order."

Yu Chenglong and Su Qingyue said: "Boss! You will be a witness then!"


Su Qingyue smiled back.

Thinking that Jackie Chan will undoubtedly make the whole Yue Dao even more powerful.

Whether an online game can be successful or not, it is very important to promote it through channels.

He had originally wanted to find Sheng Tiancheng.

But now that Big Brother Shan is like a dragon in Dongfang.com, he will not easily change jobs.

After careful consideration, Su Qingyue believed that Yu Chenglong was Sheng Tiancheng's right-hand man.

His abilities have been verified in the world of martial arts and the world of conferred gods.

And I helped myself vigorously in the "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition", and showed strong execution.

He succeeded in persuading him to join his team.

And the latter is also preparing to join hands with the Eight King Kong to join Yue Dao.

Seeing Zhou Ziyou shut the door, Su Qingyue thanked him for supporting himself every time at the critical moment.

Just as he was about to ask about the rest of the people, Yu Chenglong changed his conversation and said, "Boss, besides me, there is some bad news. I think I want to tell you."

"You said." Su Qingyue nodded.

I suddenly thought of what was going on.

But it was decided to let Yu Chenglong speak first.

The latter put his hand in his pocket at this time, thought for a while, and said, "Boss, apart from myself, only two of our original Eight Diamonds can come this time. The rest of them seem hopeless." After speaking, he sighed and looked very apologetic.

Su Qingyue felt okay.

This situation was still in his expectation.

I think this is definitely not Yu Jackie's problem.

So he asked: "Is there anything wrong with the company? You can tell."

"It's not..." Yu Chenglong shook his head, "Don't blame them."

"Of course, come and go freely, not to mention everyone has their own ideas." Su Qingyue said, but he was still regretful. Because the people Yu Chenglong found were all good soldiers and strong generals. Six people are missing, in fact, at least half of the country is missing, and many of them need to be re-developed.

"There are things that are not easy." Yu Chenglong sighed.

Su Qing thought for a moment, and felt that this matter was not as simple as a temporary change of mind.

There must be other reasons.

If it is your own reason, you must pay attention to it.

Otherwise, it will definitely affect others. He asked: "Brother, can you tell me why?"

Yu Chenglong sighed again.

Looks not very embarrassed.

Su Qingyue said again: "It's okay, brother, tell me."

Yu Chenglong thought for a moment before finally speaking, "There is a company that digs them out and pays several times the salary..."

I didn't finish talking, but Su Qingyue already knew about this problem.

I instantly remembered the person Zhou Ziyou wanted to dig, as well as the person he was fond of, who had been robbed like this by other companies.

Su Qing suddenly felt that perhaps his salary level was problematic and outdated.

They originally referred to Focus and Hualuo.

Although not very good, it is still moderate in the industry.

But now if other companies are always poaching several times their wages, it is no coincidence.

This shows that your salary level may be problematic.

Yu Chenglong said at this time: "I can come, but I promised you, you know me, what you say counts."

"Of course I know."

"But Pingjing is too realistic. If you put tens of thousands in front of someone every month, it's really hard to resist the temptation." Yu Chenglong said sincerely.

Su Qingyue nodded and said: "Brother, don't worry, I will let Mr. Chen investigate the salary in the current market. Check the average situation of the industry. If it is really lagging behind, we will never chill everyone's heart. We will definitely adjust well and will not lose every brother."

"Of course I know it."

Yu Chenglong said and laughed.

The two continued to drink tea.

After a while, Yu Chenglong changed the conversation and said: "I am different from them. I am with you for money, not for money. I think it is mainly for the future. I believe in your judgment of the industry." After he said, he smiled awkwardly, "Follow the boss, you must have a future!"

Know that this is not a false compliment.

But there is definitely something to be done.

So Su Qingyue only said thank you, and waited for him to continue.

After a while, Yu Chenglong really said again: "I just think that our industry has a big problem now. Especially when I am on the front line, I can perceive more problems than ordinary people." He said, appearing confident and thinking. For a long time.

Su Qingyue was surprised and asked: "What's the problem?"

Yu Chenglong brewed for a while.

Said: "I came from a small county, I know the problems there too well," he said: "We may now have hundreds of thousands in many counties. Many places are not even connected to the Internet. The entire city, including black Internet cafes, There are only a few dozen. There may be fewer than tens of thousands of people who actually play games..."

He said, Su Qing listened and took a sip of tea.

Yu Chenglong followed and continued, "But we sent them 100,000 posters and leaflets. We asked these brothers, why do you post so many posters? If you have money and nowhere to spend, you can advertise! In the end, you Guess how the other party responded?"

He asked Su Qingyue.

But without giving him time to reply, he said: "People say that their advertising budget is not enough to spend, and they will be criticized if the money is not spent. So they watched those posters being sold as scrap!" He said, "Big Brother , Do you think such a phenomenon in an industry is normal?"

After he spoke, Su Qingyue didn't expect it to be like this.

But he and Yu Chenglong thought differently.

He suddenly understood why his salary suddenly became a gap with the entire industry.

The problem turned out to be here.

Just like Chen Feng said, no company is an island.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves ~www.ltnovel.com~ can affect all the solitary affairs around.

He thought, agreeing with Yu Chenglong.

Then look at the watch, it's already 11:30.

Because he still had to see Xiaoxian Sanqing in the afternoon, he said, "Go ahead, let's have a meal together."

"Okay, boss!" Yu Chenglong said half-jokingly: "We have known each other for so long, and I haven't had a chance to eat alone with you."

After he spoke, Su Qing was startled.

Only then did I realize that they were getting together, in fact, they were basically at Hualuo's gatherings.

So he smiled and said, "Have a good lunch."

They chatted and left the office.

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