Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 495: : Admonishment

   Yuelindao Home is a three-story single-family villa.

   The entrance is surrounded by a wooden fence to form a small courtyard. The yellow wood incense blooms and grows around the fence, dividing the sunlight into strands, giving it a special sentiment. Below is a wrought iron chair and coffee table. On the other side is a grape rack.

   Yue Lindao introduced to everyone: "These are all made by my family. She is a person with special interest in life and has super hands-on skills." He said, rang the doorbell.

Ouyang looked around and said with emotion: "I pass by the Third Ring Road every day. I really don't know that there is such a good villa area here, which is quiet." He smiled: "It must be expensive, right? "

"I bought it early, so it's the first pot of gold." Yue Lindao laughed and introduced: "Your sister-in-law hadn't married me at that time. But I promised her that she would have at least a house like what happened. Bought this set."

   He was talking.

   From the villa not far away, a Lexus 570 drove out and passed them.

   Ouyang glanced back and shouted, "Boss! Look!"

   "What?" Without a reaction, Su Qingyue turned his head. The off-road vehicle had already turned left. He only saw a tail.

   "Jiao Kejun just changed this car, I heard that it is more than 1.5 million yuan, it seems to be LX570." Ouyang said, he did not call Jiao Kejun the head of Jiao.

   There is a bit of gossip in the words, but there is a bit of dissatisfaction in the words.

   Su Qingyue listened, not feeling too much.

   Unlike many people, the attraction of the car to Su Qingyue is limited to riding.

   There is also a possibility, that is, I have not experienced it yet, so I don’t know that the beauty of life can be reflected in this aspect.

   But Ouyang followed again: "Boss, I think you should buy a good car too." He said, "Well, you are also the CEO of Yuedao. You always take taxis when you go out. That's wrong."

   Hearing his head and tail, he said in a daze.

   knows that he doesn't mean anything else, but simply thinks that you should have a car.

   However, there is some truth in understanding this from another aspect.

   At this time, Zhou Ziyou interjected: “Let’s get things done first. Anyway, if Mr. Jiao puts his mind on products and operations, where does his focus come from?”

   They said.

   Du Nanxiang and Amou kept talking about bags.

   Su Qing looked at her, sometimes felt that she was not like a CFO, but more like a socialite.

   Hearing Ah Mou smiled happily and said, "You Mr. Su gave me all his money to buy a bag and buy a house."

"It's right for men to spend money on women. Reporters, Mr. Su is right to do it." He Jiahua laughed and said, turning around and saying: "But Qingyue, you are the image of the company. You can't always talk about business when you go out. Sit and rent."

   Several people were talking, and someone opened the door.

   is Yue Lindao’s wife: Huang Feihan.

   A woman who is not outstanding but has a very delicate dress.

   She used to be in charge of the real estate sector in a well-known investment institution.

   When I saw Su Qingyue, she said: "Qingyue, come in and sit down." She greeted with a smile, and then said, "Mr. He, it's been a long time." She spoke and greeted people in the room.

  Although his attitude is enthusiastic, it feels like a thousand miles away.

   Su Qing understands that this is a long-standing habit of strong women.

   Walking inside, she greeted Du Nanxiang again and said, "Nanxiang, it's been a long time since I saw you." Nodded slightly.

   Although it is a greeting, it is obviously distant.

   Su Qingyue faintly felt that his attitude was a little weird.

   Su Qingyue didn't think much.

   then walked into the house, Yue Lindao introduced everyone to her one by one.

She smiled and said: "Where do I remember to live so much, so you sit first." She said, "The cold dishes are all ready, it's already late, you can eat first." She said, walking to the kitchen again, and said : "You are welcome, I'll go to the kitchen to help auntie."

   She left as she said.

   Yuelindao’s restaurant is very large, and the ceiling height is more than two meters nine.

   Warm-colored chandelier, like a palace.

   A long dining table, Yue Lindao greeted everyone to sit down.

   Su Qingyue noticed that Chen Ting seemed to be worried and kept sending text messages with her mobile phone.

   frowned for a while, then sighed.

When they met Su Qingyue’s eyes, they smiled stiffly, hurriedly looked at the cold dishes on the table, smiled and said, “There are also sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice and lotus root, red wine and Sydney.” She said, turning to Du Nanxiang: “Mr. Du, I remember you love to eat From Sydney."

   "It's okay, okay." Du Nanxiang answered with a smile.

   Then Yue Lindao’s wife Huang Feihan brought the wine again.

It is Moutai, which has been in existence for nearly ten years, and smiled and said to He Jiahua and Su Qingyue: "I will give you all of Mr. Yue’s good wine. You have all drunk him today, so that he won’t worry about it all day. ."

   After speaking, everyone laughed.

   Ouyang whispered to Zhou Ziyou: "Moutai! My favorite!"

   "Your favorite is not Moutai, your favorite is wine, you also said that Erguotou is your favorite." Zhou Ziyou exposed him.

   Yu Chenglong followed: "Is there a hospital near here?"

   Everyone burst into laughter.

   None of them moved their chopsticks, they all waited for Yue Lindao’s wife to sit down.

   After a while, the hot dishes are gone.

   Everyone asked Huang Feihan to take a seat, but the latter couldn't sit down.

At this time, Yue Lindao picked up the cup and said, "In fact, for our gathering today, we are first to thank everyone for their efforts over the past period of time. Especially after President Su proposed this strategy of allin's push, the results of only one region will affect the entire battle. Had a huge impact..."

   He said everyone was listening.

At this time, Yue Lindao said again: “Using an old game like Three Kingdoms opened up the market’s understanding of our Yuedao and created very good income. For all this, we must first thank Qingyue, and also thank everyone, including Ouyang. The production team also includes Lijun and Ziyou. For them, for the pleasure of Taoism, a toast."

   After saying something else, He Jiahua laughed and said, "Well said, let's have a drink!"

   Everyone said, drinking all the Chinese wine.

   Huang Feihan smiled and said: "Amu, you can try it. I specially asked the chef to cook your southern dishes. According to her, this Jinling lion head is her specialty."

   She said, pointing to the lion head in the plate.

   A Mou took a sip, and said hurriedly: "Sister-in-law, it's really authentic."

   They were talking, and everyone continued to toast.

   There are dishes coming up again.

Huang Feihan and Su Qingyue chatted, and said: "I told you that our old Yue really trusts Qingyue. At the beginning I thought Qingyue was a hairy boy, and it was not worth throwing in my money... She said: "As a result, Mr. Yue told me that if he didn't let him invest, he would hate me for a lifetime, and he would regret it for a lifetime."

   She smiled as a funny thing.

   Su Qing can understand.

   is tens of millions after all, not tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands.

   But Huang Feihan’s words actually have a hint of meaning, suggesting that he should not forget Yue Lindao.

   has become accustomed to Huang Feihan's speaking style.

   He and Amou took the initiative to toast.

At this time, He Jiahua raised his glass to Su Qingyue and said: "Qingyue, what you have achieved this time is not as simple as a region, but a strategic direction. This is very important, and it is also the reason why I came here specially. I feel about my investment. I am satisfied and assured. This is also my luck."

   He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

   Then He Jiahua said again: "That's why I prepared a small gift for you."

   "Gift?" Su Qingyue was startled, remembering that Du Nanxiang had also mentioned it before.

"Right." He Jiahua laughed and said: "What Ouyang said just now is actually what I want to say. As the CEO, you can't always go out to take a taxi, right? You think this is simple, in fact, this is the face of the team. So I ordered a Mercedes-Benz S500 for you. This is a small gift from me personally."

   He said, Du Nanxiang immediately followed: "He ordered this for you himself."

   He said, not only was everyone stunned.

   Su Qingyue himself was also startled.

  Because the Mercedes-Benz S500 is expensive.

   He thought, and hurriedly said: "He, this is not appropriate? I should do a good job, I should be responsible to myself, and I should also be responsible to investors. Moreover, it is so expensive, even more unnecessary."

   He said, Yue Lindao smiled and said, "Qingyue, just keep it."

   "Boss! Jiao Kejun has changed cars. You can't be inferior to him, can you? We work hard every day to make money, and people enjoy it by the side. Where is this?" Ouyang interjected.

He Jiahua said at this time: "Qingyue, no matter how you say you are the person I invest in, you must have a basic image. I know you don't want to increase the cost of the company, but this is a gift from me personally and has nothing to do with the company. You give it to all investors. Having earned so much money, we should also say that..."

   Su Qingyue remained silent and listened, thinking He Jiahua must have his reason.

He continued: "Simplicity is just an external imagination. You don't know many things. For example, you all think that the richest man on Hong Kong Island, Li Chaoren, saves you so much. You wear a Casio every day. What you don't know is that he has everything. The largest collector of Patek Philippe in Hong Kong. The external persona is just packaged by the team for various purposes."

  He paused here.

He also summarized: "All human beings have seven emotions and six desires. What's more, when the public's cognition and quality are at a certain stage, the external manifestations of material can indeed bring some convenience to business and negotiation. At least to a certain extent, it can be proved. In addition to your strength and past achievements, it also represents your desire and yearning for wealth. Of course, with the exception of those who are famous or respected, this kind of willfulness and unrestrainedness is also the ultimate goal pursued by everyone."

   He said, everyone was startled.

  Because in the eyes of outsiders, Superman Li always appears simple.

At this time, He Jiahua said again: "If you can't live, you won't be able to work. Don't be a high-paid ascetic. People who don't have desires are not recognized by capital." He said, finally looking at Yu Chenglong and the others, adding: "And you As an ascetic monk, what do you ask your brothers to do? What are your brothers' pursuit and goals?"

   He said so.

   Especially the last sentence "What do you make brothers think?".

   Su Qing understood the truth behind He Jiahua’s dialect. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   is not his own, and he would not explain it that way.

   is a gift, experience and lesson, and the wisdom of life.

   hopes that the relationship will be further expressed and sincere.

   He immediately agreed.

   immediately raised the wine glass, first to show that this car will be used as the company's official car.

   then thanked He Jiahua again.

Then he raised a glass and said: "This time we can achieve good results in Nanyue, it should be said that there are still lucky elements in it. This time we enter the free shipping area, we will face a more complicated situation. I have been a child since I was young. Huaiwen grew up and went to university in Nandu. Although the free shipping area has a large market, there are actually many obstacles to the subsequent work because of the ancient culture, which may be even more difficult than that of Nanyue."

   He said, everyone is listening.

"But I will overcome these difficulties one by one with the brothers of the team. Just as we overcome other difficulties at the beginning." He said, raising his glass and said: "So now let us toast the brothers of the team, hope They went out smoothly this time, and the battle of the Three Kingdoms will be won!"

   Other words, cheers.

   Everyone also followed up and blessed the future work smoothly.


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