Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 496: : Surprisingly Nanto

   At Yuelindao's house that night, they didn't drink too much.

   is mainly in other people's homes.

   In addition, Su Qingyue and He Jiahua both know that Huang Feihan is not a patient person.

   If it takes a long time, she will find it troublesome.

   The critical moment was when Du Nanxiang offered to leave.

   A crowd responded immediately.

  Walking out, Huang Feihan and Yue Lindao sent off the guests while speaking politely, and the nanny behind him cleaned up the house.

   Summer night in Beijing, with dry heat.

   Yuelindao and everyone walked to the gate of the courtyard.

   enthusiastically imagine to win the free shipping market.

   "No problem, there is Qingyue, this can definitely be done." He laughed and said. Patting Su Qingyue on the shoulder, with a slight drink, he said: "Look at you, brother, I believe there will be no problems with the home game."

   "Yes! This time Su always plays at home, it must be no problem." Du Nanxiang smiled and interjected.

  Yu Jackie Chan followed: "It has nothing to do with the home game. The key is that I believe in the boss's ability." He said, he hiccuped, and repeated Su Qingyue's previous experience in Nanyue.

   Su Qingyue originally wanted to say: This kind of home battle is still less talked about, first, I don't want to put too much pressure on the team; second, there is no home, the only thing in this world is to meet the mountains and open the mountains and bridge the water. Everything has to be said in the south.

   But seeing everyone so happy, think about drinking again.

   The highest state of emotional intelligence is not disappointing.

   He didn't speak, just smiled faintly.

   Talk to Ouyang about work again.

   came out of the door of the Yuelindao villa area, and everyone persuaded him and Huang Feihan to go back.

   and He Jiahua walked out.

   found that in the conversation with He Jiahua, he did have new gains in the treatment of wealth.

   He always thought that my ideal is big entertainment, and money is just added value. But today he realizes that this is his own ideal and the company's vision, and it does not represent everyone. Wealth is a very critical thing for brothers who are fighting with themselves.

   chatting with He Jiahua.

   At the intersection, Du Nanxiang personally sent He Jiahua away.

   The others went home.

   Su Qingyue and Amou decided to go for a while.

   sweating, hangover.

   They sold another bottle of mineral water on the way, and he took a sip.

   Amu asked: "Brother Su, they all say they are playing at home, what do you think?"

   "There is no home game, everything must be dealt with randomly." Su Qingyue said.

"Well, I also think it’s hard to say where we are." Amu nodded, thought for a moment and then said: "Because they are not people from our place, I don’t know that we are fighting each other. A city and a city are not together. A district is not the same as a district, and there will be problems even across the street."

   Su Qingyue laughed instantly when Amo said this about his hometown: "It's not as exaggerated as you say, right?"

   "At least the word bulk, I didn't invent it."

   "Haha, I will pay attention." Su Qingyue realized that she was talking about online comments that they were in bulk in Jiangsu Province.

   He smiled back.

   I thought Ah Mou made sense.

   went forward again, feeling a little tired.

   Seeing that there was a taxi coming on the road, they got into the car.

   It was almost eleven when I got home.

   took a hot shower, and he lay down on the bed.

   Amu asked him again: "Then you will be there next Monday?"

"I don't think I can wait for a week, it's too late." He said, thinking about the changing situation, and then said: "Be early, because I was not there last time. This time, it will be good to understand the channels with everyone." He said , And finally said: "I will deal with the work of the unit first, and go over immediately."

"Okay, I see you are talking about it every day. I guess you are also under pressure. It's okay to go early." Amu said, "Remember to go home to sleep at night. I'll talk to my mom. I'll make good food for you every day. ."

"it is good."

   Su Qingyue said, nodding.

  The drink came up, and he fell asleep groggyly.

   Three days later, Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou boarded a plane to the southern capital.

It was already afternoon when    arrived.

   I know that the team is investigating, and another group of people are rushing here from Nanyue.

   Yu Jackie Chan went to Nanyue for a finishing touch, but did not arrive.

   took a taxi with Zhou Ziyou and walked back.

   sent a message to Amou saying that he had arrived. Looking out the window, even though he was not fighting at home, every bit of air in Nandu gave him a feeling of hometown. The French sycamore tree shields the sunlight and disassembles strands of sunlight.

   Zhou Ziyou came from the back seat and said, "Boss, come back and take me to the Ming Palace this time."

   "Okay, you can also go to our school." Su Qingyue was in a good mood for a while.

   The car continued to drive, and quickly turned to a residential building not far from Su Qingyue University.

   Su Qingyue introduced to Zhou Ziyou the delicacies in this neighborhood.

Pointing to a restaurant again, he said, "Ziyou, if you have breakfast in the morning, you can come to his house." He said, "Your sister-in-law and I used to come often. Their duck blood fans and small dai noodles are very delicious. As he said, he felt his stomach groaning, and he looked at his watch. It was only five o'clock.

   After a while, the car finally stopped.

   I saw a sign: Lion Electronic Mall.

   They got out of the car and walked out with their luggage to the designated floor.

   Hear the barking of dogs.

   and Zhou Ziyou went upstairs, only to realize that the sound was coming from the corridor.

   The door is open.

   Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

   Nandu people have an old habit of opening the door for ventilation in the spring and autumn, because there will be a passing breeze.

   But with this smell, he frowned and opened the door.

   The dog continued to bark.

   followed a black shadow to jump up.

   is not big, but fierce. Su Qingyue didn't see what it was, stepped back, and just picked up the box.

   followed by a scream.

   Watching a dog hit the desk again, and continued to howl, but didn't dare to move forward.

   Everywhere, you can see that there are dog basins on the ground, and there are all kinds of things for dogs to have fun.

   The entire office was littered with documents and snacks.

   is simply a pot of porridge.

   He frowned. In such an environment, how could others come to talk about things.

   How do you think about Yuedao company.

   At least the minimum hygiene should be paid attention to, and it should not affect the office environment.

   was thinking, when someone rushed out of the back room, the dog immediately hid behind the person and continued barking.

   The man yelled and threatened: "What are you doing! Dare to beat my dog~www.ltnovel.com~ want to die?"

   Seeing that he is 1.8 meters tall, he is chubby and stronger than himself and Zhou Ziyou.

   is not too old, that is, he is in his early twenties.

   Su Qingyue just wanted to ask what you did.

  Zhou Ziyou picked up a chair and stood in front of Su Qingyue: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"This is the Yuedao office, and my brother is the boss here!" The young man refused to accept his brother's name with a feeling that I am a ya inner. "Who are you? It's so rude to hit a dog. "He said, pointing to the door and said: "Get out of here now!"


   The dog keeps barking.

   I didn't expect this in my office.

   Su Qingyue did not leave, dialed a number, and said coldly: "Yu Chenglong, I have arrived at the Nandu office, call this person in charge!"

   glared at the young man.

   Although he is tall and tall, he is as stupid as a pig.

   The five senses were squeezed together, and the wing of his nose trembled as he spoke.

   did not speak any more, then Su Qingyue sat down.


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