Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 497: : Cut the mess with a quick knife

   After a while, Dong Jian, the channel leader of Yuedao Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, came.

   The dog belongs to his brother Dong Bin.

   This is what Dong Jian said by himself after he arrived.

   But the strange thing is that there is no shame or anger on his face, nor tension.

   looked very plain, even though the dog kept barking beside.

   He turned around, pointed outside the house, and said, "Get out now."

   "Why? I don't know who he is? What is the chief? What's so great." Dong Bin refused to accept, his voice was loud, stubbornly refused to go, and the Teddy started barking again behind him.

   The accents of the two brothers are from the suburbs near the southern capital.

   Dong Jian frowned and continued to push him.

   The rest of the staff looked numb as if watching the excitement.

   The more Su Qing understood, they were not surprised.

   Want to come, the two Dong brothers are used to being arrogant in the office, and these promoters are also a little numb.

   snorted coldly, and asked Dong Jian: "Is your brother an employee in the office?"

   "Yes." At this time, a dissatisfied promoter answered for the brothers.

   Dong Jian was startled and stared at the speaker.

   Everything is very clear.

   Su Qingyue said: "What's the use of Dong Bin? Fired!" He said, Dong Jian frowned and looked back at him. The next moment he said again: "Take the dog away, and your basin! No more animals in the office in the future." He said every word, and then complained: "It makes the house smell so full, customers come. What do you think about it?"

   "Why open me?" Dong Bin yelled, kicking the dog pot.

   Dong Jian stopped pushing his younger brother, turned around and asked: "President Su, isn't this inappropriate? There must be a reason to open a person?"

"Isn't this reason enough? Keep a dog in the office!" He said, "And what is your reason for hiring him? What kind of work did he do? Internal work is fine too!" Su Qing said in Vietnamese, referring to the entire office. Environment: "Look at this, what's the difference between this and the pig nest?"

   He said, Dong Jian was silent.

   Obviously, there is still free money here, and his brother can't do it as a shit.

   The promoter who spoke just now nodded slightly.

   The other promoters were expressionless and dull. They were obviously suppressed for a long time.

   Su Qingyue reacted, after all, Tung Chee was still there.

   The initiator of all this situation.

   If you don't get rid of him quickly, then this situation will still exist.

   and will intensify.

   Dong Jian is nothing more than his familiarity with the southern capital.

   The next moment, he simply used the dialect of Nandu and said: "And you are also driven!"

   "What?" Dong Jian was startled, "Are you from Nandu?"

I didn’t bother to explain anything, so I just ordered the promoter who just spoke: “You go find a professional cleaner and clean the office. It’s completely clean.” He said to Dong Jian: “The cost is from his salary. Deduction!" He said, pointing to Dong Bin: "Deduct from Dong Bin's salary!"

   "Why!?" Dong Bin shouted, trying to rush forward.

   Dong Jian also yelled.

   But the promoters instantly blocked in front.

   Zhou Ziyou simply copied a chair.

   Su Qingyue motionless, raised his face, staring coldly at the brothers.

  Listening to Dong Bin pointing at the promoter, he yelled angrily: "You guys! It's not my brother that usually covers you!"

   He just said coldly: "Zhou Ziyou! Notify the personnel department that these two people will never be hired!"

   Dong Bin still wanted to make trouble.

   Dong Jian held his brother at this moment.

   stared at Su Qingyue, coldly threatening: "You remember this thing today, I will make you regret it."

   "Go!" Su Qingyue only said one word.

   There was a sense of decisiveness in his eyes, and Dong Jian only looked at him for a moment, then his eyes avoided.

   took his younger brother away.

   The dog was still barking when he went out.

   Dong Bin kicked the dog's stomach, and Teddy screamed instantly.

   Su Qing became more startled. He didn't expect that there would still be such a man who was angry with himself and angered with a dog.

   Looking at the promoter who was still expressionless in front of him, he slowly relaxed. It's hard to imagine that such a ridiculous thing can happen in a private enterprise, making it look like a TV series. Su Qingyue ordered: "Now find a cleaner and clean it up. Wipe the floor with 84 disinfectant to kill virus and smell."

   A promoter said he knew him, so he called.

   Waiting for the cleaning effort, Su Qingyue called to ask Yu Jackie how long it will be.

   said the latter, about an hour and a half.

   followed Su Qingyue and told about what happened here. The latter was stunned for a long time on the phone.

   didn't talk about this again.

   only told him that after he came, everyone had a meeting and said, "I will find someone to be the person in charge of the office."

   After a while, two cleaners came outside.

   They packed up quickly.

   Su Qingyue asked to clean up every corner. "Use 84 disinfectant a lot." He said.

   I know, just now the first one to stand up and say that Dong Jian’s promoter is Lin Fan, from the old district of northern Jiangsu.

   took advantage of the cleaning aunt to clean up.

   Su Qingyue chatted with them about Nandu Market.

   Two hours later, the whole house finally has a new feel.

   It’s just that 84 disinfectant is a bit pungent, but some people even say it smells good.

Su Qingyue smiled and said to the other brothers in the office, “I’ll make a suggestion. Let’s make a rule in the future. The office’s hygiene should be clean. Set up a duty schedule and everyone participates in it. Why? Like? Do you agree?"

   "I'm fine!" Lin Fan said first.

   The others followed too.

   Everyone was talking, and their expressions slowly returned to normal.

  At this time Jackie Chan came with the team.

   As soon as he entered the door, Yu Chenglong started to conduct a self-examination: "Boss! I..."

   Su Qingyue stopped him: "This matter is my management problem." He simply assigned the responsibility to himself, leaving a face for Yu Jackie. In fact, this is the leadership philosophy of my father, namely: Don't deprive middle-level leading cadres of their prestige, especially in front of other people.

   Then the cleaning aunty finished cleaning at this time, and they paid for it.

   Soon the people in the office gathered.

   They officially started the meeting.

Everyone sat down and Su Qingyue said, "Brothers, I caused the previous problems. But today I am here, and I promise you that there will be no problems in the future. Yue Dao does not allow anyone to bully others and use power for personal gain! "He said: "My style of doing things may be a bit rough, but with me, you will not only grow in ability, but also in wealth."

   After he finished speaking, everyone nodded.

   I looked at my watch and it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

   Su Qingyue simply said to everyone: "Let’s have a meal together~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone went out.

   At this time, the phone rang, and it was Amu’s mother. Then I remembered that he didn't tell them that he wouldn't go back to eat.

   hurriedly picked it up, explained it, and had a sincere attitude.

   Amo’s mother laughed on the phone and said, “It’s normal. It’s work, it’s easy to forget things.” Then he said, “You’re busy with you.”

   and Amu’s mother was courteous for a while.

   hung up the phone and everyone went into the hotel.

   Have a drink with everyone.

   Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and they will do it well later.

   After the meal, everyone went back.

  Yu Chenglong said to him: "Boss, someone in the office should be responsible. My suggestion is that this person must be wolfish! Must be aggressive!"

   "I understand." Su Qingyue nodded, recalling the promoter in the office, but shook his head helplessly.

Then Jackie Yu said the same concerns as him: "But I think this group of people are not good, not because of their bad character, but their ability. They need someone to lead the team. This way, after we leave, the stall will not fall apart, and it will still be possible. Continue the previous work."

   "We all think about this person." Su Qingyue said finally.


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