Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 498: :problem occurs

   finished talking with Yu Chenglong.

   They went to several Internet cafes nearby to check the situation in advance.

When    was in Nandu with him, the number of Internet cafes increased significantly. Some have been significantly expanded.

   They turned around and felt that Nandu Market was also very good.

   After this, Su Qingyue pushed his luggage and took a taxi.

   It took almost half an hour before stopping in the yard of Amou's house.

   walked into the yard. The summer night in the southern capital is already very hot and greasy. It's a little bit hard to breathe.

  Su Qingyue pulled the collar a little,

   entered the yard, still thinking about who is the right person in charge of the office.

   It's half past ten looking at the watch.

   There were people downstairs chatting in the shade, Su Qingyue walked by and saw a few familiar figures.

   One of them was Li Suchao, the leader of the newspaper. He remembered that his son was also going to school in Pingjing.

   They met during the Chinese New Year.

   The other two people had a normal relationship when he was in the newspaper.

   It's just that the fat guy who guards Li Suchao is a famous guy who likes to covet leaders in newspapers. People secretly say that snobbery is not as obvious as him. Anyone who is powerful or rich will immediately greet him with a smile. If anyone is incapable, he will pretend not to see it even if he walks in front of him.

   Su Qingyue remembers his name: Hao Yonghui.

  Walking to the unit door, Li Suchao was the first to see him.

   smiled and called out: "Qingyue?"

  I followed Hao Yonghui and saw him, and he waved: "Hey, the rich man." He has a big fat face, and when he smiles, he has a sleazy and flattering feeling.

   Another person also greeted him.

   Su Qingyue stopped to greet them.

   Li Suchao asked: "Qingyue, what are you doing here? Amo didn't come back?"

   "A business trip."

"Ha, the big boss is still on a business trip?" Hao Yonghui's mouth looked astonished, and he said: "Qingyue, you have money, so don't invite me to dinner? Did all the money go to Amo? I see that set of mahogany furniture you bought! Scarlet rosewood! That's amazing!" He gave a thumbs up after saying a word.

   Su Qingyue hurriedly waved his hand.

   Li Suchao said again: "Qingyue, don't forget that my son will look for you for an internship at that time."

   "No problem, definitely." Su Qingyue said.

   After a while, I went upstairs.

   Amo's mother opened the door for him, and laughed when she saw him, and said, "How about it, have you eaten?"

"I have eaten, I have eaten." Su Qingyue repeatedly said: "I encountered some problems in the afternoon, so I forgot to tell you." He tried his best to explain, feeling that this is an attitude towards the elders: "After all, I just arrived. You still have to make a good relationship with your subordinates."

   "That's! Someone has to kill you." Amu's father came out of the bedroom wearing a pajamas.

   They chatted.

   Su Qingyue noticed that the sofa had been replaced with mahogany at this time.

   The grades are really different.

   is also old-fashioned decoration, Chinese style, but now I feel that the whole of Amo’s house is up to a higher grade.

   sat down with Amo’s father and chatted.

   "How long do I have to stay back this time?" Amu's father asked.

   "I guess it will take a month. At the beginning, I will be in the southern capital, and I may have to go around. In addition, I have to go to the areas close to the river and sea." He explained: "Behind southern Anhui and northern Anhui, work must be done."

   "Oh, you are a big boss, how can you still care about these." Amu's mother sighed.

   "That's right! When a boss doesn't know anything, how can you do it?" Amu's father said, "You think it's so easy to be a boss." He said, laughed, and gave Su Qingyue tea again.

   Two people are drinking tea and chatting.

   Amo’s mother asked again: "Qingyue, is your house almost finished being renovated?"

   "It's coming soon, now it's mainly for finishing touches," he said: "There are also home appliances and furniture. After everything is set up, let it go for a while to disperse the smell."

   "Okay, when you get it right, let's go and have a look." She laughed.

   Su Qing said more and more busy.

   Then they talked for a while.

   Behind Amu's mother reminded her to rest quickly.

   Only then did he disperse, and Amu's father went back to the bedroom.

   walked into Amou's room alone and just sat down.

  Think about my first visit to her house in the name of repairing a computer.

   At that time, I felt like I was a thief, and I couldn't help but want to laugh.

At this time, Amu’s mother knocked on the door again and told him: "XingMou said that you often work overtime at night. I'm afraid you are hungry, so I will keep the food for you." She said, "You are hungry at night, and heat it in the microwave ."

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   Amu's mother just left.

   Look at Amu's bed, it has been arranged for him. The towel is in the bear pattern that Amu likes.

   No sleep.

   He first called Amou and told her that he was home.

   The latter laughed and asked, "Have you eaten the meal that mother cooked?"

   "No, I didn't take care of it." Su Qingyue explained, but didn't say the specific reason.

Amu didn’t ask, but just told him, “I’m going to have a three-year course, I hope I can do it all at once. I really want to drive home...” she said, and then asked, “By the way, what about the mahogany furniture? How is it?"

   "Very beautiful, very high-end." Su Qingyue said.

   They were talking, and after a while, Amu let out a breath.

   Then I said good night.

  Su Qingyue then turned on the computer and started working.

   He first checked the forum comments on the official website today.

   See what the players are doing, and if there are any outstanding issues. This is basically Su Qingyue's daily routine. Noted that the official website forum also put some interviews with Ouyang about the understanding of the game and the Three Kingdoms. Speaking is concise and easy to understand, any player who reads it will feel that the producer is very close to him.

   There are some questions. Some players also asked him how he got on the road to the game and how he became a producer.

   Ouyang also patiently answered ~www.ltnovel.com~ and told them that finding a boss is very important to the person.

He said in the interview: "It can be said that if there is no President Su, there would be no me today. My dream is realized by the boss taking me step by step. Now I am still striding forward on the road of dreams. I suggest that everyone do Cherish the opportunity and work hard together."

   Seeing these, Su Qingyue smiled.

   Then he watched industry forums again.

   are all conventional, not about Yue Dao.

   Su Qingyue is very satisfied.

   I then watched the mainstream websites of Jinghe again, and the reports on "Three Kingdoms Heroes" were normal.

   Thinking back to Ouyang, he frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered someone alone.

   He suddenly realized that there is actually someone who should be able to take over the Nandu office.

   immediately took out his cell phone and wanted to call Yu Chenglong.

   But at this time, the other party suddenly called him.

   Su Qingyue was startled instantly.

   A bad feeling came to my heart.

   He picked up, and Jackie Chan's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Boss, something happened to the office and it was stolen!"


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