Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 501: : Win in chaos

   Nandu Road is not too congested, at least better than Pingjing’s.

   The driver was speechless all the way, just staring at the front, shuttled in the traffic.

   Looking at the familiar scenery outside the window, Su Qingyue sighed, thinking about the home game, now there is no more materials. He believes that no matter whether Dong Jian thinks of any trouble if he does this, he can clearly see four evil results anyway.

   Once a competitor moves something, it is impossible for him to press the previous setting. The original mode of walking with small steps and brisk walking is definitely no longer possible, and temporary adjustments will inevitably make mistakes.

   There is also the morale of everyone. Nandu had just been out of the situation, and this kind of thing happened again, plus the opinions of investors.

   Each of these is a blow.

   Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover.

   Make a corresponding strategy for every evil result that appears.

   After a while, the taxi arrived at the office.

   walked in and saw everyone coming.

   Only Peng Lei is left.

  Yu Chenglong came over and said: "Peng Lei will be here soon, he has already got off the plane." He said, "I just called and said that it is almost off the highway."

   "Good." Su Qingyue nodded.

   "Other materials..." Yu Chenglong said.

   "After the meeting is over, I will know what needs to be done." Su Qingyue said.

   Zhou Ziyou came over at this time and whispered: "Boss, many people already know."

   "It's okay, I can't hide this kind of thing."

   Su Qing laughed more and more, as if nothing had happened.

   also patted Zhou Ziyou on the shoulder.

   Ten minutes later, Peng Lei came. Carrying an old-fashioned suitcase, the rollers are still broken. After entering the door, I looked around and saw Su Qingyue in it. He immediately called out, walked over to him, bit his lip, and said, "Su, rest assured, I will do it right."

   noticed that he was wearing half sleeves, the tattoos on his arms were obvious, plus the yellow hair on his head.

Su Qingyue frowned slightly and said, "Peng Lei, try to cover your tattoos as much as possible in the future. After all, you have just arrived here and you need a good image to start your work. Nandu is still a more traditional city." He said, looking at his head again. The curtain on the hair, laughed, and said: "Try to treat your hair as much as possible."

   "Well, President Su, I have brought clothes, and Brother Cheng taught me." He said, "But it was too late for the hair."

   "I see." Su Qingyue said with a smile: "Go to the back room and return the clothes. We are ready to start."

   He said, Peng Lei left immediately.

  Although people often emphasize the freedom of dressing, in fact, colored glasses are born in the subconscious mind.

   He thought, and Peng Lei came out soon.

   An old-fashioned white shirt, washed a little bit yellow, and a pair of black jeans, washed a little white.

   Su Qing understood that this may be his most aesthetic clothes.

   Thinking of this, I greet everyone for a meeting.

  Because there are a lot of people and there are not enough seats, some people are standing.

   Su Qingyue chose the same as them.

   He likes to stand and talk with pacing, which is more relaxed and also conducive to thinking time.

"Presumably everyone knows something," he said, looking around everyone, and then said: "Whether or not Tung Chee leaked the secret, now we have no secrets. Our competitors will act quickly, even swarming. To. Whether in Southern Capital or in other regions."

   He said, everyone is listening.

   Then Su Qingyue said again: "This is indeed a bit sudden, and some colleagues may be nervous. But after the nervousness, we carefully imagined, did this make the situation worse?"

   He asked, but no one answered.

Su Qingyue said at this time: "In fact, it is not. This was originally an era of crowds. Many companies are looking for a variety of ways out, and it will be discovered sooner or later. Then no matter how bad it is, it means that everyone will work together. Upgrading strategy and fierce competition."

   He said, Peng Lei has been recording with pen.

"Since it is white-hot, it is the bayonet that sees red!" Su Qingyue said: "This test is nothing more than our willpower. The two armies meet and the brave wins!" Speaking of the strategy he thought of in the car, he said: "Others think we are. It will be messed up, but we have to respond to them with actions, and we will wait for them to come! Because we are already half a step ahead!"

   He said, some promoters whispered, stood up, nodded.

   Su Qingyue and Yu Chenglong said at this time: "Since the materials are lost, we will do it again. But this time we will do it more specifically and address the characteristics of each region."

   "Understand!" Yu Chenglong got up immediately.

Then Su Qingyue said again: "Before we thought of advancing step by step, but now we should change our thinking." He said: "We must delegate our autonomy to every region, every street, even every Internet cafe, every "Individual." He said: "If you engage in a distributor system, how much you sell depends on your ability. It doesn't matter whether you are a company or an individual, or whether you are a city or a street."

   "Boss, will this cause chaos in the channel system?" Yu Chenglong said worriedly.

Su Qingyue waved his hand and said: "Don't be afraid of chaos, our opponents are more chaotic." He said: "They rush into battle, and they must have more trouble. Let's not be afraid that the division can't find the regiment, the regiment can't find the battalion, or the battalion can't find it. Only by fighting separately can there be flexibility. Every competitor feels that he is in an all-out war when he comes up."

   "Win in chaos?" Peng Lei followed.

  Yu Jackie Chan and Zhou Ziyou both looked at him.

   Su Qing laughed more and said: "Peng Lei is right, we just want to win in chaos!"

At this time, Yu Chenglong interjected and said, "Boss, this is good, but it is designed to attract investment? Although there are promoters, it can't be spread to every corner in a short time." He said, "I think there should be some propaganda cooperation. ."

"First is the press conference." Zhou Ziyou took over at this time: "Since the bayonet has become popular, you are welcome. Boss, I suggest directly publishing the Allin plan. United Nandu can radiate surrounding media and industry media. A press conference will be held and other publicity measures will be made for the radiation area."

"Yes!" Su Qingyue pointed to Zhou Ziyou and said: "Aren't they going to fight? It's okay! Let's come! We have to use our market advantage." He said, finally: "Ziyou, this time I Approve you to increase the market budget! Take down the entire free shipping area."

   "Don't worry! The market is a must-answer question. We will definitely do it well." Zhou Ziyou said.

At this time, Su Qingyue looked at the promoters and said: "Brothers, you are our most important army in Yuedao. What we can do for everyone is to provide full fire support. From the air force marketing to various logistics Supported by preferential funding measures, we will achieve the ultimate."

   Everyone nodded.

  'S face was obviously relaxed a lot.

   also expressed their opinions.

It's almost done, Su Qingyue finally said: "Brothers, let me introduce now. This is Peng Lei, the new person in charge of our office." He said, "He is from Yangcheng in the southern Guangdong region. People are not good-looking. Peng Lei contributed a lot to our expansion of the market in Yangcheng."

   As soon as he introduced Yangcheng, everyone understood that they must be experienced channel elites.

   Then he asked Peng Lei to speak.

The latter got up, thought for a moment, and said, "What I want to say is, if you want to climb up, want to fight, and you are not reconciled to this for a lifetime. Then you are right to come to Yuedao, and you are right with Mr. Su! Do it! If you do well, you have a chance! Let's fight together! Let's fight it!"

   Other words, everyone applauded.

   Then Su Qingyue began to arrange specific tasks.


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