Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 502: : Dilemma

   I didn’t expect that the leak would not be over. Dong Jian did this.

   This is indeed a bit beyond Su Qingyue's expectations.

   Watching Peng Lei try his best to convince the boss, he tried his best to tell himself, don't be stunned by anger.

Peng Lei tried his best to explain: "Boss, it's really not the case. Dong Jian did leave when he told you. He does not represent Yue Dao." He still patiently explained, and helped the boss analyze: "And you want to be so good. Policy, how can it be notified temporarily?"

"Don't talk about that. Anyway, you came to say that it was pleasant. The latter came to say that he was not. Our Internet cafe doesn't care about which of you and who." The boss said grimly, took out a cigarette, and Peng Lei immediately gave it to you. He clicked, but the other party avoided him and said, "Anyway, I'm here. If you don't say anything, don't enter me."

   He said, Peng Lei froze.

   At this time, Lin Fan also went up to explain to the boss.

   He even did not hesitate to tell the other party that Dong Jian had committed a crime.

   But the boss just said, "I care who you are, he is Yuedao in my eyes."

   Su Qingyue looked behind him, realizing that it didn't make much sense to continue the discussion.

   Because for Internet cafe owners, they thought Dong Jian was in Yuedao before.

   Expectations have increased, and it will be difficult to lower it.

   did not speak, remained silent.

   When he came out of this Internet cafe, he looked at Jackie Chan with a gloomy face.

   Lin Fan cursed: "What! Don't you just want to take advantage?"

   Unexpectedly, Peng Lei said at this time: "We have to understand people, and you can't accept it. So we need to think about how we can convince these bosses. Don't work with anger."

   He said, and readjusted the way of communication with everyone on the street.

   Peng Lei told everyone to record the reaction of each Internet cafe owner.

   He said, "I don’t believe it when we try it out as a family..."

   Su Qingyue noticed that everyone was already sweating.

   But Peng Lei encouraged everyone to continue.

   So they went to another Internet cafe.

   Su Qingyue followed.

   But the result is not good.

   No matter how humbly they explain, the attitude of the other party is simple: you must speak for words.

And some bosses even scolded Peng Lei, saying, "What kind of thing are you, run to our southern capital to promote it. Talking is nothing! When are we all stupid?" The attitude was very bad, and he got up before Peng Lei could talk any more. Boom people.

   from room to room, watching the brothers being blasted out.

   The promotion under his hand was dejected one by one.

   But Peng Lei is still encouraging everyone.

   Lin Fan also followed up and said, "Brothers, let's continue, I don't believe that none of the Internet cafes in Quannan is reasonable."

   Listening to them, Su Qingyue and Yu Chenglong looked at each other.

   He asked Zhou Ziyou to buy cold drinks for everyone.

   After a while, they brought the cold drink back, and they took a sip.

Zhou Ziyou also realized that the problem was not with these promoters, and Su Qing stepped aside and said, “Boss, I don’t think this is a solution. Because even if they insist on pushing, as long as they can’t solve the core problem, the effect will be fine. It must be bad, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

   He said that Su Qingyue actually admitted.

   Look at Peng Lei and they enter an Internet cafe again.

   But Su Qingyue felt that he could not raise prices blindly.

   Because this is not just a cost issue, he thought about going in with Peng Lei.

As soon as I opened the curtains and the cool air was blowing, I heard the boss Peng Lei: "Okay, don't come, we all know what you are going to say. Did Dong Jian have resigned? So you just speak. That's nothing? Okay, we all know in the group, you Yuedao is so untrustworthy. If it doesn't work, just push a temporary worker, right?"

   understand that most of the owners of Internet cafes are in contact with each other.

   Su Qingyue sighed secretly, realizing that this was Dong Jian's most powerful killer move.

   is even worse than leaking secrets.

   But so far, this guy hasn't caught it yet.

   Seeing that the sun has set, it is already dark.

   It's half past ten to look at the watch again.

   Everyone hasn’t eaten yet.

   Peng Lei was about to go to another Internet cafe, but Su Qingyue stopped everyone and said, "Brothers! Let's eat first."

   Then they found a restaurant and sat down.

  Because they were tired all day, they ordered cold beer.

   Peng Lei continued to encourage everyone, and Su Qing understood that he was dedicated to meritorious service. But enthusiasm alone is not enough. Reasonable strategies and tactics are needed, otherwise it will drain morale. Su Qingyue felt that these were his own problems. Thinking of this, he picked up the wine glass and drank with everyone, thanking everyone for the hard work of this day.

   drank Chinese wine with everyone.

   He finally said: "Today's work is here first, everyone should go back and rest after drinking."

He says.

   I feel that the only person who is happy this day is Peng Lei.

   I feel that he is better than before in Nanyue.

   They drank it almost twelve o'clock, and then everyone dispersed.

   Su Qingyue sighed and returned to Amo's house.

   As soon as he entered the room, Amu's mother asked him whether today's matter has been settled.

   In order to reassure the elderly, he hurriedly said: "It's almost solved."

   Then he returned to Amou's bedroom and sat down.

   I feel very tired, thinking about sleeping.

   You can still turn on the computer. If you want to open the document, list the known issues and unknown issues.

   Solve the mental dilemma.

   was thinking that Ah Mou sent him a link.

   Obviously from an industry forum, Su Qingyue frowned.

   Look at the text sent by Amo again and ask: "What's the matter with you, one after another?"

   Su Qingyue opened it immediately.

   found a title: "Yuedao network undermines the rules of the industry, and a price war hurts the enemy one thousand and eight hundred."

   I didn't expect the topic to be so long.

   Su Qing frowned, realizing that this incident had affected other people.

   He clicked on immediately.

Someone wrote: "As the title! Today, several people in my department were doing charter flights in Nandu, and found that Yuedao doubled the charter fees for its own market. Now we can't do it. This behavior is simply nothing. Pests of the industry."

   Many people began to attack Yue Dao for a while. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Some of the trumpets that had previously attacked were also resurrected at this time.

   At this time, Zhou Ziyou asked him online: "Boss, do we want to clarify the whole thing, otherwise this will have a bad impact on our industry."

"How to clarify? Individual employees? Someone will take this to make a fuss, saying that we are not keeping our promises, and we will use employees as scapegoats when something goes wrong." He said, and finally decided: "Needless to say, we have to think about the whole thing. , Can't be led by the nose."

   He said so, and Zhou Ziyou also agreed.

   At this time he said again: "By the way, boss, I will tell you something."

"you said."

   "I heard that Jiang Zhengshang has started to move, and their people are all concentrated in the southwest region." Zhou Ziyou said.

   Su Qingyue listened, not surprised.

   talked with Zhou Ziyou for a while before continuing to work.

   But there is still no result.

   After a while, sleepiness came again.

   He lay down on the bed.

   Before falling asleep, he still secretly warned himself: I must clear my mind as soon as possible.


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