Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 503: : Service coordination

A few days later.

  Southern is getting hotter and hotter. The occasional thunderstorms not only did not cool down, but on the contrary, it aggravated the sauna effect. Coupled with the slight hot wind, people have nowhere to escape. This made Su Qing miss Pingjing a little bit. Although it was dry, there was a shady place, which was more or less tolerable.

   When he and his promoters go out every day, their clothes will get wet when they return to the office, as if they had just taken a shower.

   But there is still no progress in Nandu's work.

   Su Qingyue still has no ideas.

   quite a while, everyone talked about home games.

   seems like a big irony.

   At this time, more and more companies are entering the sinking market. They took the lead in starting work based on part of the channel work plan leaked by Tung Chee. Some have no plan, just like headless flies. The entire market instantly began to become smoggy.

   Su Qingyue realized that his previous worries had happened.

   There are more and more enemies, and the cost is getting higher and higher. These manufacturers, regardless of their own strength and product maturity, and whether they are suitable or not, all rushed to the market. This not only makes it more difficult to do in the Southern Metropolis, but also makes it more difficult to do in markets in other regions.

   And he hasn't come up with an effective strategy yet.

  Consuming is struggling in the southern capital.

   Su Qing realized that this could not go on.

   This is not the time to fight for will, it is the time to fight for life.

This morning he saw some trumpets attacking Yue Dao in the forum and commented: "I thought they were so good, but that was just the case. It just took advantage of the opportunity, and now our company is not as good as our company in South China. . Ask them to increase prices, now regret it."

   Looking at these, Su Qing raised his eyebrows.

   Dong Jian hasn't caught it yet, and they can't explain to the boss anymore.

   And even if it is explained, it may not have any effect.

   Su Qingyue felt that he must find another way to solve this matter.

   In addition, these days he also reflected on his feeling that he was sloppy in dealing with Dong Jian.

   He could have used other solutions.

   knows that he is a villain, can be treated with cold.

   Now he is more and more aware that he should not be dazzled by anger when he runs a business.

   Yu Jackie Chan talked to him yesterday.

They found a cafe and sat down. The former said, "Boss, I think the promotion of Nandu's Internet cafes should be stopped a little bit." He said, "Because we have seen these days too, it's not that Peng Lei didn't need to work or he didn't care about it. , It’s not that these promoters are ineffective. To tell the truth, putting them in any region, any company, is actually good."

   Despite admitting failure in disguise.

   But Su Qing realized that this is not completely unreasonable.

   This team is indeed good.

   It should be said that Peng Lei has leadership ability. After he arrived, he became Lin Fan's friend as quickly as possible.

   They work together, desperately moving forward.

   I can't say that an Internet cafe has not been taken down, but there are previous things that make them more effective.

   This is indeed a waste of effort.

   But what should be done and how should I adjust it?

   Su Qingyue thought.

Yu Chenglong said again: "Boss, I think if this continues, the delay will be unsuccessful and it will hurt morale; secondly, other manufacturers have begun to seize channels in other regions of ours, which is not worth the loss for us." He said, summing up his own thinking. : "It's better for us to march directly to other regions."

"If it is in other regions, it means that our work has to be done again." Su Qingyue realized this problem and said: "It means that we have lost our original time advantage. In addition, we cannot guarantee that the whole thing will go smoothly. If the same problem occurs, morale will be hit more severely, which might affect the current record."

   Su Qingyue said so.

   Yu Jackie took a sip of coffee.

   lit a cigarette.

   can see how anxious he is.

   Probably in his career, he has not encountered such a terrible incident.

   At this time, he said again: "What if we adjust the price of chartered flights appropriately? Not doubled, for example, an increase of 30%?"

   "If it was possible before, not now." Su Qing waved his hand and said, "Because everyone is staring at us now. If we do this, the entire cost will immediately get out of control."

   Yu Jackie Chan smiled awkwardly and explained: "I am in a hurry and want to see various ways out. This should not be said."

   "It's not unreasonable for you to think this way," Su Qingyue said.

   did not think that Yu Chenglong was talking nonsense.

  Because if they do not agree to the owner of the Internet cafe, the small one will affect the local promotion, and the big one will affect the national promotion situation.

   The time advantage that I had worked so hard to win because of confidentiality is disappearing.

   Yesterday the forum also announced the activities of Zhengshang Network in the southwest region.

   is said to be very good, increasing their overall online number by 15%.

   Some began to talk about Yue Dao, saying that they were just taking the lead.

   As soon as there is no time advantage now, the decline is revealed.

   Although very depressed, what they told was the truth.

   is that the time advantage has completely disappeared.

   was thinking, this time Zhou Ziyou called and asked them where they were.

   He said he had something,

   Su Qingyue told him the address.

   The latter came in a while, first ordered a glass of ice American.

   took a sip before sitting down.

   panting heavily, wiping his mouth with a tissue.

   said: "Boss, I have some ideas today, can I tell you?"

   knows that he is also busy working these days, not only helping to prepare various materials, but also remotely directing the marketing of the headquarters.

  Su Qingyue nodded and said, "Thanks for your hard work, just tell me."

"I think so," Zhou Ziyou said afterwards: "If the army is blocked, do you say that the air force should go? You forgot, our advantage is the air force. Our marketing department can be in the blocked area. , Do some appropriate actions."

   He said, Su Qingyue frowned slightly, and a line of thought suddenly opened.

   said again: "You continue."

"In addition, our air force has become more powerful~www.ltnovel.com~ and it has an influence on the surrounding areas." He said: "Now we need to find a goal, which is what the marketing department wants to promote and achieve what goals. I firmly believe that it is. Yes. Air and ground cooperation, multi-arms joint operations."

   He said that Yu Jackie's eyes were bright, and he interjected: "Yes! Boss, can we use the marketing department?"

   "What is the key to do." Su Qingyue said, "Blasting is not the goal. What matters is what kind of goal is to be achieved."

   He said, like babbling.

   followed a plan and jumped out completely uncontrollably.

   Su Qingyue's eyes lit up instantly, and he said to them: "Let's go back to the office."

   After speaking, the three of them went back quickly.

   Because it is the afternoon, everyone is still outside.

   There are no people in the office.

   Su Qingyue hurriedly turned on the computer in a hurry and began to organize the system.

   After a while, Peng Lei and the others came back.

   A brand new plan is out.

   Su Qingyue realized that this was Allin's push, and then said to everyone, "Come on, let's have a meeting."


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