Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 505: : Home field advantage

  Only three days later, the Allin local launch conference of Yuedao Network was officially held at the Southern Metropolitan Exhibition Center.

   It is rare for them to choose the location in Pingjing.

   In the words of Su Qingyue, this time we will use our home court advantage to radiate the entire shipping area with Southern Capital; and radiate the whole country with industry media. Therefore, in addition to energetically inviting local media to come, they also invited reporters from many industries. This includes approved media professionals such as Ye Luo, He Cunxi, and Chen Yimian.

   There are also some of Jiang Hai’s media.

   and some people in the industry.

   Even the colorful Liu Hao rushed over from Jiang Hai, hoping to learn from Su Qingyue.

   On the day of the press conference, the sky was still very sultry.

   makes people unable to breathe.

   But the air-conditioning in the exhibition center is very cool and it makes people walk in and relax.

   I feel that even breathing is cool.

  The reason why Su Qingyue put the press conference here is mainly because of the moderate location. It is convenient for all media and industry friends to come. At the same time, there are many cafes and tea houses around, for everyone to chat and relax after the meeting.

   All the core members of the marketing department greet guests and the media at the front desk. Su Qingyue also stood at the door and smiled with Amou to greet every friend who came.

   He is still in black pants and a white shirt today.

   The watch is still the piece of nations that Amu gave him.

Li Suchao, who walked in the distance, laughed as soon as he saw A-Mou, and said, "XingMou, auntie really envy you two. When the couple sings together, they are the most promising young people in our newspaper." She said, and then: " But auntie also has to say, we must hurry up and get married."

   She said, Amou and Su Qing laughed more and more.

   A good press conference has turned into a wedding party for relatives and friends.

   This time, Su Qingyue’s original unit gave full face.

   In addition to the thematic page, it also presented special cultural advertisements and market interviews.

   It can be said that the content of the newspaper for a few days, there will be content about the Three Kingdoms.

  More than that, Su Qingyue also strongly invited the largest local website in the Southern Metropolis to carry out strategic cooperation and become the first local franchisee of Yuedao. Use swiping advertisements on their homepages, and at the same time provide various other advertising spaces and activities in the three countries.

   At the same time, Su Qingyue’s original unit also has many friends.

   chatted with Li Suchao for a while.

  The latter left.

   Su Qingyue continued to welcome and send friends from all walks of life.

Zhou Ziyou said enviously: "Boss, I have been working in the market for so long, and there have been countless press conferences. This is really the first time I feel at home. I feel like I haven't done anything yet, just this thing. Halfway through." He said and laughed.

   Su Qingyue did not smile.

   He thinks this is still a long way away, and it depends on the final result.

   Two people said, He Cunxi and Chen Yimian came over at this time.

   The former laughed as soon as he saw Su Qingyue, and said, "It's so hot in Nandu, I feel like I'm suffocating when I get off the plane." He said, shaking hands with Su Qingyue, and the two exchanged a few words. He Cunxi said again: "You have hidden deeply this time, we are all in the dark."

   "It's not hiding from you, brother." Su Qingyue explained with a smile, and greeted Chen Yimian again: "Yimian, I didn't mean to hide from you."

   Chen Yimian laughed.

   Look at the people who keep coming in.

   took Amu's hand and said, "You just don't need to lie to your sister-in-law."

   She said that everyone laughed.

   Ye Luo and them came after a while.

   In addition to the words of thanks, Su Qingyue agreed to interview after the meeting.

   After this, Amu's parents and several old colleagues also came.

   Everyone said hello.

   Seeing that the time is almost up, Su Qingyue and Amou walked in.

   went to the backstage and reviewed the manuscript again.

   In fact, he is already very familiar, and there is a teleprompter on the stage.

   But he still looked at it again.

  Make sure that there will be no problems, and I also hope that I can speak as vividly as possible.

   looked up and saw the words "Allin Push" projected on the big screen.

   I can see that Ah Mu is not sitting in the front row with his parents, but goes to a very back position.

   After a while, the host spoke on the stage, and the audience quickly became quiet.

After    played on stage, the host then invited him to the stage.

   Su Qing took a deep breath and walked up.

Facing everyone in the audience, I adjusted my emotions a bit and said: "I think you must be surprised. It stands to reason that such a crucial decision should have been made quietly. Why did we directly announce all the details a few days ago and put all Everything came out without any concealment."

   He said, the audience is quiet.

  Someone is taking notes.

   Someone is holding a recording pen.

Su Qingyue continued: "In the final analysis, all this is because the age of secrets has passed, and now it is a crowd of heroes. The kind of absolute secrecy that we dreamed of before is just a joke today. So we decided to publish these, more than just a joke. It’s for pleasure, and it’s for our industry."

   He said, entering the subject of Allin's push.

"In fact, the concept of local push existed before us. It was just focused on offline traditional industries, such as some fast-moving consumer goods. The Internet itself sounds like a tall word, but in fact, we should know that no matter how much we If you are tall, you need to land..."

   He said, and began to talk about his own ideas.

  From the strategy of one hundred meters after the Internet to the battle for living space.

Then he said: "For this reason, we came to Nanyue with these ideas and started the experiment." He said: "This is not a push in the traditional sense. We call the concentration of forces for a breakthrough, and it can also be called the completion of the work. In the first battle, in short, Nanyue is our beginning."

   At this point, he smiled.

   did not mention the specific difficulties encountered by Nanyue.

   it talked about cooperation, UU reading www.uukanshu. Collaboration between com peers, and then he talked about achievements.

   First, I talked about the soaring data of Nanyue’s partner-"Sou Shen Q Biography".

Then he smiled: "I said that, maybe you think our results may have tripled." He said: "It's not that exaggerated, after all, our Yuedao plate is big." He said, pressing the PPT remote control. , A curve graph appears following the background screen, you can clearly see the rising data. Su Qingyue said: "But just a Nanyue, still let us double the number of online, into the first echelon."

   He said, the audience suddenly exclaimed.

   The audience exclaimed, apparently I didn't expect the specific data to be so terrifying.

  Wait for their discussion to pass.

Su Qingyue only continued: "So we need to rethink, has the potential of the Internet really been released? Has the industry space disappeared? Is it our previous understanding that we are in the process of getting through the last 100 meters? What else can be done, this is also the core of Allin's push..."

   He continued speaking, slowly returning to Allin's push.

  People have gradually become more fascinated by it.



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