Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 506: : Make money while sleeping 2 is not wrong

   At the press conference that day, Su Qingyue was chatting and laughing.

   tells the original serious business strategy like a mysterious story.

   was originally scheduled to end in one and a half hours, but it took almost two hours.

   Everyone can hear it with gusto.

   After the meeting was over, the people still remained unfulfilled and applauded.

   Facing reporters who kept asking questions, some gossiping people wanted him to talk about this leak. .

Su Qing laughed and replied: "This is indeed an accident, but he can't stop us from moving forward. It also prompted us to reflect and promoted the progress of the entire industry. Looking back, this time has more advantages than disadvantages." He said, and The person Dong Jian was not mentioned.

   Most people did not ask about this.

   Everyone's focus is still on Allin's push.

Ye Luo raised the doubts in his mind: "President Su, in your speech just now, you did not simply use the word game industry, but the Internet industry. Do you think that this so-called space is actually applicable to all What about Internet companies?"

"Yes." Su Qingyue said: "In the past, we thought it was a fragmentation, but in fact it was not the case. It should be said that our success in the Nanyue area shows that Yangchun Baixue and the lower Liba people are not contradictory, and even to some extent, they may be a whole. ."

  Listen, everyone, many people are curious about what the Three Kingdoms will do in the free shipping area.

   Su Qingyue stated that they would move later.

   This has also attracted more media attention.

   After the interview, everyone went out.

Li Suchao held Su Qingyue's hand, and he tarriedly refused to leave. He said excitedly: "Qingyue, I still remember that when you were in the newspaper, you wrote articles about the Internet, and you also united with Pingjing's media. Today again. Look, at that moment you will have a judgment on the whole situation."

   How come I didn’t know that Li Suchao’s EQ is so high and his words are so beautiful...

   Several people came up to say hello.

   Su Qingyue sent them away one by one.

   He Cunxi had something to do the next day, so he booked a red-eye flight.

   The rest of the people who came from Pingjing Jianghai gathered in the southern capital.

   Su Qingyue personally arranged to go to the ancient Nandu restaurant and ordered the most authentic Nandu cuisine.

   He chatted with everyone about the game again.

  Behind the wine boom, they even talked about the future of the media. He said that when he was in Nandu, the media will change with technological changes, and the Internet must be the most important position in the future. Everyone listened and put forward their own ideas. Su Qingyue felt that he had something.

   after the end.

   Su Qingyue took Amou and left first.

   Back home, Amou talked to her mother about the car Su Qingyue had bought for her, and showed her the pictures online.

   also told his mother that the investor gave Su Qingyue a Mercedes-Benz S500.

   This time the parents are no longer as scared as they were before receiving mahogany furniture. Through this press conference, they found that Su Qingyue got it by his own ability. Although I don't understand the number of people online, I tripled the number of people, but it's imprinted in my mind. Knowing that Su Qing can bring too many benefits to others.

   chatted with Amou's parents for a while.

   Before going to bed, Su Qingyue took a look at the situation that night.

   Some online media have issued news and commented: Su Qingyue is very honest. This is a last resort. But the result is the progress of the whole industry. But at the same time, we are also more concerned about the follow-up actions of Yue Dao, the initiator of the whole thing. "

   Chen Yimian's in-depth interview commented on Su Qingyue: Every time Su Qingyue thinks about the industry, it will trigger revolutionary progress. From the free model to Allin's local launch, all have changed the trend of the industry, and even turned the tide. It is difficult for us to imagine how he will think and act in the future.

   At the same time, the industry forum's press conference on Su Qingyue was also heated up.

   Someone commented: Su Qingyue was right to choose Nanyue as his first stop. However, I think it was wrong to choose the free shipping area. He should enter the Southwest as quickly as possible. After all, the game industry is the one who wins the Southwest. However, the free shipping area has always been a dish of loose sand, and the entire promotion cost will definitely rise sharply.

However, some people objected, saying: "With my observation of Su Qingyue for so long, every time when everyone feels that it is not possible, he must have a back hand. For example, the previous "Martial Arts World", Gameyoung, and the Three Kingdoms. There is also an annual meeting. Since he has chosen this place, he must have a back hand, so please don't worry about it."

   Look at these.

   Su Qingyue understands that "The Heroes of Three Kingdoms" must be back on the hot spot again.

   So he lay down on the bed and went to bed early.

   Woke up the next morning, and just after washing up, Zhou Ziyou sent a twelve-hour media weekly report. Excitedly told him that only this one press conference, their series of indexes, including search index, turned two or three times. The extent of the entire curve is shocking.

  He said: "This is just the beginning, the hot spot should be at noon today, because there is a delay in print media and TV media."

   "Don't be happy too early, but pay attention to media trends and trends." Su Qingyue exhorted: "Don't leave the Three Kingdoms itself, and release our franchise information in time...this is the key."

   He said, and informed Yu Chenglong: "You must also pay close attention to training promoters here. The key is the change of thinking. Being a student does not mean that you can be a good teacher..."

   These are all set up.

   When it was noon, the blasting effect really ushered in.

   A wider range of propaganda across the three countries has started.

   For a time, no one in the local area knew about "The Heroes of Three Kingdoms". Internet cafes in many areas actively asked for cooperation, hoping to become a Yuedao dealer. At the same time, Yuedao's customized materials have also arrived one after another, and word of mouth from the entire Internet cafes, "The Three Kingdoms Heroes: The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrow" quickly occupied many areas.

   Even if some competitors had some sporadic resistance at the beginning, they could not stand up to such a big offensive, let alone an expansive offensive. Every street, every Internet cafe, everybody all acted.

   Someone complained on the forum: Is Su Qingyue going to launch a full-scale war? It feels like they are all pleasant people.

   Someone also sighed: I said before that he had leaked this secret, and there were more competitors, and their Yue Dao's decline became apparent. But looking at the current situation, Yue Dao or Yue Dao, it seems that we are thinking too much.

   This influence quickly expanded to more places in the free shipping area.

   Every day Su Qingyue can receive Lijun’s daily newspaper, and he can clearly see the increase in the number of online users.

   Obviously, the results this time have surpassed the southern Guangdong area.

   The income of Yuedao has also risen linearly.

   Yue Lindao called to congratulate him. On the phone, he was still moved. He was actually shocked when he saw the leaked documents. He didn't expect Su Qingyue to publish it. He knew that Su Qingyue must have a back hand. And this time the team has shown momentum and is even harder.

   finally solved these.

   In the afternoon, Su Qingyue drank a cup of coffee with Amou.

He suddenly received a call from Liu Xipeng, a classmate who runs an Internet cafe. As soon as he picked it up, he heard a hearty laughter over there, saying: "Qingyue, your Three Kingdoms are too popular. I feel that the whole world is yours. Advertisement. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Yesterday I went to work in the countryside next door and saw that there was an advertisement for your "Three Kingdoms Heroes" on the villagers' walls.

   "Huh? What advertisement?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "Sleep to make money is not wrong, the promotion of the Three Kingdoms to get rich, there is a contact number below."

   Liu Xipeng talked and laughed, and Su Qingyue had to admire the wisdom of the masses.

Following them into the topic, Liu Xipeng asked: "Brother, we are old classmates. You have to take care of me. I want to take your chief representative in Huaiwen, and you can see if it works. I tell everyone that you are my classmate, they All are willing to support my cooperation with you."

   Su Qingyue listened and responded to the old classmate: "No problem, this time I will lead the team to Huaiwen to support you."

   "You want to come back?" Liu Xipeng laughed at the sound.

   Su Qingyue said: "Yes, just these few days."

   After they finished speaking, Su Qingyue just hung up the phone, but the phone rang again.

   looked around and found that it was Chen Feng. He quickly picked up and called the boss.

   Chen Feng said with a smile: "Qingyue, Jiang Jiming and I want to follow your team to investigate, do you think it's okay?"

   "No problem! Boss!" Su Qingyue smiled heartily.


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