Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 510: : Changes in Dongshan

   Seeing Dongshan, Su Qingyue was startled.

   found that he had changed a lot, and he even wore a white shirt and black trousers, and his shiny black leather shoes were spotlessly clean.

   Thinking about the weather in Pingjing, if you want your leather shoes to shine, it is not an exaggeration to wipe them every hour. She was also wearing white gloves, her hair was obviously trimmed, and she looked more energetic, and Su Qingyue was shocked.

   At this time, Dongshan smiled brilliantly, greeted him with three steps in two steps, took the suitcase from him as quickly as possible, and called Mr. Su.

   then put the box in the trunk.

   helped Zhou Ziyou and Yu Chenglong again.

   got in the car, and the air-conditioner immediately cooled them down.

   They then drove out of the airport.

   Dongshan also asked: "Su, is the temperature okay?"

"no problem."

   The sound insulation of the Mercedes-Benz S series is too good, and Su Qingyue is a little uncomfortable for a while.

   Speaking to Dongshan, he found that he was a bit uncomfortable with Mr. Su. Think about it before he laughed, but now he hasn't even laughed, and has become a rigid and rigid politeness, which may have been the reason for Chen Ting and the others' training.

   shook his head helplessly.

   Before he left, Chen Ting said to hire a driver, so she thought of Dongshan.

   sat in the back seat and looked at him, watching him look intently.

   The whole car is very clean, without the smoke smell of his previous car, there is still a slight smell in the car.

Dongshan said that there were drinks in the refrigerator, iced Coke and mineral water, and said, "Mr. Su, what music do you want to listen to? I bought a few discs, and sister Ting said you like listening." He said, respectfully. Without a single line of talk, this made Su Qing very uncomfortable.

   He replied: "No need."

  Zhou Ziyou said: "I will go back today and quickly prepare for the following work, as well as a summary of the previous work."

  Yu Jackie Chan also said: "I have asked them to report the situation in the rest of the area. Tomorrow I will discuss the future work with you based on the operation and maintenance data." He said: "It should be possible to get it out in the morning."

   "Okay, no problem." Su Qingyue nodded.

  Zhou Ziyou touched Mercedes-Benz's leather chair, smiled and said: "Boss, Mercedes-Benz is different, this feeling."

   "If you sit in a Rolls Royce, it will definitely feel better." Yu Chenglong smiled and answered.

   The two of them said you and me.

   Su Qingyue found that Dongshan didn't say a word, it's not like he used to. Shocked by this change, I suddenly noticed that Dongshan's neck was covered with sweat. Looking at the speed of the car again, he found that Dongshan hardly overtakes, and when he meets some people who need to wait, he rushes forward without hesitation.

   can't help but sigh with emotion: "Dongshan, you have changed so much, I can't adapt to your driving like this."

"President Su, I don't dare to use such an expensive car." He said, "Besides, sister Ting also asked me. I used to drive so fast, it was to make money. Pingjing's morning and evening rush hours, if I drive properly , The lack of money is one aspect, mainly because the customers are not satisfied... Now it is different. This is your safety, Mr. Su."

   He said, Su Qing laughed.

   At this time, the phone rang, and when he saw Amu, he picked it up.

   heard Ah Mo's voice: "When will you get home?"

   "It's more than an hour." Su Qingyue replied.

"Then when you get home, put your things down and come directly to the new house." Amu said, "I'm staring at the workers now, and finish the last bit of finishing work. Then do a cleaning. Basically, the decoration of our house is It's done." She laughed on the other end of the phone: "When all the furniture and appliances we ordered next week arrive, we will be completely finished."

   "The big reporter is too capable." Su Qingyue said.

   "Huh..." Ah Mou said again, "When you get home, there are two large boxes of activated carbon and a flower pot in the kitchen. You move in by the way. You can't get it by yourself, let Ziyou and them help you..."

   "No problem." Su Qingyue said.

   After a while, Jackie Chan arrived first.

   Then came Su Qingyue.

   Dongshan helped him take the box into the house, just about to leave.

   Su Qingyue stopped him: "Dongshan, stop the car. Help me deliver the two boxes to the Fairy Spring."

   He said, opening the kitchen door.

   Dongshan and Ziyou each held a box, and Su Qing carried a flower pot towards the beautiful spring.

   Soon in the Fairy Spring, I went upstairs and knocked on the door.

   Amu said to them: "Thank you for your hard work. When everything is done, please come over as guests."

   "It's necessary," Zhou Ziyou said.

   "It should be, it should be." Dongshan smiled even more.

   send them away.

   When I walked into the house, I felt very bright.

  The closet and the walls and floor tiles in the home form a good light-color combination, just like the warm atmosphere seen in the picture, and I can't help but admire Amou's aesthetics. There were a few boxes in the room, and Amu said that these were part of the electrical appliances that were delivered in advance, and that they would be delivered in the other two days.

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   found that the TV had been installed on the wall.

   Although the sofa hasn't arrived, it already shows the comfort and spaciousness of the living room.

   "How about it, pretty, isn't it?" Amu said with a smile.


   Su Qingyue returned and watched Amou took out a Canon SLR camera from his bag on the ground and began to take pictures of his home.

   was a little startled, and asked: "Did you buy a camera?"

"Okay? I'm studying photography." Ami smiled, leaned over and handed the camera to him: "5DII, recommended by Guan Pengpeng." Then he said, "You didn't look at my space? I've taken pictures for my godson. A few, the little guy is so handsome."

"No, I haven't paid attention to it recently." Su Qingyue said, realizing that she had neglected Ah Mou too much recently. Looking at the lens she used, she said: "I think Pengpeng uses that kind of white head, which is very long and looks very handsome and professional. "

"Haha, I bought it too." Amu took up his hand and said, "But that's a telephoto zoom lens, so close-up shots are not suitable." She said, took a few more shots at the room, and then they went. His study. Ah Mou said, "You put activated carbon here."

   She said, Su Qingyue unpacked.

A Mou pointed to the other equipment and said: "I also bought a few professional formaldehyde removal machines so that we can live in a month or two." She said, sighing, and then said: " I've been very anxious recently~www.ltnovel.com~ The two stayed in the house for a while.

   followed them to Wuwai.

   Speaking of it, Brother Guang asked them to have dinner together at night, but it was still early and they went home.

   When he got home, Ah Mou connected the camera to the computer and led the photos outside.

   asked him: "Brother Su, can I put these photos in my blog?"

   "Of course." Su Qing smiled.

   Although I know that Amu’s blog has some industry insiders’ attention, he thinks it’s nothing. During this period, Amu has also helped herself bear a lot of pressure. Take a few photos of your little family and show it off. This is also a catharsis of emotions.

   Besides, this also represents good results.

   Thinking of this, watching her upload photos.

   After a while, Amou turned around, looked at him and said, "Say you haven't been home for a long time."

   "Isn't it, I didn't do anything last time in Nandu." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   On the desk, the computer enters the screen saver mode.

  The spring is full, and the butterflies fly.

   Hard work is the most beautiful sight in spring...


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