Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 511: :be yourself

  After everything is over.

   Looking at the time, they went to Guang Ge's house.

   Ah Mou put the camera bag on his back again, and Su Qing laughed and expressed his understanding. Just like Guan Pengpeng said, at the beginning, I wanted to sleep on my back. After a while, it will feel heavy. If you still like to carry it after this stage, it is true love.

   I hope Ah Mu can really love it, Su Qing thought.

   When I arrived at Brother Guang's house, they had a meal.

   Brother Guang talked about the progress of the most popular channel and plans for the future.

   Amo said that when the car arrived, Sister Xiaoxuan would help her every day.

   The two families chatted happily, watching the little guy still babbled father and mother, then smiled at Su Qingyue and Amou, holding the baby bottle and refused to let go. Sister Xiaoxuan said: "Amu, you two must hurry up. Get the proof quickly and have a baby."

"Cute is cute, but I don't want to be so early." Ami smiled and said to Su Qingyue, "When you are away, I watch how hard Sister Xiaoxuan is every day." She said, "I feel like Brother Guang is working hard. , But the man's heart is too thick."

   After speaking, Brother Guang laughed and did a self-examination.

   They returned home in the evening.

   Su Qingyue habitually looked at the official website forums, and saw that there was a lot of peace, there was no big problem.

   It’s just that some people in the industry forum say that Amousai’s new house is being renovated, and it must be said that this is showing off wealth.

   The tone is very unfriendly, with a sense of jealousy.

Su Qingyue didn’t bother to respond. Seeing someone’s reply below: "This is normal. The performance of the Three Kingdoms is so good. It doesn’t matter if she turns her home into a palace. Other investors don’t care, what’s up with you! It’s really a dog! The replies were so angry that Su Qing laughed.

Then someone replied: "People post on their own blog, don't read it!" Then they wrote: "You bought Haagen-Dazs these days, and some people say that. If people are abnormal, look at everyone who is showing off. . No way!!!” Several exclamation marks followed.

   sighed, feeling that there are still many normal people under the sun.

   Then I turned back and saw some comments about the Three Kingdoms, basically talking about achievements.

   Someone is also talking about Zhengshang Network.

   Thinking about going to work tomorrow, he turned off the computer.

   and Amou looked at each other, and the latter grinned and said, "You're really not tired..."

  The ultimate state of relationship is nothing more than one sentence: wash and sleep...

   When I got up the next morning, I looked at my watch and it was almost eight o'clock.

   He quickly got up and realized that it was a little late.

   In Nandu recently, he basically got up after eight o'clock and hurriedly washed up.

   greeted Amou and left home.

   found that Dongshan was wiping the car with a cigarette in his mouth. When he came out, he immediately put away the tools for wiping the car.

   The two got in the car.

   noticed that there was no smell of smoke in the car, and it was fragrant. The more Su Qing knew that this might have been ordered by Chen Ting and told him not to smoke in the car. Because Su Qingyue didn't smoke, and occasionally couldn't smoke his lungs, it was only after two puffs that it was pinched out.

   did not say much.

   At the intersection, he asked for a champion cake. He wanted to eat it. He suddenly noticed that the car was so neat and tidy, even cleaner than their new house. He finally stopped. Chatting with Dongshan on the road, Dongshan said for a while: Yes, President Su, all right.

   Su Qingyue is a little uncomfortable.

   I remembered the changes in Dongshan yesterday, and noticed that Dongshan's neck was still sweaty.

   Su Qingyue understood in an instant, thinking that he might have paid too much attention to this matter and made it too nervous. It’s okay to respect yourself, and respect is right, but it’s not necessary. The more Su Qing thought about it, he felt that it would be too exhausting for people to live like this for a lifetime.

   After thinking about it, I wanted to tell him that you don’t need to be so nervous.

   After thinking for a moment, he felt that when he opened his mouth, Higashiyama might be even more nervous.

   I didn't say much at all.

   Watching the car stop and go on the ring road, thinking about how naturally the two of them were sitting in auspicious conversation.

   I feel a little rusty now.

After a while, it is estimated that Dongshan can't stand the atmosphere a bit, and said: "Mr. Su, in fact, I told you that you are looking for me as a driver. You are looking for the right person." He said, laughing, not waiting for Su. Qingyue replied, "Because I practiced in Shaolin Temple for a few years when I was young, and later I learned Sanda."

   "Yeah, isn't it?" Su Qingyue was also shocked when he heard this, because Dongshan hadn't mentioned it before.

The latter went on to say: "If it weren't for getting married and having children, I might still hang out now." He smiled and said, "Don't worry. You look down on me so much. As long as you have any questions, I am definitely Going through fire and water. Ten thousand... ten thousand... don't hesitate."

   Dongshan said it for a long time, but the latter idiom probably didn’t know it, so he didn’t say it.

   Su Qingyue smiled.

   Then it feels that the two of them are back to their previous state.

After thinking for a while, Su Qingyue finally said what he was thinking, and said, "Dongshan, I have been in your car since Pingjing. It should be said that it has become a habit. Sometimes I don’t see you in the morning, it seems like a day is missing. What?" He said, adding: "The process of going to work with you is also a relaxation, so don't be so nervous. People are mutual."

   He said so.

   Dongshan glanced at him, and the expression on the whole person instantly became a little moved.

"President Su," he yelled, and then changed his words in an instant, yelling: "Brother, since you said that, let me say something. I must treat Yuedao as my own company. This is my home." He said, and then said again: "Do people in the car!!!"

   He said that although it was a bit wrong, Su Qing understood the meaning better.

He laughed and said, "In this case, you don't have to be so nervous. You still sweat." He said, "We are an Internet company. We don't have to go out and we have to wear a suit~www.readwn.com~ Tie or something. If there is an important reception, I will remind you in advance."

   "Xing Liao, when you say this, I suddenly relax." Dongshan said, laughing instantly.

   The two chatted and arrived at the unit.

   When he walked into the company, as soon as the front desk came in, he immediately got up and called Mr. Su.

   Su Qingyue responded politely and greeted others.

   noticed that Zhou Ziyou and Yu Chenglong had arrived.

   entered the office and saw that his desk was very clean.

   sat down again and turned on the computer.

  While waiting to start, he turned his gaze out of the window and watched the long traffic.

   sighed in my heart, time flies so fast.

   At this time, Dongshan knocked on the door and came in with a cup of green tea in his hand.

   Su Qingyue stunned, and quickly got up to say thank you, and then asked: "Dongshan, I will do this by myself in the future. We are an Internet company and don't talk about it. You must remember."

   "Not next time, don't worry." Dongshan smiled and walked out.

   At this time someone knocked on the door again and looked up and saw Chen Ting. Su Qingyue laughed and said, "Sister Ting, please come in."


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