Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 512: : Dean Chen

   "Thanks, Qingyue."

   Chen Ting walked into the office and laughed.

   She looked a little haggard today, her eye circles were dark, and she probably didn't sleep well.

A professional suit, sat down and smiled and said: "Everyone is talking about your actions in Southern Capital this time. It's so beautiful." She said: "Mr. Yue came to the company for several trips and looked worried. , But I didn’t dare to say it. Now I say it every day, I’m sure it’s right."

   "There is nothing to show off." Su Qingyue said: "You still have to be as careful as possible in the future. Because you step on it incorrectly, you will really have problems." He said, and asked Chen Ting, "Is there something to do with me?"

   "Yes." Chen Ting said, "I mean this time we have achieved such a great success, is there a celebration party?"

   "I think about this too." Su Qingyue said: "These days are really hard, and I need a chance to relax."

   Listening to him, Chen Ting nodded.

   Su Qingyue said again at this time: "But sister Ting, I think so..."

"you said."

   "Celebrating merit is only one aspect, this time we need to have some other things interspersed in." Su Qingyue said.

   "Expand some activities for team building." Chen Ting added.

"My idea is that you do a thorough understanding of the company's personnel structure, as well as a survey of everyone's mentality after the successful public test." He said: "You can design the specifics. I hope to build an expansion team after the celebration party, which will help us It is very useful to start work later."

   He said, Chen Ting listened.

   Su Qingyue explained it again so that she could know her purpose.

"The main reason is that the Internet age is different from before. Many of our parents have stayed in the unit for decades. No matter how introverted the personality is, everyone can fully understand it. But now is the Internet age, with fast-paced staff changes. While improving the rules and regulations, it is necessary to create an environment for employee communication as soon as possible." He said.

   Chen Ting nodded.

Su Qingyue said: "We must understand the mentality of employees in time, and take corresponding guidance and measures. The barbaric growth stage relies on personal charm, money and ideal stimulation; large companies rely on mechanism and culture. We are growing too much now. Fast, it must be parallel in management at the same time. This has extremely high requirements for our management and related departments of management, to run faster than employees, and to prevent problems before they happen..."

"No problem." Chen Ting said: "This is a good thing. I originally wanted to say whether I want to carry out this aspect of work. Recently, personnel, administrative, and legal personnel have gradually increased, and I have also made needles for them. Some training." She said, changing her sitting posture: "Your proposal is very good. I wonder if we normalize this training or expansion team building? The company’s big bosses and outside experts come to give lectures to employees at regular intervals. , Of course it is not mandatory..."

"That's good, we will start with this expansion team building. This activity is organized by you, and it's called'My Yuedao, My University'. I will hold a special meeting and let the finance allocate special funds for you. , The combination of daily training and special phased interactions. Whether you choose to grow up with Yuedao or those who have worked in Yuedao, you can get something from our big family."

   "Then this time is our celebration party and the opening of "Yue Dao Academy". This theme is good." Chen Ting said.

   "Then you will work hard, Dean Chen, haha." Su Qingyue said and laughed, very satisfied with the idea of ​​Yuedao Academy.

   Chen Ting also laughed, her tired look disappeared.

   "Haha..." Chen Ting's unhappiness just now disappeared.

   "In terms of venue..." Su Qingyue felt that the hotel was inappropriate.

Chen Ting said with a smile: "If it doesn't work, go to my sisters. To be honest, I think it is suitable for them to expand the team building." She said, "We can celebrate the first day, and expand the team building in the next two days. . It’s all concentrated in one resort, and it’s relatively better to perform.”

   "No problem! Just follow you." Su Qing laughed.

   With Chen Ting, it really saves him a lot of trouble.

   As he was talking, when Chen Ting was about to leave, Su Qingyue said: "Sister Ting, you have to take a break."

   He said so, Chen Ting was startled first, and then smiled: "I didn't sleep much last night, I will pay attention to it later."


   Su Qingyue nodded and looked at her leaving behind. Somehow, he remembered that when he bought a car, he saw Liu Qiang and another woman. He suppressed the idea of ​​suggesting Chen Ting, thinking that this was someone else's private matter, and he shouldn't mix it too deeply.

   Maybe all strong women are forced out.

  Which woman doesn't want Xiaoniao Yiren?

   If work can make her happy and forget her worries for a while, then it’s also a good thing.

   drank a sip of tea and started to watch the news and industry forums of the day.

   In addition to the regular information, there is also a news article about Zhengshang Network taking "Sword Mountain and River" to North America to participate in the E3 exhibition.

   Click in and see, it says how much they have been welcomed.

   There are also various photos.

   Someone in the industry forum also commented: "The ability to get such a high evaluation on an international stage like E3 demonstrates the confidence of Zhengshang. It also proves the quality and R&D strength of "Sword Mountain and River"."

   I found that everyone has stopped discussing whether it is the Four Little King Kong.

   It is discussing who is the boss.

   Su Qingyue feels that this is why people always like to rank various things.

However, someone on the forum said: "The investors Heng Ping and Zhong Tan Kai selected by Zhengshang Network are all industry leaders. Investors bring not only money, but more importantly, the resources behind it. This time E3 is said to be Zhong Tan Kai suggested and arranged it."

   Seeing this comment, Su Qing raised his eyebrows.

   One thing he admits, Zhong Tankai is indeed amazing.

   Looking down again, some financial media commented that Zhong Tankai only invested 5 million US dollars in Zhengshang Network. Said that he bought the terminal monetization tool game at the cheapest price, and combined the media, community and game. This matrix strategy will definitely help him form a larger business map in the future.

   thinks this comment makes sense.

   was thinking, Yu Chenglong knocked on the door and came in.

   "Boss, I will report to my work." He said, "The ones in front are fine, but the ones in the back need to be talked about."

   "You said." Su Qingyue nodded.

Yu Chenglong sat down and said, "Nan Yue and the free shipping area are all easy to talk about." He said, "Now there are some difficulties in the back. We need to consider some issues, such as the southwest region, where we started late. Many companies intervened earlier than us, and the depth was deeper."

   He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

   "If you grab it now, it will actually get half the result with half the effort," he said: "What I'm talking about also includes the Northwest."

   "Understand." Su Qingyue nodded, expressing understanding: "It's normal, it's impossible that the national market is ours."

   "I just want to do some routine work, including posters, and then I don't focus on this." He said.

   Su Qingyue listened and asked, "Put it to the northeast?"

"Yes!" Yu Chenglong responded immediately and said: "I want to talk about the Northeast region. Now many people are also watching and are walking there. I think that tomorrow I will bring a large army to the past, and there will be another wave. "He said: "Take a few major regions."

   "No problem! Go ahead and do it."

   Su Qingyue immediately agreed with his strategic judgment. There is no need to smash in some areas where competitors have already won.

   They said, and chatted for a while.

   Yu Jackie Chan left.

   Throughout the morning, Su Qingyue didn't do much.

   is just the news of E3~www.readwn.com~ so that Su Qingyue faintly smelled another taste.

   He thinks that Jiang Zhengshang's judgment is correct, and the strategy of going global has several advantages.

First, going out is good for expanding the market, increasing international awareness, and even in terms of capital operations in the future; secondly, going out and then returning is good for the entire brand; again, increasing international exchanges is for R&D ideas And the improvement of the team also has a bonus effect.

   He thought, he felt that Yue Dao had to keep up in this regard.

   Start overseas market research as soon as possible.

   then listed several major exhibitions on the computer.

When having dinner with everyone at noon, Zhou Ziyou said: "Boss, I think the Tokyo Game Show is very good, and the influence is large enough. From the recognition of domestic players, it is not worse than E3." He said, again Looked at the time: "It's just not enough time."

   "Yes, it's only a few months." Su Qingyue said.

   He thought, when he decided to go to the focus in the afternoon, he should mention it.

   Then they talked about other things.

   Su Qingyue found that everyone's focus is still on the Three Kingdoms.

   After taking a break after dinner, he went to the focus.


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