Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 526: : Make the complex simple

   Discuss with everyone where to eat at noon.

   Probably because it was too greasy to celebrate your work, everyone said in unison: "Eat lighter."

   They went to a newly opened Jianghuai restaurant across the road.

   I ordered food and chatted.

Guan Pengpeng said: "I watched the forum in the morning. Everyone is discussing the game of Falcon. I will find a number to try in a few days." He said: "A brother in the group interviewed Zhou Yang and got an opportunity to try it internally. It is said to be very good. It not only restores the original work of the old man, but also adds some new elements."

"I saw some people on the forum said that Fu Sichang went to their company and was very interested in their products. I guess there should be them in the video game show this time." Zhou Ziyou said, adding: "After all, the work of the old man is itself There is a traditional cultural side, coupled with innovation, should be very interesting."

   "It is said that the official tour group has a lot of places, but the key products are 3-5. If the Falcon is set, it means that there is one less seat to go to the video game exhibition." Guan Pengpeng said.

"Then this place must be very competitive." Du Nanxiang said to the side: "After all, you go to sea by yourself, and it is different from going to sea with the leaders of the industry department. It represents your position in the industry. It is not only useful for expanding overseas markets. , It also means more to the domestic market."

  Listen to her.

   Su Qing smiled and knew how much pressure this competition was.

   This is the first time that an industry sector has brought elite products to sea, and its importance is no less than the first time that domestic films have gone to sea.

   It is no wonder that the whole industry has been raging recently.

   It is obvious that everyone has smelled this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

   It's just that there are more wolves and less meat, and there are only a few companies that can really have a chance. The lively media and peers are waiting to watch the good show.

When the dish came, Zhou Ziyou took a mouthful of braised lion's head, tasted it and said: "It's amazing, the taste is almost the same as Nandu." Then, he pointed to the dish: "Boss, you can try it. I think you can come often in the future. ." He said and laughed.

   I took a bite and it was good.

   Su Qingyue thinks he can come often in the future.

   Then everyone ate and chatted, and talked about other games.

"I heard that "Excalibur Mountain and River" also wants to go. They tasted the sweetness at E3, and they want to go to TEPCO. They want to take up everything." Guan Pengpeng said: "Their exposure rate has increased significantly recently, and they are all off. Recent behavior."

  Listen to everyone.

   Of course Su Qingyue understands.

   There are very few companies that can enter Fu Si’s long-term vision.

   As a Zhengshang network that has received good reviews at E3, it is impossible not to be among them.

   is just calculated like this, the quota will be reduced again.

   With more powerful companies like Yiyuan, there may be only one or two places that are really free.

   This opportunity is indeed a little slim for a new company like Yuedao.

   It’s no wonder that there are so many speculations in the industry, and even employees of their own companies are also talking about it.

   Su Qingyue feels that if this is the case, then he should work harder to get this place.

  All work must be meticulous, and there can be no mistakes.

   He thought, finished dinner with everyone.

   Going back, I received the current progress status of "Little Magic Fairy" from Dongfang Jun as soon as I arrived at the unit.

   opened it, and he found that their progress was faster than he thought.

   Many necessary technical details have been completed. I remembered that Dongfang Jun said before that we must first consolidate the technical foundation.

   He thought about this, sorted out the relevant information, and then sent a compressed package to Zhou Ziyou.

   Then he walked out the door and made a cup of tea.

   When he returned to the office, he looked into the distance and saw the building where Chen Feng was.

   They say that Boss Chen’s music casual game is very powerful this time.

   Although everyone has a competitive relationship, Su Qingyue still hopes that he can make the list.

   Downstairs remembered the sound of car horns again, and looked down, even though it was the afternoon, Pingjing was still stuck in traffic.

   After relaxing his eyes a little, he returned to the screen and entered the industry forum.

   An interview article titled "The effect is full, the sword returns with honor", it is extremely popular in the entire forum. After posting a post in just one hour, there are more than a dozen pages of replies. Noting that this is an article originally published on Jinghe. The article is full of love and essay relying on Ma Kedai, Su Qingyue clicked in and read it.

   The article itself praised the performance of "Excalibur Mountain and River" in E3 and gave the domestic game aspirations, but it is important to propose that "Sword Mountain and River" will become a representative of the new generation of domestically produced research and transportation manufacturers. What follows is an interview with Jiang Zhengshang, full of ambition and confidence.

   Now Su Qingyue has confirmed that Zhengshang Network will definitely strive for this opportunity to go to the Tokyo Game Show.

   He turned over the comments at the back.

   Many people are discussing that if "Sword Mountain River" also goes to the Tokyo Game Show, there are still a few places.

   So someone took Yue Dao again and said, "Now I'm looking at Yue Dao."

  A malicious account replied: "Yuedao has been playing the second-hand Three Kingdoms, and now I find that it is too late to fall behind. The vision of the entrepreneur determines the direction of the company's development..."

   flipped through something else.

   At almost six o'clock, Su Qingyue stretched.

   At this time, Zhou Ziyou sent back the first version of the PPT.

  Su Qingyue immediately went into work and checked it carefully. Zhou Ziyou's PPT did a good job, including Yuedao's art, technology and achievements. At the same time, it also introduced the current progress of some projects of Yuedao.

   a total of more than thirty pages.

  Su Qingyue feels that this PPT is not bad, it's just quite satisfactory.

   He thought about listing the problems first, and then revising them page by page.

   After the change was finished, I looked at it and it turned out to be more than sixty pages.

   realized that he had changed too much, and started to decrease again. At this time, He Lili came in and talked to him about some routine work problems. Su Qingyue asked her to take a look at the PPT and said: "You should boldly make comments, don't give me face!" He said to the other party to demonstrate.

   Wait till you finish reading.

   He Lili froze for a while, looked at Su Qingyue, and made some comments.

"Anyway, I think if I am Fu Sichang, I really don't have the time to read your PPT with so many pages," she said, "I'll count more than sixty pages. We think it's pretty good, but think about it, They have to go to so many companies and see so many introductions..." She said, and when she got up and left, she said sorry to Su Qingyue.

   thinks she makes sense.

   Su Qingyue also thinks that he wants to express too much information, but Zhou Ziyou's PPT has nothing.

   He thinks this is wrong.

   This is not right.

   Look at the watch, it's already eight thirty.

  Everyone in the office has left.

   Simply post the PPT back and walk out of the office.

   called Chen Ting and Zhou Ziyou, and everyone left together.

  Su Qingyue asked Dongshan to send them off. Zhou Ziyou asked: "Boss, is there any problem with PPT?"

   "Yes, but it's not all your problem. I'll think about it again." He replied, and said: "I will go home to get it at night, and I will send it to you when it is done."

   As he said, the car continued on the road.

  Thinking has never stopped.

   When I got home, I had dinner with Amo, and I was thinking about the whole PPT problem.

   After a while, I went to the computer and checked again.

   Amu laughed and said, "Mr. Su, what happened to you today? Do you want to re-experience the feeling of being a small manager back then?"

"No, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, no, the industry department came to inspect it on Thursday. This PPT friend did it, and I am not too satisfied." He explained: "We have some problems with our plans, I think I should adjust Right." He said, and continued to do it, and soon realized that it was still wrong.

   Next to Ah Mou nodded.

   She also knew the industry news, and she couldn't help nodding.

   sat aside and said nothing.

After a while, I saw that he was really tired, and reminded him: "You don't know what you wrote the article? Don't always stare at the details, the key is the overall structure. As long as there is no problem with the framework, it makes sense to adjust the details. "

   He said so, and instantly awakened Su Qingyue.

   He suddenly realized that his mistake was to modify the outline of Zhou Ziyou.

   This leads to problems no matter how to modify, either more or less.

  He then stopped and began to think about what he should say if there were only six pages of explanation.

   soon my thoughts became clear.

   He knew his mistake, and he also knew the point.

   then opened a document and recorded a six-page outline.

   Then sit down again, create a new PPT, and start again.


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