Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 527: :Ready to work

   Su Qingyue fell asleep early that night.

   I found the real idea, but in fact, the specific work is easy to do.

   His so-called deletion of complex is simplified, and it is no longer just deletion, but becomes the three most classic philosophical questions: who am I, where am I from, and where I am going. Based on these three questions, Su Qingyue explained in turn who Yuedao was and what it wanted to do; what Yuedao did after its establishment and what achievements it achieved; and what Yuedao would look like in the future.

   At 1:30, he sent the email to Zhou Ziyou.

   When lying on the bed, reflect again.

   He discovered that just such a PPT is actually useful for reorganizing his company's thinking.

   There was no dream all night, and it was 7:45 when I woke up.

   It’s a little bit late, I will definitely catch up with the traffic jam.

   He hurriedly got up to wash up.

   and Dongshan left without even having breakfast.

When I arrived at the unit, it was almost nine o'clock. As soon as I entered the office area, I saw Zhou Ziyou raising his head from his seat, smiling at him, and giving him a thumbs up: "Boss! This is a good change! It's better than my version." too much."

"Don't talk about it, you take a closer look, what else needs to be added." Su Qingyue said: "We will have a meeting later, so that everyone can comment. This is just one direction." Secretary Si Chang will come, and some work must be prepared.

   Watching Chen Ting's office open the door.

   He walked over and knocked on the door.

   Chen Ting was holding her mobile phone and texting, she looked up and laughed.

"what's happenin?"

   "Secretary Mr. Fu is here in the afternoon, let's decide his route now." He explained: "It's best to go again and figure out the specific time. Look at the problems that may arise in the middle."

   "No problem." Chen Ting got up, took a note from the table, and said, "I have designed everything."

   She laughed and took the elevator down with Su Qingyue.

Explain: "I mainly divided the route into several modules. The first is from the parking lot to the company; the second is the tour within the company; the third is the departure route." She said, the elevator reached the parking lot. He explained: "Free up a parking space in our company and give it to Mr. Fu, so that when they get off the car, it is basically the elevator entrance."

   "Well, give up my parking space." Su Qingyue nodded.

   walked to his parking space.

   and Chen Ting turned and walked back together, he secretly counted the number of steps.

After looking at the surrounding situation, Chen Ting added: “Consult with the building and property to see if you can increase security on the way. A few more people, just in case.” He said, adding: “If people don’t If we cooperate, we will find security by ourselves."

   "No, it's definitely okay." Chen Ting laughed, and then explained: "Since the new year we issued the start-up profit, we have a very good relationship with the property. There are many things that can be done very smoothly."

   When she said so, Su Qingyue remembered that she had done something like this.

   Then they walked to the elevator.

After pressing   , I waited for a while before the elevator came.

   walked into the car, and on the third floor, someone walked in again. If it is normal, this is a very normal thing. But now it is Fu Sichang coming. Su Qingyue was stunned for a moment and said, "Sister Ting, then you can consult with the property and see if you can arrange an elevator for us at that time of the day. It doesn't take long."

   "No problem, I will negotiate."

   They talked and walked to the front desk again.

   noticed that there are some odds and ends on the table, but it doesn’t really matter. But this time Su Qingyue asked to be clean that day. At the same time, he pointed to the background wall and said: "When we enter the door, we must have a very small welcome ceremony. We don't need to send anything. The main thing is that the welcome speech should be handled well."

   "Well, I already did the etiquette training yesterday, and I will strengthen it in the past two days." Chen Ting.

   Then Su Qingyue calculated the time spent at the front desk.

   Chen Ting led him, following the route of the visit, first turning from the image wall, passing the marketing department, administration department, and then entering the R&D and operation maintenance department. Chen Ting roughly talked about the time to introduce each department. During operation and maintenance, he noticed that some of the brothers were wearing **** vests and slippers.

   Even though this is nothing at ordinary times, Su Qingyue never cared.

But considering that this time Fu Si came here, he still asked Li Jun: "Brothers can usually wear anything, but this is a critical moment. Be careful not to have a suit and leather shoes. But slippers and pants, just Stop wearing it."

   He said, Li Jun nodded immediately.

   said that he would say this immediately to make sure that there are no problems that day.

   Then they entered the conference room, and Su Qingyue called in all those who attended the meeting that day.

   After confirming the seat time.

   Su Qingyue personally showed the PPT, let everyone put forward their opinions.

   Zhou Ziyou all recorded them one by one.

   Then they arranged other content, including hygiene.

When he came out of the office, Su Qingyue heard some employees sigh with emotion: "When it opened, the boss didn't have such high requirements, and even the details of the desktop were noticed. It seems that this Tokyo Game Show, we are going to work hard. Do your best to fight for this place!"

   For lunch, everyone still chose the very light Huaiyang cuisine.

   so that when I received Secretary Fu Sichang in the afternoon, there was not too much smell on the clothes.

   At exactly 15 o'clock, Fu Sichang's secretary arrived on time.

   Su Qingyue and Chen Ting personally accompanied him, walked the route from entering the parking lot, to the elevator, and then to the whole visit, and then talked about part of the conversation. In the end, Fu Sichang's secretary couldn't help but nodded, and said, "President Su, to be honest, I have traveled so many routes, and you are the perfect one."

   As he said, Su Qingyue left him in the office to drink tea for a while.

   then personally sent him in the car.

   went back to the office and finally breathed a sigh of relief. UU Reading www.udkahnshu.com

   Su Qingyue felt that now the PPT itself is left.

   Thinking of this, he instructed Qin Shaofeng to be responsible for the art work, and at the same time, he asked Guan Pengpeng, who has media experience, to proofread. Of course, he and Zhou Ziyou are responsible for the final draft, to ensure that there are no typos or punctuation errors.

   finally solved it all.

   The whole day passed like this.

   Su Qingyue looked at the industry forum again, and it was still the posts discussing who could get the last spot.

   Obviously everyone took this matter seriously.

   Some people even say that the sitting time of the Four Little King Kong can be discharged through this time.

   Seeing these comments, Su Qingyue's cell phone suddenly rang.

   Found that it was Xiao Yu's number, he picked it up and said a few words of greeting.

   followed Xiao Yu and said, "Brother Yue, do you have time tonight? Is it convenient to have a meal together?"

   I calculated the time.

   It happened that Amu had something to do at night, and Su Qingyue immediately agreed: "No problem."

   Then they set a location.

   Su Qing left the company sooner.


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