Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 528: : Xiao Yu's worries

   Xiao Yu has changed.

   When Su Qingyue walked into the hotel, he watched her sitting by the window and looked out the window firmly.

   She had her hair cut short and the curtains of hair turned back.

   Simple and clean embroidered white shirt with black cropped jeans, the whole person looks fresh and natural.

   is completely different from the previous charming image.

   is also different from the other girls who come to eat in the entire restaurant.

   Su Qingyue walked over and said hello.

   There are not too many people in the restaurant and it is very quiet.

   Xiao Yu turned his face to see him coming, and got up hurriedly.

   smiled and called out brother Yue.

   The smile has not changed.

   Su Qingyue sat down and looked around.

   This is a Jianghai local cuisine restaurant, near Fengli Technology. Su Qingyue was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "I pass by here every day, and I really didn't pay attention to their house." As he said, the waiter handed over the menu, Su Qingyue asked casually: "How long have you been open."

   "Three or four months." The waiter smiled back.

   Su Qingyue raised his head and said to Xiao Yu: "That's normal. I haven't been in Pingjing very much in the past few months."

"Well, I only found out when I came with Zhou Yang and Dong Chou last time." Xiao Yu said: "Last time a company asked Dong Chou for other things. They came from Jiang Hai, so Jay Chou asked the company's administrative arrangements to be here. They tasted it and said the local dishes here are authentic, I think you like it.” She laughed and asked Su Qingyue to order.

   Su Qingyue casually said a few classics.

   ordered another drink for Xiao Yu.

   "How is your place?" Su Qingyue asked casually after the waiter left.

"It's okay, but it's busy." Xiao Yu said: "You also know that the industry department is investigating. This matter involves the official promotion qualification. Although we have been to the Tokyo Game Show many times before, this time is different. This time it is official. In addition to participating in the exhibition, the organization of a group has a deeper meaning. Zhou Yang and Zhou Dong personally took charge of this matter, and every detail was not overlooked."

   He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

   I remembered Du Nanxiang’s words at lunch yesterday: “I can participate in the exhibition by myself, and it’s the same as visiting with the leaders!”

   It seems that everyone is aware of the particularity of this matter.

  Su Qingyue believes that domestic industrial development, technology and culture have reached a new level, and it is indeed time to start the process of internationalization; the publicity dividend brought by the previous E3 is obvious.

This time, the industry leaders personally led the team. The promotion itself is not only a display, but also has a deeper meaning; the group exhibition itself is also a competition and publicity opportunity; coupled with the atmosphere of future media rendering, end users will also be infected. stand up.

   He thought about it and laughed, and said, "I also caught it myself."

"Brother Yue, I think it's best to work with you now." She said, and smiled helplessly: "But now that everyone has their own position, it is really difficult to be like before." She said. I added another sentence: "Okay, my sister also went to another company."

   "Yes." Su Qing said with emotion: "Wait for her to be free, let's be together."

   Recently, Hualuo has changed a lot. Luckily, my sister also left a few days ago.

   went to a game agency company as vice president.

   originally called everyone to party.

   But I didn't expect the new company to be very nervous when it came up, and I haven't stopped.

   They were talking, and the drinks came up.

   Su Qingyue felt that there was a kind of professional exhaustion in Xiao Yu's eyes. Followed her and said: "We should have entered the big list. Yiyuan and Fengli Technology also have a good chance. Their products are very distinctive. It is impossible for the products to be promoted in the same category. Now the worse you are... "

   "I have confidence." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

Xiao Yu took a sip of his drink, thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Have you heard some rumors? Our new project has three core technologies, and we moved to Zhengshang.com. In addition, Qi Xiaopang also followed, and now Zhou Yang is very angry. ."

   "Probably know a little." Su Qingyue nodded.

   The phenomenon of digging people in the industry does not actually exist for a day or two.

At this time, Xiao Yu said again: "It turns out that Jay Chou’s focus is not yet on the game, so Jiang Zhengshang did not set up obstacles when he left. Orally speaking, it’s a gentleman’s agreement. This time, three cores were dug up with a high salary. Programmer, and didn’t say hello to anyone. Jay Chou was very angry and asked me to ask him what’s going on. In the end, he understated the normal flow of people.”

   She said, snorted coldly, and shook her head.

   Su Qingyue listened, thinking Jiang Zhengshang must have a reason.

  His project is progressing so fast.

   This must require a large number of mature technical personnel, and may require some other things. Although Su Qingyue didn't know what was behind this, he always felt that Falcon was underestimating Zhengshang.com this time.

Xiao Yu said: "Dong Zhou believes that the two companies have now formed a competitive situation from people to products. The key is that Jiang Zhengshang is aggressive and completely unethical." She said: "There were a lot of rumors in the past, saying that "Excalibur" The development of "Shanhe" is standing on the'shoulders of giants', but there is no evidence. And Jay Chou didn't say anything, that's fine. But this time, I won't forget it."

   He said, Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

   "You mean?"

"It is basically certain that they have taken away the company-related code. This can also explain that if they want to speed up research and development, the person who digs the falcon is the most suitable..." Xiao Yu said: "Now our administration, legal affairs, and research and development have already A formal team was set up to deal with this matter..." She added: "Jay Chou is a person who will never compromise. You also know Jiang Zhengshang's character."

"It will definitely be another big battle then." Su Qingyue nodded and thought for a while. Suddenly he had a bad feeling and said: "It's just embarrassing you, your position. When the time comes to fight, I don't know that it will appear again. What's coming."

   "I don't care about it myself." Xiao Yu smiled, a little bleak, and said: "What I am really worried about is you. I want to tell you about this when I have dinner with you this time."

   "I understand, thank you."

   She said so, and Su Qingyue immediately understood.

   Xiao Yu is actually not worried about herself, but worried about him.

   Because of Jiang Zhengshang's character, his attacks must be omnipotent, just like the second-hand rose last time. In order to cover up his own problems and strategic intentions, he did not hesitate to direct the focus of the media to the non-business level. To quickly entertain the originally commercialized events, and achieve the purpose of confusing the audience and fishing in troubled waters.

   If he wants to do this, he will definitely not be able to get around Xiao Yu.

   Su Qingyue sighed helplessly.

   said again, "Come on."

   "It's okay, Brother Yue, don't worry, if he doesn't have a bottom line, I will never stop with him." She bit her lip, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said: "I have been with him for so long, and I will know more or less about him. If you get to that point, you can rest assured, I have a way."

   she said.

   Su Qingyue was taken aback.

   realized what Xiao Yu meant.

   But Su Qingyue didn't want this, so he smiled and said, "The soldiers are here to cover the water. And you are better than anything."

   As they talked, the food finally came.

   From shrimp and **** ginseng to herring chin, from Songjiang calcium fish to chicken bone paste and sweet-scented osmanthus meat.

   Su Qingyue took a bite and found it was authentic.

   and Xiao Yu talked about the industry's trends.

   Thinking about "Excalibur Mountain and River" so fast, now Jiang Zhengshang's speed has finally been reasonably explained.

   Su Qingyue thought, Xiao Yu called him softly at this time, Brother Yue.

   "What's wrong?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "I hope you can go to Tokyo." She said.

   Su Qingyue nodded, thinking she had something else, he waited.

   After a while, Xiao Yu finally said: "Actually I am very confused now..."


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