Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 529: :direction

Listening to Xiao Yu mentioning confusion.

Su Qingyue put down her chopsticks and waited for her to say the next words.

However, Xiao Yu switched to another topic and said, "I think my sister-in-law is studying photography recently?"

"Yes, I bought a SLR camera. Now, on weekends or at night, I either go out on the street or go out with their photography enthusiasts." Su Qingyue smiled.

"Well, I see the space, it's really good." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Then other dishes came up.

Su Qingyue discovered that this Jianghai local cuisine is not only authentic in taste, but also authentic in quantity.

The amount of dishes in Hepingjing is less than half and more than half.

While thinking about it, Xiao Yu said with emotion: "Actually, I really envy my sister-in-law. She has her own ideas and goals." She said, finally asking the confused question: "But I am not, I don't know what the goal is now? "

She said, Su Qing was startled.

Xiao Yu said again: "When I was in China Network, I still had a direction with you. As long as I followed you, it was always right." She said, "Including Jiang Zhengshang, although we have conflicts, I admit that He is also a person who knows what he wants and has a direction."

Hearing what she said, Su Qingyue nodded.

He admits that Xiao Yu's words are true. Sometimes the most dangerous thing for people is not victory or defeat.

But I don’t know why I do things.

There is no goal, no direction.

Even if everything is done well, it will feel extremely painful.

Su Qingyue feels that human happiness comes from material and money in the short-term, and ideal and pursuit in the long-term.

Xiao Yu said at this time: "Now with Jay Chou, I can't say that he is not a good boss. He will give directions to many people who do specific things, but he will not give an assistant." She said, sighed: " This makes me more and more tired."

"If you are really tired, you have to consider taking a break." Su Qingyue said, after thinking about it, and then: "Take a break, look at yourself again, and then look for a goal from it." He said, "Yes. People will lose focus at that time. What you need at this time is to look back."

He said, remembering when he was in Nandu.

Even though he was already the backbone of the newspaper and was able to get the establishment immediately, it was still extremely painful.

There is another explanation for life at a glance, that is, "waiting for death".

At this time Xiao Yu said again: "Well, I have to think about it."

"Actually, you do what you like best." Su Qingyue said: "Work is only one aspect, you go find something you like to do." This is what he used to do.

Thinking of this, he smiled, and felt that his words were very empty.

Because he is very clear in his heart that the direction and goal need to be found by himself.

No one can give it to you. The only thing you can do is to provide ways and means.

As he spoke, Xiao Yu nodded.

"I used to like to climb mountains, but now because of this job, I can't do it anymore. Now it seems that only movies are my real favorite. At least I stick to it. No matter how tired I am, I have to watch one every night. I also write some film reviews on the Internet, and sometimes the response is pretty good..." She smiled helplessly: "I just don't know, it's not a hobby."

"Of course it's fine, and it's good." Su Qingyue said.

"Then I will go back and buy some books and take a look. When I was in college, I also took a film class as an elective." Xiao Yu smiled back and said, "I want to give it a try."

"Okay." Su Qingyue smiled back.

He thinks that if Xiao Yu likes movies, he can also ask Li Ming when he comes back to see what suggestions and resources he has.

But this is just an idea, and I didn't say it.

Su Qingyue faintly felt that Xiao Yu had some bottlenecks in the workplace.

At this time, it is indeed necessary to adjust the mentality.

He thought, they talked about the people who came out of ChinaNet and the current situation of the company.

Including Huayang is no longer in the company.

Su Qingyue knew that he had opened a game music studio, but he didn't know the specifics.

They had drunk before and didn't talk about business, just pure reminiscence.

Su Qingyue said: "When my house is completely dried, I will call everyone."

"Yeah." Xiao Yu nodded.

Time flies quickly, and it's half past eight when I look at my watch.

They left after eating.

Su Qingyue returned home, thinking about the problems that might arise later.

When I got home, it was almost ten o'clock.

Amu has returned.

While editing the photo on the chair, Su Qingyue walked over to look at it and smiled: "In the later stage of taking pictures in our house, we won't need others to fix it anymore."

"Oh, I can't. This is based on art." A Mou shook his head involuntarily.

Su Qingyue noticed that this was a night shot scene.

Pingjing Houhai Bar, feasting, but really good-looking.

I was thinking about Amou while editing the picture, while smiling and asking him: "Is it a pleasure to see Xiao Yu today?" She said, with a mischievous smile: "How long has it been since."

"If you are happy or not, the main thing is to say something."

"What's the matter?" Amu asked.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Qing told Xiao Yu and himself about the falcon code that Jiang Zhengshang might use.

Then he went to wash up.

When he came back, Ah Mou focused on this topic again and said: "Does this kind of thing happen rarely in the industry? In the end, it's all gone. It's too difficult to find evidence. I don't know what they can do in the end. "She said, and then: "Anyway, I think someone like Jiang Zhengshang will have an accident sooner or later."

"Xiao Yu is mainly worried that if there is a fight between the two sides, he will definitely target Xiao Yu himself. Then he might bite again..."

When he said so, Ah Mou was startled.

I just said a word of grace and revenge, but I immediately reacted and said: "I don't care who you bring with whom. Su Qingyue, I don't want the last time to happen again! The whole unit is watching me, and I feel sorry. enough!"

"I see, don't worry!" Su Qingyue hurriedly said again: "If this is the case, it won't be as cheap as last time."

As he said, he looked at the photo that Amu was coloring.

At the next moment, Ah Mou suddenly asked, "By the way, when will the industry leaders go to your company?"

"Thursday. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Su Qingyue replied.

"People in our unit are now discussing that the first few places should be fixed. There are not many places left, but there are still a few on the list of Fu Sichang's inspection, so the enterprises under inspection must be the Eight Immortals who have their own magical powers..." she said Then, she was a little angry: "I heard them say in private that they are not optimistic about you anyway." She said, the mouse stopped, turned to look at Su Qingyue and said, "You have to win this time!"

"When did I lose my temper?"

Su Qing laughed more.

Lying on the bed, thought for a moment.

He wanted to say that no matter how well prepared I am here, it depends on whether Dongfang Jun's plan is too late.

But he didn't say after another thought.

I don't want to transfer this layer of pressure to Ah Mo.

After a while, he fell asleep groggy.

I was also thinking about Fu Sichang's visit on Thursday.

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