Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 533: : Exhausted energy

   Su Qingyue was absent-minded throughout lunch.

Zhou Ziyou also recognized this problem and said: "Boss, should we put some information on "Little Magic Fairy" appropriately to eliminate the influence in the industry, so as to reduce the pressure on you and the industry department." He said, adding: "I think you are in a very bad state these days."

   did not respond to the question he said about the status, thinking about whether he should release information.

   In the end, Su Qingyue still denied it.

   "With the current progress of "Little Demon Fairy", even if it is released, it will only arouse greater doubts." He said, "No need to release information, so be it. They will say whatever they want."

Yue Lindao listened to the side, and said: "Qingyue is right, it is no good to respond blindly. It is better to dive down and make products seriously. Anyway, this list will not be changed. What I can do now is to do things seriously. Do a good job in the product itself." Another sentence was added: "One stage has the focus of one stage, so just grasp it."

   He said that Su Qingyue agreed.

   The most important thing now is to grasp the product.

   said and continued to eat with everyone.

   Think about them as they are willing to criticize, go ahead, not to read the comments.

   went back to the office in the afternoon and began to dig deeper into the product production plan itself. And compared this product with the previous production of "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition", and compared with the expansion, I want to see which ones can be accelerated, and which ones have room.

   I can't tell how long it takes, I just feel that time disappears like flowing water.

Until Amo reminded him on QQ: "Go back, there will be traffic jams on weekends. If you go late, it will be eight o'clock when you come back." When she said, she sent it and complained: "Anyway, point a little. If you don’t, you can come back soon."

   He said that Su Qingyue only noticed the wall clock on the wall.

   He was startled a little.

   Realizing that no matter how nervous, the life should be passed, he got up and walked out of the office.

   called Yue Lindao, Du Nanxiang and Chen Ting.

   Zhou Ziyou and Guan Pengpeng also followed.

   Everyone walked downstairs talking and laughing, Su Qingyue noticed that everyone had bought him a warm house gift. From Zwilling's seven-piece kitchen set, to the humidifier that Amou likes, and all kinds of supplies for the bedroom. All at once made up for what he and A Mou did not buy.

   Thank you all.

   They traveled to Su Qingyue’s home in two cars.

   At six o'clock, Pingjing was indeed the most congested moment, and their car was so blocked that they even got out of the garage before they reached the main road completely. He couldn't move for a while, and after a long time, Dongshan was squeezed onto the main road, but it continued to be blocked.

   has become accustomed to this kind of scene, everyone is not surprised.

   At this time, Xiao Yu sent him a message saying that she and her sister had arrived.

   Everyone in the car is very enthusiastic, discussing the house.

   Su Qingyue didn't have much mood to intervene on the matter, watching the car stop and go on the ring road, and it was 7:35 by the time he entered the yard. When getting out of the car, Guan Pengpeng stretched his waist and said with a smile: "It's not as fast as walking..."

   They took the elevator upstairs.

   Everyone feels that the elevator enters their homes, Du Nanxiang just smiles, and feels that the capital has a lot of money.

   entered the house, the house is already very lively.

   Ouyang and Tian Zhong, and Wang Xinjie had already come, chatting and laughing with Brother Guang in the living room. Su Qingyue noticed Xiao Yu and her sister, and accompany Amou to cook in the kitchen. Sister Xiaoxuan arrived later, said hello to everyone, and went into the kitchen.

   The house that was empty for a while became lively.

   Ouyang got up and called the boss, laughed and said, "I just told Teacher Tian that this house is so cool. The key is that there are few shelters around. Just now my sister-in-law led me to see your study. It's really comfortable."

"There is also the Suer treadmill, which is really big." Tian Zhong said with a smile: "If you are tired at night, you don't need to go downstairs and just run at home." He said, and then said to Ouyang: " Ouyang said just now that we will also have to pay attention to exercise in the future. The boss will go back and give us two sets."

   "No problem, that's it." Su Qing laughed.

   Chen Ting helped them figure out how to place the treadmill.

Seeing Ouyang Hetian talking and laughing, Wang Xinjie came over and patted Ouyang on the shoulder for a while, and said jokingly: "How is it, better than your house? You quickly work hard and try to change another set." Speaking of this, Su Qingyue felt nervous for a while, worried that Ouyang would change his face again.

   But nothing happened.

   Su Qingyue was suddenly moved.

   The three people continued to chat and laugh, and their happy state seemed to have completely returned to the Three Kingdoms project team at that time. Su Qingyue was very moved and very happy, but he didn't greet everyone much. But a little bit tired, absent-minded, always thinking about the product.

   Amu came out of the kitchen and noticed that he was absent-minded.

   pulled him aside and reminded him in a low voice: "Today is our greenhouse, you invite everyone over, so you can spend time with others, don't always think about work." She said, sighed and went into the kitchen again.

   "It's okay, I don't need to entertain myself." Yue Lindao walked over and asked casually, "Or "Little Demon Fairy"?"

   "Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded, and said nothing.

   "I'm going to help you have a drink." Yue Lindao said with a smile.

   After a while, the dishes were ready, and everyone took their seats.

   In the men’s dispenser is Su Qingyue’s hometown wine, Yanghe, Amou specially selected red wine and champagne for the ladies.

   There is no ceremony for the first three cups.

   Su Qingyue made it very clear that today is not a business bureau, as long as everyone is happy.

   drank with them, but couldn't help but lift a cup.

After drinking for a while, Ouyang picked up the dispenser: "Boss! I respect you for this glass! You are my mentor and my boss. You taught me the right way. I changed before, but now I really change it. Believe me, I will continue to do well in the Three Kingdoms! I used to fight for my life, but I will fight for my life in the future. Don't worry!"

   He said every word.

   The sentence struggling with life, made Su Qing more moved.

   He got up abruptly and clinked glasses with Ouyang.

At this time Tanaka also stood up and said: "Boss! Don't worry, our "A Little Immortal Qi" project team is the same. Whatever it was back then is what it is now. Back then, how did our group of brothers make the Three Kingdoms? , It’s the same now!"

   He said to toast.

   The three clinked glasses and drank all the wine.

   sat down with him, and suddenly realized that it was not only Ouyang who had changed.

   Even myself has changed.

   How about "I would rather dislike tens of thousands of people than be pitiful"?

   What about the pursuit at the time, the desire to exhaust one's energy?

   This world has never been difficult, only lazy people.

   Since "Little Demon Fairy" is so important, does it make sense to sigh thousands of miles away?

   The Internet is changing rapidly. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com

   Those who are trembling and walking on thin ice can never be lost.

   Successful people are ascetics.

   At that moment, he suddenly realized what he was going to do.

   directly put down the cup, walked to the quiet room, took out his mobile phone and called Dongfang Jun.

   Behind him, Brother Guang greeted everyone on his behalf, "Mr. Yue, I will toast you a cup."

   On the receiver side, I heard that he was going to Lin'an to personally supervise the production in the past few months.

Dongfang Jun was silent on the phone for a long time, and said for a long time: "Okay! I'll wait for you! Since you are like this, brother, then I didn't say anything. Let us create a miracle together." He said and laughed. The sound came from the other end of the earpiece.

   They talked for a while.

When Su Qingyue returned to the dinner table, the vigorous Su Qingyue returned. He picked up his glass and said to everyone: "Brothers, I announce one thing: I will go to Lin'an soon. Like before and Brothers fight together like that, this time I will create a miracle with the brothers in Lin'an!"

   Everyone followed and clinked glasses.

   said loudly: "Then toast to the miracle!"


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