Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 534: : Run our

   They drank wine and recounted the past, and everyone was very happy.

   There are authentic Nandu dishes on the table, from braised lion head to sweet and sour pork ribs to steamed sea bass, all of which are Guang Ge’s craftsmanship.

   Amo also added a mashed potato salad that she had learned recently.

   Xiao Yu took a bite and couldn't help but praised: "Sister-in-law, your craftsmanship is really good."

   Taking care of more people’s tastes, Guang Ge also cooked some Sichuan dishes.

  Especially the spicy bullfrog that Ah Mou likes to eat. My sister smiled and said, “Brother Guang’s craftsmanship really doesn’t have to be said. He lived with Qingyue before, and we came to taste it once.” She laughed and said, “I remember that time when Ziyou drank too much and screamed. In the end, Qingyue sent him home."

   When she said so, Zhou Ziyou blushed and interjected: "It's not appropriate to always help others remember the past."

   "So far, the face is still red, which means that I can still be saved." After working with Ning Cheng for a long time, Wang Xinjie was also infected by the poisonous tongue.

   "I'm a jade guard..." Zhou Ziyou instantly revealed his true shape.

   Then everyone laughed.

   talked about Su Qingyue when he first came to Pingjing.

Speaking of the comparison draft of "The Great World of Martial Arts", Yue Lindao directly grabbed the white paper: "I saw Qingyue for the first time. He was thin and thin. I didn't expect the combat power to be extremely powerful. Later I came to the focus and understood more and more. I I found that what he is best at is to extract from the specific details and find the real reason behind the problem. In the face of complex situations, it is the ability to really jump out and solve the problem."

   Speaking of that time, everyone was full of emotion.

   After a while, my sister said again: "Qingyue does have a skill, that is, to turn the tide in a crisis. I remember that the situation in "Fengshen World" was very critical at the time, but later it was also eliminated..."

   "Yes, it was really dangerous at that time." Xiao Yu also said.

   But there was silence again a moment later.

   Obviously, taking the matter mentioned by my sister well, it reminded her of someone she didn't want to remember anymore.

The next moment Su Qingyue was about to change the subject and talked about the fact that Amu had obtained a driver’s license. Zhou Ziyou suddenly interjected: “The final condemnation of the gods in "The World of Conferred Gods" was Jiang Zhengshang. Otherwise, how could he go to Falcon, how could he be affected? Capital attention, how can there be a Zhengshang network behind?"

   He was full of alcohol, blushing, and he was obviously on his head.

  Su Qingyue immediately stopped him: "Ziyou, don't talk about it if you do."

Unexpectedly, "Stop Talking" hadn't been fully exported yet, Zhou Ziyou blushed, and said again: "Boss, do you know? I heard many people say that they developed the "Shenjian Shanhe" of Zhengshang Network so fast, in fact It's by stealing the code of the Falcon." He said, and then: "After blowing for a long time, it turned out to be doping!"

After   , he looked at Xiao Yu again, and chased him: "Sister Yu, do you know about this?"

   found that Xiao Yu's face was ugly.

   She obviously doesn't want to mention it again.

  Su Qingyue once again stopped Zhou Ziyou: "Stop talking about this."

   Upon seeing this, Yue Lindao also said Zhou Ziyou: "Ziyou, drink less."

   Then the topic shifted to buying a car.

   Several girls discussed their favorite cars.

   Attention quickly shifted away.

Then Su Qingyue clinked glasses with Tian Zhong. The latter drank blushing and swore crudely: "Boss! Don't worry, we will do our best to make "That Little Immortal Qi" done." He obviously drank too much and began to repeat The previous words: "I used to fight for my fate, but today I fight for my fate!"

"Of course I know." Su Qingyue took his shoulders and said: "But I still want to tell you to respect the law. Don't fight unsure wars. Although "That Little Immortal Qi" may not be able to go due to special reasons. Tokyo Game Show, but our internal indicators are still prepared in accordance with this requirement. Once R&D loses its goal, it is easy to fall into passivity and confusion in time."

   "Of course I know this." Tanaka nodded and burped, "That is to say, whether you participate in the video game show or not, you have to fight for the future time according to the requirements and indicators of participation, right?" He raised his voice.

   "That's right!" Su Qing laughed more and more: "I hope you and the Lin'an project team can respond to each other, compete in the competition, and form a benign R & D competition pattern within the company."

   Su Qingyue said so.

   Tanaka nodded very seriously.

   immediately followed: "Don't worry! Boss. We may not be as fast as Jiang Zheng, but we absolutely ensure the quality."

Ouyang drank a little at the moment, interjecting and saying to Zhou Ziyou: "The "Shen Jian Shanhe" relies on stolen code. Is this fair? What is the difference between him and those who plagiarize? How is intellectual property protected? , This one has to get him to death."

   He was talking and hiccuping.

   was originally to accuse him, but said that he was fooling him, and it was cruel.

   Zhou Ziyou followed indignantly, and said: "That's right!" Looking at Xiao Yu again, he said: "Sister Yu, you should sue them! This matter can't be settled, you are going to die."

  Listening to everyone's discussion, Su Qingyue also knew that they had grievances since yesterday.

   Because since the list came down, Yue Dao has been questioned and attacked.

   Yue Taoist does not understand, and he has done nothing wrong. The industry sector is also based on historical achievements and industry contributions, so why should they suffer such an attack. And some accounts have participated in attacking Su Qingyue before, and even participated in the second-hand rose incident.

Listening to everyone, Su Qingyue himself was very open-minded. At this time, he held up the wine glass and said, "Come on, brothers! Let me say a few words." He said, everyone served the glass, and Su Qingyue said again: "We don't want to Regardless of how fast Jiang Zhengshang is, don’t think about the discussions in the community. It is a matter of the industry and the media to dispute whether or not it is disputed."

   He said, everyone listened and toasted with him.

Su Qingyue said again: "Business is like a race. The opponent does not take doping. That is the matter of the anti-doping agency and the organizing committee. It has nothing to do with us. To take a step back, even if the opponent really eats, as long as the referee If we didn’t call to stop, we had to assume that the game environment was fair.” He said, adding: “If we stop, shout to the audience, and shout to the media, then it is not our opponents who lose, but us. Instead, we will lose. It becomes a joke, this is life, this is society..."

   He said, no one said anything.

Su Qing thought for a while, and then said: "I know that everyone is angry these days, and the media is also questioning why Zhengshang Network's layout is so reasonable and its posture is so calm, but we are not. This is what I want to say today, I I also hope that everyone will remember that this thing ends here. I never believe in the inspiration of pie-dropping in the sky and the achievements of waiting. We should be a free and self-disciplined person, and continue to rely on the determination that is bound to be realized. forward."

  Everyone was stunned when he said so.

   realized that he was right.

   Yue Lindao nodded and said: "Qingyue said that this issue is very important, and you will have to pay it back sooner or later. Don't always stare at others, the most important thing is to be yourself."

   "Yes, Mr. Yue is right." Su Qingyue nodded and said: "The smarter you are, the more you know how to do stupid work. It is surprising that we have to be upright."

   He said so, everyone who drank a bit too much.

   all nodded and said yes.

   realize that mentality is the most important thing.

   Yue Lindao and Su Qingyue spoke at the same time, telling Ouyang to stop drinking.

   At this time, Tanaka made a summary: "Boss, don't worry. The most important thing is to make a good product and implement it on the product. The most important thing is not to think about other people's stimulants, manage yourself, and be yourself the most important thing."

   "Yes! That's right! All we have to do is to move forward desperately!"

   He said, everyone toasted together.

   followed Su Qingyue and said, "To please the Tao!"

   Everyone also followed, and then they drank a glass of wine.


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