Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 546: : Tacitly

    Lin'an is of course Longjing before Ming Dynasty. This is Longjing tea that was picked and made before Qingming. The tea leaves look green and translucent, and the leaves are even and shiny.

   Use Hupao spring water at 75 degrees to brew tea leaves.

  Drink gently in the mouth, the taste is sweet, soft and fragrant, giving people a fresh and natural feeling.

   Although there is still a gap compared with the tea that Dongfang Jun gave him, it is already very good compared with Longjing on the market. I couldn't help but admire: "There is really a faint fragrance of orchids, and it feels like the fragrance of wild orchids in the early spring valley..."

   "Like Lin'an in spring." Dongfang Jun smiled, and asked Ah Mou: "How is it? Do you think Lin'an and Nandu are different?"

"It's okay." Amu said, "The cities in the free shipping area feel similar in style." She said, "But I definitely like Lin'an better than Jianghai. I feel that the people here are more gentle, not like those from Jianghai. Inexplicable sense of superiority." She said, taking a sip from the glass.

   The commander could not help but nod his head.

Followed up: "This is why Aesame Seeds opened in Lin'an, not in other cities. It is more tolerant and open, and very suitable for entrepreneurs." He said, "And in fact, it is based on Lin'an as the core, and the entire area around Lin'an is very suitable. Entrepreneurship."

   When he said so, Su Qing felt more and more impressed.

   Amo again talked about her interview experience in Lin'an.

Finally, the coach said: "You have been with Snake Lord for so long, and the Lin'an Center has opened. You are not as good as coming to Lin'an. There are many preferential policies here, and you can adapt to food, clothing, housing and transportation." He said with a smile, and looked at Dongfang. Jun: "Don't you persuade him?"

   "The boss is here, this matter is not his turn." Dongfang Jun smiled.

   He made everyone laugh.

   Speaking of being a boss, Su Qingyue asked Shi Shuai what kind of person his boss was. The coach thought for a while and said: "He doesn't do specific business. Generally speaking, he focuses on firm goals and directions. He is a scavenger on the court. He doesn't see any effect on the court. He will know his value only after he is off the court."

   He said, Dongfang Jun laughed.

   Shishuai didn't understand what it meant, and asked him what's wrong.

Dongfang Jun shook his head and said: "I think this is also the state of our President Su." He smiled and said: "Qingyue's goal and sense of direction are really very clear. And even if there is a deviation, he can correct it in time. This may be the talent of some people..."

"Well, my house is good..." The commander inadvertently called out the name, and suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, and changed his words quickly: "Good to say before, saying that you are not confused with Qingyue." After speaking, he smiled awkwardly. Asked Su Qingyue: "How about now?"

   "It should be very busy at the new company." Su Qingyue smiled back.

   It is not clear whether the coach really wants to ask about the good news, or just to ease the embarrassment of calling the wrong name.

   In short, they all tacitly did not continue the topic.

But the topic was turned to his childhood sweetheart and Zhuma strangely by the coach, and he said to Dongfang Jun: "Master Snake, do you know? The most enviable thing here is Qingyue. Although he and reporter Yan Da are not childhood sweethearts, they are also colleges. Coming here, I think it’s still the safest couple at this time."

   thinks what he said meant something.

   seems to imply that his current relationship life is not good.

   Su Qingyue and Amou smiled and said nothing, they just drank tea quietly.

Dongfang Jun laughed at this time and said: "Because the feelings at this time are impurity and unreserved. For this, I am especially grateful to God for allowing me to meet Dong Xiaohua." He said, sighing with emotion: "I'm doing "Little Moxian" "The outstanding feeling is that one's life is learned to cherish in regret."

   When he said so, the commander was startled.

   Su Qingyue realized that the coach might have misunderstood.

   Dongfang Jun didn't mean to irritate him at all, Dongfang Jun was talking about himself.

   But the speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention.

So Su Qingyue hurriedly explained: "Today I mentioned you to Lord Snake, but he didn't react at first. Later, I said it was the "Kong Yiji", and he knew immediately." He laughed and said, "He recently I am immersed in the story of "Little Devil", so I like to use the dialogue inside."

   ""Little Demon Fairy"?" The teacher asked, and he didn't talk more about emotions.

  Su Qingyue nodded and said: "Our new product is adapted from an online novel. Recently, it has been closed for development here and is preparing to take it to the Tokyo Game Show."

"Oh, I'm going to search for this novel, too." Shi Shuai said: "A few days ago we had a female colleague who was very addicted to reading novels." He said, "Qingyue, I feel you have to do it well. The future can be linked with the film and television industry, and the prospects are broad."

He says.

   Dongfang Jun laughed: "This is one of President Su's strategies."

When he said so, the teacher raised his eyebrows and said: "Yes, I heard Wang Liang said that he has always admired Qingyue's strategic vision, brief and strong." Smiling, said: "I used to ask him why not To dig him, Wang Liang said that Qingyue would not be willing to be in the hands of others. He is a person with a sense of mission..."

   Amu smiled and asked, "Sense of mission?"

   Shishuai smiled and said, "Yes, some people are born."

   After another word, Dongfang Jun nodded thoughtfully.

   Su Qingyue also quite agrees with this sentence. Said: "In many cases, the most important thing for the founder is to lead the team. If you have bad results, think about problems, if you have good results, think about the direction..."

   He said, everyone talked about business purposelessly.

   Su Qingyue sighed secretly, and finally missed the emotional topic.

   Everyone didn't ask about the situation of Shishuai and Wang Xi, and didn't take the initiative to mention Wang Xi's child.

   I hope he can get along well with Wang Xi.

   Looking at Amou beside me, I know I cherish it even more.

   I think of the sentence in "Little Demon Fairy": a person's life is in regret, learn to cherish.

   looked at his watch, it was five thirty-five in the afternoon.

   They went to Lin'an's famous and time-honored brand: Louwailou.

  , guarding the view of the lake at sunset, ordered a few famous Hangbang dishes.

   Several people chatted and watched the sun passing by outside the window.

   The night scene lights gradually come on.

   is like a luminous line, drawing a different boundary between the West Lake and the Wu Mountain and Phoenix Mountain behind it.

   After a while, the dishes were served. From high-quality shrimp Longjing to Dongpo braised meat, there are also Song Sao fish soup and roasted vegetarian goose. Each dish uses exquisite ingredients. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com highlights the characteristics of Hangzhou cuisine: light and moderate, with fine ingredients. They only drank a little beer, and Dongfang Jun was not too drunk as before.

   The teacher asked Su Qingyue when to leave.

   Su Qingyue has the final say, saying that it should be in the last few days.

   They agreed to meet again before leaving.

   After seven o'clock, they finished eating, and then left.

   Su Qingyue first invited Amou to visit the Lin'an Center and led her to meet Dong Xiaohua.

   When two people meet, there is a feeling that they hate to see each other late.

   The chat is endless.

Back to the hotel in the evening, Amu said with emotion: "I feel that as soon as the teacher talked about being good sister today, his emotions fell instantly. He must be doing badly recently? I heard people say that the teacher often calls the wrong name, probably I want to take good care of my sister. Some people lose them when they walk, and then look back and find that they have deviated from their original intentions."

   "Yes, this is what makes us different from others." Su Qingyue said.

   The two of them looked at each other for an instant, and smirked.

   Amu said: "After the beginning of the new year, I haven't seen you for a few days!"

   Su Qingyue smiled and said: "Then wash and sleep..."



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