Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 547: :schedule

   heartfelt is the best gift to each other after parting.

  Su Qingyue finally realized what is called Xiaobiesheng newly married.

   I was full of energy all night, and it was quiet until early in the morning...

   Wake up in the morning, Amou is still asleep.

   Su Qingyue thought of something going on during the day, but still got up normally, and went to the company before eight o'clock.

   The strange thing is that I am not sleepy, but very energetic.

   He initiated the conference for the "Little Demon Fairy" battle. Proposed to be cautious and cautious, "We will use the Tokyo Game Show as the starting point for game promotion, and officially release "Little Devil" to all media and manufacturers. Moreover, at this Tokyo Game Show, we will officially announce "Little Devil" The time to go online. The time between the two should not be too long, otherwise the heat will be wasted. So I hope the last time to go online is the end of the year, and it cannot exceed the Spring Festival at the latest..."

He says.

   In fact, the same thing, he often emphasized in conferences and small meetings.

   will get angry because of some inconspicuous problems.

   But his purpose is not to criticize anyone, but to keep the team vigilant. One of Su Qingyue's favorite generals seems to be long-winded, and the small meeting of the conference emphasized the same problem. But once the critical moment is reached, everyone will find that this kind of emphatic imprint will be engraved in people's subconscious behavior.

   No one can succeed casually.

   After the meeting, everyone resumed work.

   He accompanied Amou to go shopping, but he still insisted on staying with everyone after working overtime at night.

This made Amu very dissatisfied. He sat in a chair and said, "You talk about you, I'm in Pingjing, and you are working overtime at the company. Now I come to Lin'an, but you are still working overtime. Just tell me when you are. Don't work overtime?"

   knows her grievances.

   Su Qingyue hurriedly coaxed her, and when she returned to Pingjing, she should have a short rest.

   "Don't you want to go to the Tokyo Game Show?"

   "That's not too nervous, you can take a good rest." He said, "Besides, after we submit the product, there is still a while. I can stay with you at home every day, okay?" He coaxed her.

   Ah Mou asked him with a sullen face, "You just say which number is over, right?"

   "We will have the last test on Friday. If there is no problem, I will go home on Saturday," he said.

   "Are you sure?" Ah Mou asked with a small mouth.

   "Of course." Su Qing laughed.

   Finally, he coaxed Amu and went out to see the brothers who were working hard.

   Su Qingyue felt that since Ah Mo came, he seemed to have been beaten with blood.

   I am very excited every day.

   handles some files from time to time, and continues to play the game on the test server, trying to find out more detailed deficiencies.

   Gradually, there are fewer and fewer problems, and in some places it can't be called a problem.

   On Tuesday, he sent Amou away.

   specially bought him business class.

   tells her that she promises to stay with her once Pingjing is back.

   Amo smiled and said, "Don't tell Dongshan this time, I will drive to pick you up myself."

   They were talking, and Amu left.

   On Saturday morning, the version of "Little Magic Fairy" submitted to the industry department finally came out.

   They tested it in the company.

   This time the version is progressive, obviously more mature. Not only is the number of bugs greatly reduced, Dong Xiaohua has enriched the plot. Make sure that each line has an arc of character growth. Let the player grow with the protagonist when manipulating the character.

   The whole company conducted a careful test.

   Although there are still very subtle problems, but overall it has become perfect.

   Su Qingyue feels that such a product, with fresh gameplay and full story, will not lose any similar products even if it is put on the international market. There are even advantages in many aspects. He is very satisfied with this and has already started to prepare the information submitted to the industry department.

   Yang Jigang smirked and asked Dong Xiaohua: "If "Little Devil" is successful in Tokyo, don't forget your promise."

   "How can such a loving and righteous person in this palace fail to keep his promise?"

   Dong Xiaohua curled her lips, looked at Dongfang Jun, and laughed mischievously.

   Su Qingyue invited everyone to dinner that night.

   expressed gratitude for their hard work during this period of time. They drank a lot of wine.

   So that Su Qingyue got up the next day and felt groggy. When Dongfang Jun sent him, he was still uncomfortable and almost didn't get on the plane. The two also talked about some work matters, including establishing who was going to Tokyo. There are Dongfang Jun, Ying Zheng and Mao'er brother of Wailian.

   Before boarding the plane, he shook hands with Dongfang Jun again.

   didn't mention career, just exhorted: "Dong Xiaohua is a good person, you must cherish the snake."

   "I can't cherish it, but I can't get rid of it..." Dongfang Jun laughed.

  Su Qingyue believes that among these friends, Snake's love can go on in the long run.

   got on the plane.

   Looking back at Lin'an again, Su Qing breathed out more and more.

   There is a feeling of finally going home.

   Now he finally feels that Ping Kyung is his home.

  Looking at the plane that was gradually lifted up, yesterday's drunkenness came up again, and he simply fell asleep.

   No dreams appeared.

   When he opened his eyes again, the plane was close to landing, and he saw the oil temperature layer over Pingjing City.

   Grey dusk is dark, like a cloud of smoke.

   Then the plane landed.

   Packed up his luggage and went out. The weather was very hot and the air was dry.

   Su Qingyue felt that his lips were cracked.

   Seeing Ah Mi wearing sunglasses at the door, beckoning to him.

   Su Qingyue smiled and greeted him.

   followed Amou into the car. This was the first time he saw the Beetle ordered last time.

   I think the space in the front row is okay.

   The height is not particularly high, but it is acceptable.

   certainly can't compare with Mercedes-Benz, but it doesn't matter if Amo likes it.

   Feeling that Ah Mou is still a little nervous, let him see his direction for a while, then tell him not to talk, she has to concentrate. Su Qing smiled, and didn't dare to interrupt him. On the highway, a car can pass them, even a Jinbei bread.

   Su Qingyue looked at Amou and wanted to laugh.

   The car turned to the city, and it took Amu a long time to merge and finally turned right back home.

   went back to the house.

   Put down all the luggage and turn on the air conditioner.

   felt very relaxed for a moment, and slept for a while on the sofa.

   It was already evening when I got up.

   They went to Guang Ge's house.

  Because he came back, Guang Goth prepared some special dishes for him.

   asked him how he prepared for "Little Demon Fairy". The two people are talking while cooking.

   From time to time, Su Qingyue helped him cut some accessories.

   Asked about the current situation of the virtual goods trading platform, Su Qingyue said: "Are there any abnormal transactions that you mentioned before?"

   "Yes, there are quite a few recent orders on UU reading www.uukānshu.com." Guang Ge said: "Not within the normal price."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, you have to be careful." Su Qingyue said, after thinking about it, I always feel something is wrong, and then said: "Before investigating it, you must confirm that our process is legal and reasonable." Looking at Brother Guang, he suddenly asked very seriously: "You have nothing to hide from me, right?"

   Hearing him so late, Brother Guang scolded a foul language.

   shook his head helplessly, "Don't worry, I am no longer who I used to be." He said, "Now I have not only Xiaoxuan, but also a son. Besides, there are brothers like you, how could I be possible."

   He said, and sighed helplessly.

   Su Qingyue patted him on the shoulder.

   The two stopped talking.

   After a while, a table is ready.

   Everyone sit down.

   Brother Guang held up a glass of wine and said, "Come on, Qingyue, and welcome you back. I wish your product "Little Devil" can shine in the Tokyo Game Show."

   "Yes! Bless your "Little Demon Fairy" can be successful." Little Xuan sister also said.

   Four people clinked their glasses, said blessings, and drank all the wine in the glass.



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