Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 549: : Desperately 3 Lang

on Sunday.

   is a sunny day, because autumn has already entered, the weather in Pingjing is still cool today.

   At least it’s not so hot in the morning.

   Even wearing a half-sleeved T-shirt, it’s a little bit cold. Thinking of grilling in the reservoir today, because it is a mountainous area, it may be even colder, so Su Qingyue put on a special coat outside. Sitting in the car, in the aisle are the chicken wings, lamb skewers, beef and other barbecue items that A Mou helped him purchase.

   The chicken wings were marinated with Orleans powder by Ah Mou, and they have been marinated since last night. Lamb and beef are also marinated. Su Qingyue feels that this semi-finished product is really a good invention, which saves a lot of effort. In addition to these, he also bought some pangasius for everyone, because fish is said to be brain-filling.

   Everyone was talking and laughing along the way.

   are discussing the issue of barbecue skills.

Tanzhong touched his head and said half-jokingly: "In essence, this is considered a technical job. So no matter how bad it is, it is better than Ouyang? Ouyang, you just give it instant noodles, and he can cook it for you. I think Ouyang can’t do such a technical job as barbecue. He is bragging at best."

   As he said, everyone laughed.

   Wang Xinjie also followed: "Ouyang, don't interrupt, you are not qualified to speak. Last time, in order to thank me, I peeled an apple. After half a catty of apples were cut, two or two were left!"

   "Don't talk nonsense, at least there are three or two..." Ouyang was so angry that they laughed, and said to Su Qingyue: "Boss, don't worry, at least I can make instant noodles."

   Seeing that they finally returned to their former appearance, and no longer the swords of the previous kind, Su Qingyue was finally relieved.

   They were talking, and the car continued.

The    Reservoir is located in the mountains with dense jungles. According to Tianzhong, this reservoir is the largest artificial lake in Asia, supported by the Pearl of Yanshan Mountain. There is a 110-kilometer road around the lake surrounding the reservoir with beautiful scenery.

   But the temperature is very low.

   When Su Qingyue got out of the car and prepared to barbecue, they were instantly hit by the low temperature.

Ouyang couldn't help but shivered, and complained: "My wife really didn't pay attention. It's such a cold day that made me come out with a half sleeve. It's really..." He couldn't help but utter a swear word, obviously subconsciously, and said again. : "I'm really speechless with her!"

   Su Qingyue didn't feel embarrassed to say anything aside.

   Tanaka smiled and added: "It's okay, it will be fine as soon as the sun comes over." He said, "Then you can do more work and it will be warmer."

   As they were talking, everyone had already set up the stove.

   Wang Xinjie began to try to ignite the charcoal, but tried several times without success. Ouyang looked impatient there, walked directly over, and said, "Look at you stupid, let me come!" He smiled and said, "I can light it for you in two minutes."

   "If you can light it within three minutes, I will eat this charcoal." Wang Xinjie was not convinced.

   "You said?" Ouyang smirked.

   "I said." Wang Xinjie stalked his neck.

   Without waiting for him to speak, Ouyang snatched the newspaper and lighter in Wang Xinjie's hand and let everyone time the clock.

   There was nothing in the beginning.

   just lit the newspaper, blowing the flame up little by little.

   Tanaka kept looking at his watch, still smiling and muttering: "It's a minute!"

   As he said, there was smoke and dust coming out, and sparks.

  Su Qingyue felt that with Ouyang's character, he would certainly not brag for nothing.

Soon the charcoal started to show up, and then the flames of fire appeared. Ning Cheng widened his eyes next to him, and said with a smile: "It's really true? Xinjie, you have to be a man, otherwise you will be looked down upon. , How will you gain a foothold in the company in the future?"

   Everyone laughed.

  Everyone is very surprised, how can Ouyang be so neat.

He laughed and explained: "When I was young, I would go back to my grandmother during the summer vacation. The country is always chopping wood. There is no such good thing as charcoal. The skill of making a fire is necessary there. So there is nothing rare. thing."

   Stop talking, laugh, and look at Wang Xinjie with a smirk.

   The latter held his forehead helplessly, and said, "Hey, it's really hot." Then he said, "Let's go, I'll buy you a piece of soft Chinese."

   As he said, everyone laughed.

   As Inner Mongolians, Qin Shaofeng and Ning Cheng are today’s chief officials.

   In particular, Qin Shaofeng's movements were extremely skillful, which shocked everyone.

   Ning Cheng praised: "Shaofeng, let's not play games in the future, let's go barbecue."

As they talked, Lian Xiaoxue took out a lot of snacks and scattered them on the floor mats, "I also bought peanuts for your men. Xu Ge asked me to buy them. He said you want to drink. This is indispensable." She Talking and laughing.

   Speaking of Xu Ge from the engine department, although he has already gone to another company.

   But Su Qingyue still remembered his abilities, and asked curiously: "How is he now, busy?"

   "Well, I'm getting a promotion, and I don't have time anymore." Even Xiao Xue said with a smile, "But it's okay, I don't have time. I save you all day long chirps and take care of each other. Do things well first."

   As she said, Su Qingyue nodded.

   Secretly sighed that it is not easy to do research and development, and a lot of energy is required.

   The first batch of skewers arrived as scheduled.

Tian Zhong took a sip, and said, "Shaofeng is from Inner Mongolia. It's really unusual. This meat is grilled too hard to say." He said, took another sip of beer, and said, "From now on, you will be us. The person in charge of the barbecue. After going out, you will be in charge."

   "Then you have to give money!" Ning Cheng added.

   Everyone laughed.

Su Qingyue raised his cup at this time and said, "Thank you brothers for so long hard work. You know me as a person. I talk about ideals, but I also talk about reality. What I can say is: do it well, Lots of bonuses! Come on, brothers, for "That Little Immortal Qi", for "Three Kingdoms", and for "Little Demon Fairy"! Cheers!"

   Other words, everyone cheers.

   Ouyang yelled: "Come on, "That Little Immortal Qi"! Teacher Tian, ​​come on!"

   Talking about the "That Little Immortality" project, Tanaka feels a little regretful, and said, "If we can get another half a month in the morning, we will probably catch up." He said, sighing again, appearing very helpless. "Actually, "That Little Immortality" is obviously in a very good situation."

   "I know." Su Qingyue smiled and clinked glasses with him.

   The two took a sip, and he said: "Don't worry, life is not this opportunity."

   The two were talking, and Ouyang came over with a wine glass.

   said: "Boss, I am also studying some industry trends recently, and I will talk to you in detail later."

   Look at him mysteriously.

   Su Qing became more curious, UU reading www.uukanshu.com asked: "What trend?"

"I didn't think about this, but I think it's very important." He said, smiling at Asada, and said: "Boss, I looked at your experience, from China Network to Focus. China Network is the creation of online media, the focus It’s the creation of a free-to-play model and the current channel innovation. Boss, I think the game is a creative industry, and there should be plenty of room for it."

   When he said so, Su Qing was startled.

   All along, his impression of Ouyang is that he is a good product manager.

   But horny.

   narrowed its own development space.

   I also mentioned it to him.

   However, Ouyang didn't seem to care too much, and he didn't expect to say this suddenly today.

Su Qingyue was very happy for a while and smiled: "You are right. Regardless of the product or the market, there should still be opportunities, just to see who catches it first." He said, clinking glasses with Ouyang, suddenly looking forward to it, and asked again. : "You are talking about model space, right?"

   "Yeah." Ouyang nodded.

   "I'll wait for you to think about it." Su Qing laughed and patted his forearm.

   Now he feels that the original Ouyang and the desperate Saburo have returned.



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