Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 550: : Be ingenious

  Orleans grilled wings are delicious.

   Su Qingyue only tasted it, and it felt the same as the one in the restaurant. The plump chicken wings have both sweet and spicy aromas, which complement each other. Su Qingyue felt that Amo was better at choosing ingredients than cooking. He thought, clinking glasses with others while eating.

   Everyone brought some special foods that they liked or were good at, such as bacon meat, hot pepper skewers, Wangjing waist and so on. Wang Xinjie made cucumbers and boiled peanuts for everyone; Tian Zhong made three shreds for everyone, as well as the potato salad he learned by himself. Although Gao Shixian didn't bring anything, he bought his favorite Corona for everyone.

   Men try their best to show that they have an interesting side in life. Men who drunk are all children.

Tanaka smiled and said: "Go to my house another day. I will show you sweet and sour pork ribs. Anything you have eaten is nothing to exaggerate." He said, looking at Su Qingyue: "Boss, I've been busy these days, wait for you to come back from Tokyo. One is to catch the wind for you, and the other is to visit my new home."

   "I have nothing else, enough sauerkraut noodles..." Wang Xinjie interrupted before Su Qingyue could speak.

   Everyone reported the names of dishes they thought they were good at.

   When speaking irresponsibly, everyone added Buff to their words.

At last Su Qing laughed and said, "Okay, it's so decided. When I come back from Tokyo, let's go to Teacher Tian's house. I also cook two dishes that I am good at, steamed sea bass and duck blood vermicelli soup." He laughed Then, looking back at Ouyang: "You won't come together."

   "Boss, I will do magic for you. Apples become two or two by half a catty..." Ouyang said.

   Everyone laughed suddenly.

  Su Qingyue and Ouyang said: "You learn how to cook. The man who can cook is the most attractive. Go back and cook two dishes for your girlfriend. She promises to be happy."

   He said, Ouyang smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

   It is obvious that he does not want to cook.

  Su Qingyue is just joking, after all, this is a personal will.

At this time, he turned his head to Tian Zhong and asked about the situation of the latter's wife: "How is she now? I don't pay attention sometimes. Can I still adapt to the new trading platform?" Some core members of the team have gradually come over, including Tian Zhong's wife.

   "It's okay." Tian Zhong and Su Qing touched the cups more: "Now the platform is getting better and better, and her income is getting higher and higher. I really thank the boss for this."

   "The master leads the door, and the practice is personal. The key is to work **** her own..." Su Qing smiled.

   Two people toasted and poured beer again.

   Tanaka said again at this time: "Especially in the last six months, the development of the entire platform has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and the transaction volume has doubled." He laughed and said, "Very good, just getting busier."

   He said so, Su Qingyue suddenly remembered what Guang Ge said: The platform has some weird transactions.

   He asked this question and asked if Tanaka knew.

   Tanaka thought for a moment before he said, "It seems that my wife told me, she also finds it strange." He said, "But there are everyone on the Internet, as long as the platform's own specifications and processes are not problematic."

   They were talking and drinking. He also said that Mr. Tian has never held a wedding because of his work. Tanaka said, "I want to make up a wedding with my daughter-in-law after "That Little Immortality" goes live. Our current marriage is officially recognized but not recognized by the people..."

   "Haha, this is a trivial matter. But girls, if you have the conditions, you should still make up for a formal wedding." Su Qingyue suggested.

   He feels that weddings are not a matter of non-public recognition. The wedding ceremony is for people who love each other to show happiness to the world, and it also gives the couple a sense of mission and responsibility for the family.

   What's more, two people love each other and also need a beautiful milestone memory.

   was talking, thinking of Ouyang, turned around and asked: "By the way, when are you getting married?"

   "Me?" Ouyang was asked in a daze. He was having a good chat with Wang Xinjie, and seemed to be talking about stocks. After thinking about it, he replied: "I'm not prepared for this." He said, shook his head, as if there was something on his mind, but then laughed again, trying to resolve the embarrassment.

   "What's the matter?" Su Qing became more curious, and said, "It's okay, it's over. The last time you had an accident, the other girl was busy. If you can, hurry up." He laughed.

   There was a sentence inserted in Tian Zhong next to him: "Ouyang is breathing for the lottery gift."

   "Beauty gift?" Su Qingyue was startled, then looked at Ouyang: "How much can there be? You should have no problem, right?"

   "It's not that there is a problem." Ouyang waved his hand, eager to end the topic: "Don't worry, take it away!"

   "Waiting?" Su Qingyue became even more puzzled.

   Ouyang said: "Boss, I think I might as well use all of this money for stocks."

   "Stocks, marriage, which is more important?" Su Qingyue said: "Besides, how much money can make you angry. If you have something to say, don't make excuses..." He said half-jokingly.

   Ouyang shook his head. Obviously, he didn't want to listen to anyone's opinions on this matter.

   Su Qing understood this, but he still said, "Ouyang, this kind of gift is also a tradition. It is normal to respect the tradition. You should treat it normally."

"Boss, I agree with what you said, the bride price should be." Ouyang shook his head: "The key is hundreds of thousands. It feels like selling a daughter." He said, "The most important thing is that the time is not yet up." . I think I still have to spend more time on making money."

   He said, Wang Xinjie said next to him: "How much you earn is more!"

"You don't understand." Ouyang waved his hand and said: "It's very troublesome after marriage. The money I make now has not yet reached that point. UU reading www.uukanshu.com might as well put it in the stock market. Not to mention, 100% There is an annualization of thirty." Speaking of making money, Ouyang was not embarrassed in an instant, and became very confident: "Boss! I hate that I don't have enough money now."

   He said, Su Qingyue frowned.

   can't tell what it feels like.

  Following Ouyang, he also felt that Su Qingyue's mood was not right, and quickly explained: "Boss, rest assured, I'm all reasonable and legal."

   Su Qingyue laughed helplessly.

   only replied: nonsense, so I won't continue on this topic anymore.

   Of course I understand that Ouyang is such a person. His desire for success and money far exceeds that of anyone in the project team. That's why he went forward desperately, and kept going forward.

   Thinking of him, Su Qingyue suddenly looked forward to some new ideas and ideas when he recently pondered the direction of the industry.

   After a while, they chatted about other things.

   A whole day, it just passed. Every brother in the project team is very happy.

   When I arrived home at night, I remembered the strange trading behaviors and orders mentioned by both Tanaka and Hiro. He sent a message to Brother Guang, asking him to pay attention to internal audit and risk control.

   then said to Amou: "Wash and sleep..."


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