Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 561: : Whose conspiracy

Back to the hotel that night.

They piled up the house with what they bought, then lay down on the bed and turned on the hotel's pay channel. This is the first time Amu has seen this kind of film in a hotel. Unexpectedly, when the heroine appeared on stage, she was shocked, pointing to the man and said: "I have seen her. This morning, when she got off the elevator, she came with Zhou Yang."

She said, frowning as if thinking of something.

Watching the role played by Fujiwara on TV, he is embarking on an airplane. A flight attendant in uniform, wearing a pair of sunglasses, a natural arrogance appeared on her body. It was a bit different from what I saw that day.

At this moment, Ah Mou was in a play, probably because he thought of Liu Hao and the others again, and suddenly asked: "Su Qingyue, will your men be like this when they are rich? Like Liu Hao... I never expected Li Cheng to be honest. such."

"It has nothing to do with money or money, I won't go if I have money or not." Su Qingyue said.

"Cut, who knows who you are?" Amu pursed his mouth.

Follow the Fujiwara on the TV to enter the topic.

Ami suddenly asked: "Is 001 really amazing?"

"Should... right...?" Su Qing said in Yue, and laughed.

Then they kept up with the rhythm on TV, and by the end it was already two o'clock in the night. A Mou said that she was going to fall apart, but Su Qingyue said that she was full of energy. After taking a hot shower, he sat back in his seat. After opening various media websites as usual, various news laces of the Tokyo Game Show have been sent back to the country.

Among them, the cooperation between Qicai and Nicesoft and the grand occasion of "Little Magic Fairy" occupy the main position of major media. Then I remembered what Li Huandou said, the product layout. Su Qing now reflects on more and more deeply realizes that there is a problem with his strategy, and the layout is indeed one level behind such a large international company.

Behind him, Ah Mu was dazed and asked, "Brother Su, are you not going to rest?"

"Let’s take a look at today’s news. You should go to bed first." Su Qingyue looked back, watching her pitifully hugging her pillow, and explained: "This Li Huandou impressed me deeply today. I want to learn more about it. Because I learned from During the conversation, I felt that there was a problem with my strategy."

"has a problem?"

"Yes, there is a gap in the pattern. The contingency and project-oriented characteristics are obvious, not comprehensive and systematic, and a little taken for granted... I have to think about it again." Su Qingyue explained.

Amu listened, sighed helplessly, and then said: "You are a new company compared with an established giant. Don't put too much pressure on yourself." As she said, she stretched out and went to bed again. Said: "Anyway, remember not to learn from Zhou Yang, I will be content, and the rest is up to you."

Pay attention to a lot of media that I have invited, and gave enough space for "Little Demon Fairy", and cooperated with graphic propaganda. Su Qingyue looked at the release time and found that it was only tens of minutes. I have to admire them. After a hard time, I can still work vigorously.

Li Cheng wrote in a comment: When was the last time domestic games were so popular, I don't know. But this time the popularity of "Little Devil" is what we have seen with our own eyes. After trying it out, I think this is a product with a perfect storyline and gameplay.

Let's look at He Cunxi's evaluation: This time the national online game is going to sea collectively, it should be said that the games that bloom until the last moment are not the games we thought. Although they are equally good, they are still a bit worse than "Little Devil". We tried it carefully and finally found the vitality in "Little Devil".

Remembering that I hadn't seen He Cunxi in the Kabukicho team just now, this was the editor-in-chief He he knew. There is strength in gentleness, and it also has its own perseverance. Looking at the comments made by Ye Luo and others, the situation on the scene was basically faithfully restored and photos were provided.

Chen Yimian commented: There is no doubt that "Little Magic Fairy" is a big killer for Yuedao Network to hit the market, because it successfully fills the vacancy in the female market and makes Yuedao's future unlimited. At least for me, I have become a big fan of this game.

In addition to these domestic sites.

Su Qingyue also noticed that some Japanese and English media are also discussing "Little Demon Fairy". It's just that he can understand English because the language is not so smooth. It probably means the rise of female perspective games, and many female players want to experience it tomorrow.

Some players posted what time they will come tomorrow. Some people even picked up the "Little Devil", looking forward to the performance of "Little Devil" tomorrow.

In addition, some of the titles of Chinese games used by the media are also pictures of "Little Demon Fairy".

Su Qingyue is very satisfied with this.

He then looked at industry forums.

Note that it is not the same as the media. Most of the forum accounts did not follow the cooperation between Qicai and Nicesoft. They mainly stared at "Little Demon Fairy". Some accounts with strong jealousy saw the photos sent back from Tokyo and replied with dissatisfaction: "What can be proved by just a few photos? To put it bluntly, it is hard to say how these photos were taken!"

"That's right! This doesn't explain much, just a few photos." Someone followed suit.

Some people quarreled with them because of this incident and commented on these questioning accounts: "It's really wrong, and creating a kong also requires a kong. Regardless of whether it is a fact, the kong is over. I really admire you doubters, you can use everything! All of them are Gongshen!"

Su Qingyue found some accounts, and started attacking himself from the moment he entered the game circle. No matter how you are doing, you can always find reasons for questioning. For these people, no matter what they do, good or bad, they will question. Think of a psychological term: stereotype impression.

Su Qing became more relieved.

Send a message to Zhou Ziyou: "Ignore the doubters on the forum~www.readwn.com~ They can say whatever they want, as long as it is not excessive rumors and vicious attacks." He said: "Follow our established propaganda strategy. Go, don't go wrong."

"Don't worry, boss." Zhou Ziyou answered almost in seconds.

Su Qingyue was startled and asked what he was doing.

The latter smiled and replied, "I just went to Kabukicho with me, Brother Guan and Brother Mao."

Not much to say.

At this time, Ye Luo suddenly sent him a link and noticed that it was an industry forum.

He wondered if he had just watched it, there was nothing too noteworthy, but he still clicked on it.

Then he saw a hot label displayed in the forum, and the time display was just posted.

Frowning slightly, and then looking at the subject, his eyes widened instantly.

"Jiang Zhengshang: No one should play conspiracy, and those who are clear on the Internet will clean up themselves."

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