Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 562: : Persecution delusion

I didn't quite understand what Jiang Zhengshang was talking about, Su Qingyue turned down. Finding that this was the record of their reception, Jiang Zhengshang wore his suit as always, except that this time he wore a tie. He tilted Erlang's legs and chatted with everyone behind the scenes.

On-site feedback said that they were talking about "Sword Mountain and River", but they digressed after talking. A reporter asked Jiang Zhengshang: What is the conspiracy you are talking about? Can it be stated explicitly? We don't quite understand what you mean. "There is a photo of a media person who asked questions. Su Qingyue recognized that he was the editor-in-chief of a small website who refused to cooperate with the vulgar patch incident that year.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhengshang even invited them. I remembered that Amu said to him that those media were not on the stage and had no bottom line. Su Qingyue looked down again, and the words P on the photo: "Don't see anyone suing us, the outcome of this matter is uncertain!"

The whole introduction follows. Jiang Zhengshang said to everyone: "I have nothing to express. I just tell you, don’t just look at the prosecution and not prosecute. The outcome is hard to say. Some people use the trick of prosecution, just to make our Zhengshang network have a difficult argument and create an intuition. Impression, think we really did something."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhengshang would quite say, remembering that Zhou Yang told himself on the plane that they had already sued Zhengshang. Su Qingyue realized that Guan Er planned behind this. Inviting small media to Tokyo is not decided by shooting the forehead.

When it comes to intellectual property, everyone is righteous.

But in the current domestic environment, it is indeed not surprising. Even if there are obvious problems, it is difficult to prove.

Therefore, Zhengshang Network has no fear, and even has the initiative to attack now.

I wonder if Zhou Yang has sufficient evidence? Su Qing thought about it, and Ah Shu turned around behind him.

He said in a daze: "What time is it?"

"Thirty ten."

"Then you are still asleep?" Amu complained.

Su Qingyue said something right away. He was not interested in turning it down, but suddenly thought that if it had nothing to do with him, would Ye Luo send a link? After dragging the progress bar, I found that there are many more, so I continued to look at it. I found that the reporter just grabbed and asked: "Are you talking about Zhou Yang's conspiracy?"

The following is a picture of Jiang Zhengshang looking a little angry, but Su Qingyue feels a little artificial. It feels like they are in harmony with each other. The photo P has the text again, and it says: Clearly inform! ! Three exclamation points were used specially.

The following text reiterated Jiang Zhengshang's words: "Today I put the words here and told them very clearly. Some people should not think that by setting up a small group, we can bring down our Zhengshang network."

Looking at the photo, Jiang Zhengshang stood up.

He said with his arms akimbo: "What I said can be shared by everyone here. I don't want to restrain anything today." He said, "I just want to tell those conspiracy makers that you are all in vain. "

Seeing him pretending to be innocent and acting like an acting, I don't remember that he still has this talent.

Su Qingyue realized that the point he was talking about was coming.

small group? What group? A bad premonition surged, and he looked down.

Jiang Zhengshang added: "Some people always think that the enemy's enemy is a friend. I am here to convey a message to him that the enemy's enemy may not be a friend. This is not a war, this is a business war! The enemy's enemy may still be an enemy! Two! People who have ghosts can't make waves."

The photo is a bit exaggerated, Jiang Zhengshang is akimbo, the text of P is: The enemy of the enemy, or the enemy! !

It doesn't feel like Jiang Zhengshang, he always speaks half way.

Su Qingyue turned down and replied.

Notice that everyone is discussing a key word, the enemy of the enemy, or the enemy.

"Who are these two enemies?" Someone asked.

An account replied: "According to Jiang Zhengshang, there must be one Zhou Yang, but what about the other one? Did he mean Su Qingyue? It seems that Su Qingyue and Zhou Yang have been very close recently. I have connected several times. Seeing them together, was it the one Xiao Yu who couldn't tell him about it?"

Sure enough, Su Qingyue shook his head helplessly, remembering an idiom: The tree wants to be quiet but not the wind.

I saw someone replied to this post and said: "If your speculation is true. It's no wonder that Jiang Zhengshang spoke so badly today. Just imagine who can bear his ex-girlfriend and help bring two enemies together against himself. This is true. It's heart-stuck."

Now Su Qingyue feels even more that Xiao Yu is right, Zhou Yang is a computer.

Looking back, including him, he said that he could go to see Fu Sichang on the same flight with Su Qingyue, and all the calculations were done. Zhou Yang just wants other people to feel that they have a good relationship. So even if you want to get away, it will be difficult. Because he understands that the eyes of the outside world don't look like that, and neither does Jiang Zhengshang's character.

He found that he didn't hate Zhou Yang at all, because everything was done in seconds. But in this case, why is Zhou Yang? Su Qingyue believes that the real purpose is definitely not a war of words.

I noticed that some trumpets in the forum that had attacked him and Yue Dao were resurrected. When attacking himself and Zhou Yang, it was obvious that someone was manipulating them. Unexpectedly, this matter was still out of control and developed. As long as Jiang Zhengshang replies, Zhou Yang cannot remain silent, and the last two fights will definitely involve himself and Xiao Yu.

Realizing that the situation is heading in an uncontrollable direction, Su Qingyue is a little worried.

Look at Jiang Zhengshang and finally said: "I advise some people to do it for themselves. Don't make me anxious."

I didn't bother to look down, turned off the computer, and lay down beside Amu. Introspect yourself, keep a distance from unfamiliar people in the future, and cancel unnecessary social interactions.

As he was thinking, Amu hugged him in a daze, and asked, "What time is it?"

"Four o'clock!"

"Go to bed at four o'clock?"

"Yes, work." Su Qingyue said.

"It's also really tiring, tiring."

"Isn't it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is exhausting..." Su Qingyue said at last, and then fell into a deep sleep.

At 7:30 the next morning, she was awakened by the sound of Amu taking a bath.

Opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

Know that she has an interview and needs to arrive early. Dimly remembered that she said to herself before leaving: "Get up and have breakfast first, and then go back to the house to sleep for a while." She just got up, took a hot bath, refreshed herself, and sat back at the computer. Looked at the post last night.

Found that it has been thoroughly fermented. Posts are floating red, occupying the top position except sticky posts. Shows that there are hundreds of pages of replies. Some trumpets took the lead in accusing Su Qingyue of colluding with Zhou Yang and attacking Hualuo's old friends. Feeling a little helpless, he didn't continue to look down, he got up and went to the restaurant for dinner.

When picking up the meal, some of the exhibitors greeted him, and they didn’t seem to know what happened.

Not far away, Chen Feng waved his hand and said, "Qingyue, sit here."

Seeing him and Jiang Jiming together, Su Qing hesitated for a moment, but he still walked over.

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