Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 563: : Weird Chen Feng

"Qingyue, congratulations."

As soon as Su Qingyue put the dinner plate on the table, before he had time to sit down, Chen Feng said with a smile. Sitting beside him, Jiang Jiming also showed a smile and said: ""Little Devil" is indeed our most promising work this time. It fills the market by surprise, and the plot is also very attractive." She said ,thumbs up.

I don't know why the atmosphere is a little weird. Although Jiang Jiming and Chen Feng's praises were reasonable, they were very stiff. He knew it was not caused by jealousy. He smiled back and said, "It's only the next day, and it's hard to say later." After speaking, he took a sip of the soup with a spoon and said, "Your products are also very good."

"But if you compare it with you, the gap will come out. Those who come to the exhibition are all experienced players." He said, and added: "Actually, I was optimistic about you before you came. I guessed that you would be brilliant, but I didn't expect it to be. It's so brilliant." He spoke progressively, and then said: "Today will definitely be better, let alone the future."

He talked and laughed, then lowered his head to eat. It was a Japanese-style natto with rice and a raw egg. The chopped green onion is mixed with a little soy sauce. Su Qingyue saw it just now, but he didn't order it. Instead, he ordered two sausages and a bowl of pork bone ramen.

After eating two bites, Chen Feng raised his head again and said, "I read an article yesterday and wrote very well. When it comes to the national game booth, it is not us, but Hualuo." He said, "You see that I am Needless to say, those from Hualuo are still upright. No wonder some people say that we are the Whampoa Military Academy in the industry."

"The most brilliant thing in Hualuo is Qingyue." Jiang Jiming interjected with a smile, and got up to get other food.

Only him and Chen Feng were left at the table.

Su Qingyue ate noodles and said with emotion: The pork bone ramen here is really delicious. He felt that Chen Feng's attitude was very strange today, as if he was hesitant to speak. The performance of "Little Demon Fairy" is of course good enough, but it is not enough to just talk like that when it comes up early in the morning.

This is not like Chen Feng's style.

Just thinking that the latter had finished eating the rice on the plate, he said, "Qingyue..." he yelled.

Thinking that something was wrong with him, Su Qing looked up at him and found that his expression hesitated, "Huh?"

The latter looked at him, and finally said with great effort: "I don't know what happened between you and Zhengshang. It hasn't been over after so long. You see, it made it, we were brothers. I should get together when I get up in Tokyo."

He said, spreading his hands.

The more Su Qing understood what he meant, he must have read Jiang Zhengshang's news and watched the forum again.

I am very curious about Chen Feng's attitude.

Before Chen Feng tried to talk with them, he was still balancing capital. He and Jiang Zhengshang have important work contacts, which is normal, but why today?

Su Qing is unclear: "Boss, I don't know what you saw. But I can say that since the last incident, I and Zhengshang have nothing to do." He said, paused, thought about it and said again:" Of course, if he wants to really think that there is something, I can’t help it.”

As he said, Chen Feng smiled awkwardly, took a sip of milk, and said, "Don't you know his character? Zhengshang is a good person, but there are some problems with his character. He is open, hatred, and jealous." He rarely understood him. Speaking of Jiang Zhengshang's character, he said: "I am also talking about him, I hope he can change."

"I'm fine." Su Qing smiled.

Chen Feng smiled, looking stiff, and said: "Qingyue, I don't know the grudges between you two before." He said, looking at Su Qingyue, and then said: "I mean our brothers are all Hualuo after all. People. If you have an opinion on Jiang Zhengshang, I will help you two sit down and have a chat. Everyone talks about, have a drink, there is nothing between the brothers that can’t be said.”

He said that Su Qing raised his eyebrows more and more, feeling very surprised. In the past, Chen Feng hoped to facilitate the reconciliation of the two of them because he was in balance and there were many interests involved. Why is it now? And this is like a decision made by Chen Feng alone, otherwise Jiang Zhengshang would not be able to say that kind of thing at the press conference.

Feeling more weird about this matter, he replied: "Boss, we are really not doing well. Some rumors are created by the industry. Some people in the forum are talking nonsense and fabricating rumors. Don't care too much." He said, thinking. After thinking for a while, he said, "I believe Jiang Zhengshang thinks so too."

"If the rumor is not rumored, you two understand the psychology best." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly and said: "He should have done something unfavorable to you. If you fight back, nothing is wrong. It's just..." He said, thinking about it. Thinking, suddenly stopped talking.

"Just what?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

There are more and more people around. From time to time, people pass by to greet them, and some people look over.

Chen Feng obviously hesitated for a while before he said: "The matter between Zhengshang and Zhou Yang is very complicated. As far as I know, it is definitely not what Zhou Yang said in the lawsuit." He said, "You two came from Hualuo after all. People..." He said, paused again, and thought for a moment before he said: "Don't watch Zhou Yang and you get in. It's not a simple friendship."

"I understand." Su Qing replied and followed: "Boss, Zhou Yang and I haven't gotten too close. Our relationship is not as good as the outside world said." He said that he wanted to explain that it was all Zhou. Foreign calculations. But when the words came to my lips, I realized that I couldn't tell.

At this time, Chen Feng showed a slight smile, obviously doubting what he said.

They just sat there and said nothing. Su Qingyue noticed Jiang Jiming was chatting with other colleagues, took a magazine from them, and looked down at something. From time to time, he turned his head and cast a smile, as if waiting for them to continue talking.

In the end, Chen Feng only said: "Qingyue, I still said that. If there is any contradiction, just say, I will call you Jiang Zhengshang." He said, suddenly sighed, as if doing his best, and sighed with emotion: "Brothers are here. UU read www.uukanshu.com and laughed at each other."

"Boss!" Hearing the powerlessness in Chen Feng's words, he realized that he was doing his best. Su Qingyue called him the boss, his expression a little embarrassed. I wanted to say that this was not because I could not find Jiang Zhengshang, but Jiang Zhengshang was always aggressive. But when the words came to his lips, he still closed his voice.

I don't understand why Chen Feng is so concerned, at this time Jiang Jiming walked back and sat down.

Chen Feng hurriedly changed the subject and said, "I took something to eat, for so long."

"Just got a cup of coffee." Jiang Jiming smiled. She sat down and put down a magazine: "The main reason is that the daily newspaper of today's exhibition came out, and Qingyue made history." She said, looking at Su Qingyue and said: " Congratulations, President Su, this is the first time our national online game is played."

"What's the first time?" Su Qingyue was a little curious, staring at the magazine on the table.

I saw on the front page of the "Exhibition Daily" there were photos of "Little Magic Fairy" lined up yesterday.

In conjunction with the text, he wrote: Chinese games shine! !

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