Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 564: : Gentlemen's Agreement

Although the daily report is incomprehensible.

But the more Su Qing understood that the content must be complimenting them, but he felt that it was nothing remarkable. In the face of everyone's praise, he only responded with a smile. I went back and took a shower, changed my clothes, and prepared to go to Tokyo Disneyland with my friends from the media group—this is part of the arrangement of the Tokyo Thank You Party for the media. He discussed the content of the appreciation meeting with Zhou Ziyou before, and finally chose the two components of the garden and the meal.

Before leaving the room door, the phone rang. I looked at the number and found that it was Korean Choi Seungwoo.

He picked it up.

"Congratulations, Mr. Su, I got the "Exhibition Daily" early in the morning. At first glance, I saw the title of the Chinese game shine. It is very consistent with the facts. This time "Little Devil" is really well-known." In the earpiece There was Choi Seungwoo's hearty laughter.

"I also just saw the content, thank you for your compliment." Su Qingyue politely greeted the other party, thinking that the other party called so early, not just to praise himself, there must be something else. He paused for a while and waited for the other party to continue.

The next moment, Cui Chengyou said, "Mr. Su, do you have time tonight?"

"What's the matter?" Su Qingyue asked.

"That's it," Cui Chengyou said, "Our chairman, Mr. Li Huandou, would like to invite you to dinner."

I wanted to say something is going on tonight, after all, I have to have dinner with the media tonight. But if I missed the other party's urgent call, it must have been a gentleman's agreement before. Although the circulation of "Exhibition Daily" is not large, it reaches directly to manufacturers and players. According to the situation of "Little Devil" yesterday, it will definitely be more lively today. Li Huandou is undoubtedly afraid that someone will cut Hu.

"Yes, you can arrange the location." Su Qingyue smiled back.

He figured it out in his heart. For dinner with the media in the evening, Zhou Ziyou and Amu would be enough.

Hung up the phone and went downstairs.

The bus was waiting at the door as early as Chen Yimian, He Cunxi, Ye Luo, and Li Cheng...everyone got on the bus and went to Disneyland not far from the exhibition.

Enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way, everyone was full of praise when they mentioned "Little Devil". Chen Yimian said: "I was originally a loyal reader of "Little Devil", this time I found many different story lines in the game. When you are up, I must do a special report, because I am a woman. ."

"President Su, I am also going to do a special topic this time. I want to talk about the significance of "Little Devil" from an industrial perspective." Ye Luo interjected, "What did you think of when you bought this book? Very important. Many people used to think that women don’t play games."

"Who said that our women don't play games?" Chen Yimian protested dissatisfiedly: "It's just that at the beginning of most game designs, the factor of women playing games was not considered at all..."

She said that everyone discussed "Little Demon Fairy" for a while.

When the place began to visit the garden, the topic reverted to the garden itself. Tokyo Disney is worthy of being the No. 1 amusement park in Asia. Everyone here quickly forgot the intense work and devoted themselves to the game. From the adventure park to the western paradise, from the animal world to the fantasy paradise.

From the exploration journey in the center of the earth to the crazy game house of Toy Story, there are also 20,000 li under the sea in a confined space, and the roller coaster of wrathful gods. In addition, the float parade in the park and the flower boat show on the water are also very distinctive.

When the sky is a little bit gloomy, it is already 5:30 in the afternoon when I look at my watch.

Realize that I should leave.

So farewell to everyone. He asked Zhou Ziyou to entertain everyone, and told them that Amu would also come in the evening. Listening to Li Cheng and Guan Pengpeng say: "After dinner, let's go to Kabukicho for a while. I know there is a place that is quite good." The latter smiled timidly, and Chen Yimian frowned.

Leave the park.

I saw the name of the restaurant: Tsukiji Harisaku, not far from the famous Tsukiji Market. Because the road is unfamiliar, Cui Chengyou also sent him a picture to explain how to go. Fortunately, the taxi driver is very professional, and he knows the location by just looking at the location.

Sitting in the back seat, enjoying the scenery outside the car window.

At this time, the phone rang, and he glanced at the number and found that it was Secretary Fu Sichang's number.

After that, the two exchanged only a few words.

The latter asked directly: "Mr. Su, are there any arrangements after dinner?"

"Not currently, please tell me." Su Qingyue replied.

"That's right, Mr. Fu has an appointment with the president of a well-known animation club for tea. This animation club is specifically for female readers. Mr. Fu would like to invite you to join us to see if there are any new cooperation and ideas."

"No problem." Su Qingyue immediately replied.

The secretary who followed Fu Sichang replied: "Then at 11 o'clock in the evening Tokyo time, see you in the lobby of the hotel where we are staying."

"Okay." Su Qingyue hung up the phone.

Regarding "Little Devil", today he received a call from the on-site staff, and someone took photos of them. What is the long queue at the scene, a few more laps than yesterday. There are not only players but also consultations from other manufacturers. It can be described as an unprecedented grand occasion.

He thought, the car got off the highway.

Soon it came to a huge market. Su Qingyue saw a white sign with a few words written in Japanese, and he only recognized the Tsukiji Fishing Port Market. There are a few Japanese in the middle, and he doesn't recognize it at all, but this does not prevent him from knowing this famous market.

It is said that the history of this place can be traced back to the Edo period, and it is now a world-scale fishery market.

The car passed here and walked for a while before arriving.

When Su Qing got out of the car, he looked up at the courtyard door and felt ancient. Stepping forward, small bridges and flowing water, surrounded by old trees, a feeling of deep mountains and valleys strikes. Coupled with the Japanese-style wooden structure, this is a typical Japanese-style courtyard. A woman in a kimono greeted him, and she simply said an appointment, and the woman led him there.

At the door of the house on the corner, he saw Cui Chengyou talking with Li Huandou, and there were people accompanying him.

Seeing Su Qingyue coming over, Li Huandou looked back. Before Cui Chengyou could speak, he said in very bad Chinese: "Mr. Su, hello." He finished speaking and shook hands with Su Qingyue. His hand became very powerful this time, and he spoke a few words in Korean.

Cui Chengyou translated: "Mr. Li said, I saw your game hit the headlines."

"Thank you." Su Qingyue said.

Several people walked into the room and took their seats.

Li Huandou said a few more words in Korean, and Choi Seungwoo translated: "Mr. Lee made a special appointment with this place. It was founded in 1931 and is an authentic Edo food pavilion. The ingredients are basically from Hokkaido, Aomori, and Shizuoka. There are still blue fins on auction today, and everyone can try them."

As he said, Su Qingyue nodded and expressed his gratitude.

He understood that the other party wanted to show his sincerity enough, so he also said: "Next time President Li, I have time to go to our place, I will do my best as a landlord."

While they were talking, some small dishes came up, the amount was very small.

What did Cui Chengyou and Li Huandou say, and the latter took the wine glass and said a lot.

Cui Chengyou then translated: "Mr. Lee said that it is a pleasure to meet you, and hope that our cooperation can start as soon as possible. I hope that we can entertain you in Korea next time." He said, and raised his glass: "Mr. Lee said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com wishes us a happy cooperation."

Understand Li Huandou's concerns.

He hopes to finalize the matter through eating this time, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

The more Su Qing laughed, the gentleman's agreement must of course be followed. But what he valued at the time was also Nicesoft's strength in South Korea. Because there has never been a domestic game before, which can cooperate with such a large company. This is definitely beneficial to the brand building of "Little Magic Fairy".

Thinking of this, he also laughed and held up his wine glass: "Please tell Mr. Li, since I said it is a gentleman agreement, it must be an agreement between gentlemen. Our intention of cooperation has not changed, and we will discuss specific matters later. Welcome you. Come to my home country next time."

He said, Cui Chengyou translated.

Li Huandou kept nodding, laughing, and said in bad Chinese: "Cheers! Mr. Su!"

While several people were talking, they drank all their glasses of wine.

Then continue.

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