Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 576: :Speak up without shame

Su Qingyue feels that if the reaction of Teacher Tian and Xinjie Wang is true, then the whole team must have accumulated a lot of negative emotions. It cannot be delayed, this matter must be dealt with immediately, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

In addition, Su Qingyue is particularly worried about the three-nation team, most of them are still young, and some are the backbone of the future. What do you think about Ouyang doing this? After all, in the eyes of most employees, Ouyang is the company, and the company is Ouyang.

The troika looked at himself right in front. What has the team experienced since this time? The more Su Qing understood that he had to cut the chaos with a sharp knife to make things right.

Thinking about it, he immediately called Dongshan and asked him to pick himself up and return to the city.

He called Ouyang again and told him not to make arrangements in the afternoon. I originally wanted to call him to the unit, but I changed my mind and found it inappropriate.

Regardless of the reasons for Ouyang's behavior, no matter what hidden circumstances exist, it really doesn't matter. The behavior itself and its consequences cannot be tolerated at the company level. From the company level, it must be "killed." In this case, what is left is the personal emotional level, and it is better to deal with the private emotional level in the private space.

Thinking of this, he and Ouyang said, "Come to my house."

"Go to your house?" Ouyang's voice was a little hesitant, he was obviously a little scared.

Su Qingyue then asked: "Are you busy?"

"No, no, it's okay." Ouyang said hurriedly, "Then I will go over immediately."

He finished speaking and hung up the phone.

He was a little hesitant to hear, like a kid who made a mistake, afraid that the adults would find out what he was doing, but there would be nowhere to escape. At this moment, Tian Zhong asked in surprise, "Boss, is that anxious?" He said, sighed, and said, "I'm really sorry, I can't hold it anymore, so I told you. "

"Let's stop talking about other things." Su Qingyue said: "You and everyone will continue to meet. I am here, don't worry."

"Boss, what about Ouyang?" Tian Zhong asked, with reluctance and regret on his face, as if he had done something wrong.

Knowing Teacher Tian’s feelings for Ouyang, Su Qingyue patted him on the shoulder and said, “Brother, we are not hereditary. We speak in one word. The Internet is flat management. Equality is the most basic principle. The set is a malignant tumor of management..."

He said that Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie looked at each other.

Wang Xinjie was fine, but Tian Zhong still sighed.

They touched their glasses and then drank the wine. After that, the more Su Qing stopped drinking, he couldn't let himself be too emotional. This is not a time to get inspiration suddenly, you need to be calm enough. This is good for Ouyang and the team.

Then he returned to the team and chatted with everyone. As if nothing happened.

An hour and a half later, Dongshan's car arrived, and he hurriedly got in the car. Because it was the last day of rest, the highway out of the city was smooth all the way, but they were entering the city. Stop-and-go along the way adds to the depressive atmosphere. Su Qingyue looked out the window, thinking that he knew Ouyang.

But he knew it was a bad thing, why did he still do it? Su Qingyue asked herself. Think of him sending out customer service briefings year after year, day after day, with or without replies. And every time he drinks, he must drink himself into the hospital. Su Qingyue felt that this matter might not be that simple. But again, it is a personal emotional level, and there is no room for recovery from the company level.

Thinking of this, he called Amu and told her to go back later. He also said that Ouyang might arrive early. "I want to talk to him at home." He said again.

"At home?" Amu asked in surprise, "Can't it be done at work?"

"No." Su Qingyue replied.

The car continued to drive forward, and there were too many cars entering the city on the last day. So that the car stopped as soon as it reached the fourth ring road. It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that Dongshan slowly drove the car to Su Qingyue's house. When entering the room, Amu's mother smiled and said, "Coincidentally, you and your colleague have already arrived."

He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

Looking upstairs, Amu's father said next to him: "You guys are nice, very polite."

As they said, Su Qingyue nodded.

Ah Mou followed: "What's the matter, must the runway come home? I have to change my clothes..."

Su Qing smiled awkwardly and said: "You may know later." After speaking, he walked to the study room.

Going upstairs, I saw the door ajar. Ouyang was inside, sitting silly, his gaze was a bit sluggish, but it was still calm. Today he wore a Burberry t-shirt, still that pair of jeans, with AJ limited edition shoes. Push the door in, and heard him call the boss.

His eye circles are very dark, which is obviously in poor condition.

Then they sat down, Su Qingyue asked casually, "What did you do on October?"

"Staring at work, didn't go out." Ouyang said.

"Well, how?" Su Qingyue asked.

"It's okay, online and income are very stable, and there will be a slight increase during the festival, which may be related to the new promotion." Ouyang said, taking a deep breath.

They repeated a few words, and Su Qingyue felt that there was no need to say too much, so it was better to ask the whole thing directly.

Just thinking about it, just about to speak.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang said: "Boss, I know what you are looking for with me." He said, looking at Su Qingyue, he sighed, as if he had been depressed for a long time. Then he said: "I know that this day will come sooner or later. I have invested in stocks and borrowed too much money from my colleagues..." He said, "I was wrong, I am a pig!!"

He said, the tone was fierce first, and then lost, extremely lost. The whole person instantly became weak, as if he was ten years old. The original arrogance was gone, only helplessness was left, but it was not as unbearable as in the image.

It must be true.

Su Qingyue must break his arm, no matter how much love he has, this matter must be dealt with. At that moment he thought of Ouyang who was eating steamed buns, Ouyang who was drinking, and Ouyang who was sending customer service briefings to no one.

He tried his best to climb up. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But I must deal with him now.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became very angry, pointing at Ouyang and cursing: "You are too courageous! Do you know, I can't protect you! I have given you a chance before, are you crazy? Come again Come inside the team too!!" He said every word, shouting almost every sentence.

At this moment, Amu's mother came in with a teacup.

Seeing that Su Qing was getting angry, she was a little embarrassed and put the cup on the table.

Without waiting for Su Qingyue to say thank you, he said: "Oh, don't be so angry."

Follow her to exit.

Ouyang said at this time: "Boss, I know I was wrong. This is not something I can solve by you, because this error is not a question of suspension." He said, suddenly looking up at the ceiling, and then said:" Actually, countless times, I wanted to jump downstairs, but I came back again. I said a bold statement that my life cannot end in this way..."

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