Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 577: : Beyond the principles

Listening to him about jumping off the building, his voice was full of unwillingness. The whole process of narration is no different from what He Tianzhong said. The regret in the voice is not only for himself, for the company, for the team, but also for himself. Knowing why he hates himself too. But now that everything is irretrievable, Su Qingyue finally couldn't help but scold him.

"Do you know that you not only harmed others, but also harmed yourself!" he said.

For a long time, Ouyang didn't say a word and lowered his head.

Until he is over.

Ouyang finally raised his head, looked at him, and said for a long time: "Boss, I'm sorry, I let you down."

"What does it mean to disappoint me?" Su Qingyue raised his voice again in an instant, and pointed at him to reprimand: "You are the most sorry for what you did. It is your hard work. Think about what you have done for this. …" He said, knocking **** the table with his hands: "What people fail the most is not the opportunity to break upward, but the opportunity to not seize it!!"

Ouyang didn't speak, but he could see that he was holding back tears.

Then Su Qingyue originally wanted to talk again, but felt that there were too many reprimands, and it was as pale as water.

So the two of them stayed like that, the sun was shining outside the window, and there was no cloud today.

He looked out the window, and it took him a long time to calm himself down.

He sighed and said: "Ouyang, I don't blame you, maybe this is the price of growth." He said, without much effort, and said: "But Yu Gong, I can't let you be in the team anymore."

He said, Ouyang nodded, sighed, looked out the window, and whispered: "I know." After speaking, he lowered his head again, his complexion stagnated.

Then Su Qingyue finally said the sentence: "Resign yourself." In fact, he wanted to save Ouyang a glimmer of face, but also to save his future alive, so that his reputation would not be completely ruined. Thinking of this, he secretly sighed again.

"Thank you! Boss!" Ouyang nodded, thought for a moment, and naturally knew the intention. His eyes were flushed, and he said again: "I understand you are for my good. I was raised by you. Without you, I wouldn't be today." He paused and thought it was not enough. Then he added: "I will thank you forever!!"

"Do I need your thanks?" Su Qingyue said, his voice louder again: "I'm telling you! I never needed these!" He said, he wanted to keep getting angry. Because Ouyang had an accident here, he had to appease the team, make appropriate personnel adjustments, and do a lot of other things. In this way, the entire focus team is actually very dynamic, and it is impossible for the outside world to be ignorant.

But the fire disappeared when he wanted to continue.

Looking at Ouyang who was a little sluggish, Su Qingyue suddenly realized that the mistakes he made were actually mistakes that many people would make. This is the price they have to pay for their desperate struggle to change the status quo. There is a longing for wealth to exceed expectations, as well as a ferocious desire for success. Everything haunted Ouyang like a nightmare, tearing at him.

At that moment, Su Qingyue finally stopped getting angry.

Looking at Ouyang, he finally calmed down: "Ouyang, I know that you want to succeed and continue to succeed. Your desire for money exceeds everyone in our team. But you have never thought that eager for quick success, quick success, and devilishness will eventually backfire. . The motivation for success has made you, and eventually swallowed you." He said: "Get out of the demons and move forward normally..."

"Boss, I really understand these, otherwise I won't come today..." Ouyang said, "But I think you don't trust me at all. Since the gambling incident, you have had opinions on me."

"You have misunderstood this. I am not the boss of you alone. I am the boss of all brothers. So we must deal with it from the company level. From the emotional level, I have to talk to you again..." Su Qingyue said: "I choose to let you come. What do you think it is because of my family? Actually, I want to tell you that I still treat you as a family member. Back then, we said that we would not give up any brother."

He said so, Ouyang turned his body to the position of the window suddenly, and did not speak for a long time.

Both of them were silent, the tea on the table had gradually cooled, but no one moved.

Then Ouyang turned his head back and tried to control himself not to cry, and said, "Boss, do you remember that I said I was studying industry trends and products? I said there is still room for this industry and there are many new opportunities. Capital is rampant now, but in the creative industry, money has never been the biggest success factor." He said, with red eyes, he suddenly changed the subject.

"I remember." Su Qingyue nodded.

Following Ouyang, he continued: "Boss! I will sell my house for their money." He said, and suddenly asked: "But can you give me another chance?"

"?" Su Qing frowned and looked at Ouyang.

"Yeah." Ouyang nodded, the tears in his eyes disappeared, and replaced by calmness: "I need half a million cash. And I need to bring two programs and two art to continue my research. I rent a house, eat and live. It's all inside. I won't contact anyone, and don't contact me. If there is no result, I will never come back again. Thank you for the previous care of the boss! If possible, I will show you specific things, okay ?"


Hearing what he said, Su Qing was startled, and was silent at first. Before I realized that Ouyang came, I was ready. Jumping back from a building, being pulled back by someone is completely different from walking back by yourself. To be pulled back is to force a change; to come back by oneself is to do a good job of putting it to death and then to live on the initiative to seek change.

This unwillingness, dissatisfaction, regret and longing proves what a force it is.

He secretly sighed, silent for a moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com finally said: "I said, we don't give up any brother!"


Su Qing waved his hand, motioning him not to say anything, and then said: "Your behavior shows your unwillingness, I understand these. For your background, such experience and cost may not be a bad thing. Destruction and rebirth, I I am very happy to see that you choose to be born again." He said: "One choice, a sum of money, can buy back your life, I choose yes."

He said, Ouyang turned his back again and looked out the window.

Su Qingyue continued: "I give you this opportunity! But it is not given to you by the company. It is my personal feelings for brothers." He said: "Because the company's mechanism cannot forgive, and the team cannot accept it. I hope This time I can not only make products, but also re-behave. Get out of the demons and become yourself..."

He said that he thought Ouyang would nod without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, the latter paused for a while after hearing this, obviously after thinking, and then seriously said: "I know, I should have known it a long time ago." He said, sighed, and finally said: "Boss , I believe we can see you again."

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