Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 579: :late autumn

October 8th is a cloudy day.

When Su Qingyue went out, he clearly felt that autumn was strong. He had put on his jacket, but the girls on the street were still in skirts. I got on Dongshan's car and headed directly to Focus. Today, I will have a meeting with all the members of Focus's project team.

One is to announce Ouyang's resignation, and the other announces his successor and subsequent work arrangements. For this reason, Su Qingyue discussed with Tian Zhong for a long time last night, and finally they agreed that Gao Shixian was suitable for this position. Not only because it has been following the Three Kingdoms project, but more importantly, Gao Shixian is steadfast and diligent and never makes mistakes.

His affection for the Three Kingdoms and the team is no less than that of Ouyang. Moreover, during the period of Ouyang's accident, he has been leading the organization of various tasks. With Ning Cheng's cooperation, it should be foolproof. Su Qingyue felt that Yue Dao has now formed a whole. After the project is on the right track, it will not change the overall situation just because one person suddenly leaves.

Ouyang sent an email to everyone on the team last night.

Of course, it also includes Su Qingyue.

He said in his letter that he first wanted to say sorry to all the people who helped him, the brothers who fought with him, and those who chose to trust him and lend him money. "There is no reason, no excuse, it's just'I was wrong.' Because I allocated capital and stocks, I was liquidated, and the money could not be repaid in a short time. I refused the help of the boss. I am an adult. Own responsibility.

He promised that he would sell the house and pay off all the money within one month. The owner's money will be calculated based on bank interest from the date of borrowing. "Of course the interest rate is too high, and I can't afford it. For the sake of our brothers for many years, don't think about'beating local tyrants' anymore," he wrote.

Then I wrote: "I admit that I am not a good person, not a good brother, not a good employee, but I hope that one day in the future, everyone will mention me by chance and say'Ouyang's character is pretty good.' Thank you Teacher Tian for your kindness to me. Help, help me with some of the money; thank you brothers from the three-nation team, in the days when I was in a bad state, you continued to support the normal progress of the project, so as not to cause more serious consequences."

Looking at the email, Su Qingyue sighed helplessly.

Looking back again, he finally thanked himself. To say that his kindness is the driving force for his struggle, and trust is a heavy burden. He wrote: "I will keep my promise, cherish this opportunity, and be benevolent if I fail to succeed. This matter ends here, and I hope it will not affect everyone's mood. I also hope that everyone will learn from me and work hard. Yuedao is our common cause. My career is our common home. Please help me to protect her...bye, brother...bye...'"

Looking at this letter, he sat in a chair for a long time and couldn't calm down. It seems that something important is missing and it is difficult to retrieve it. He believed that other brothers felt the same way as him. At least most of them have not blamed Ouyang.

Su Qingyue felt that there were two types of borrowing: one for profit, one for affection, or both. Lending money to Ouyang is all because of brotherhood, not because of an accident that will be annihilated. What's more, Ouyang's handling methods are still responsible.

At 8:55, Su Qingyue reached the focus.

The other brothers in the project team have long been waiting for him.

In the meeting room, Su Qingyue announced the appointment of Gao Shixian as the head of the Three Kingdoms project team and Ning Cheng as his deputy.

It can be seen that everyone is in a bad mood.

Even Ning Cheng, who has always been a poisonous tongue, said: "Of course Ouyang has a problem, but I am very sad when he is gone." She said, even his eyes were red, and then said: "I hope he will get better. I also hope that He can correct himself and slowly get on the right track."

Gao Shixian followed: "I will definitely get the project done. Please rest assured." He said, "Ouyang's good habit, I will continue. At the same time, we should also give full play to everyone's initiative and hope that brothers will cooperate. Me, support me."

He said that everyone has expressed their views.

After these were over, Tian Zhong and Su Qingyue secretly complained, saying: "I don't know if I'm doing it right, and I don't know what Ouyang thinks of me."

"This has nothing to do with you. He has to solve his problem by himself." Su Qingyue said: "Maybe you made him." He said, let Tian Zhong help him arrange two programs and artists, and said: "We All we have to do now is trust and wait."

"Boss, what exactly is Ouyang going to do?" Wang Xinjie asked curiously.

"It's not that I don't tell you, because I don't know either. Wait for Ouyang to give us the answer..." He said, "I believe him."

Ning Cheng followed: "If Ouyang does the project, I firmly believe that he can succeed." She said, "Because I have never seen someone so cruel to myself."

"I believe it too." Tian Zhong followed.

They talked, and finally framed two programs and an artist in the company to assist Ouyang. In order to resolve their concerns, Teacher Su Qingyue and Tian gave the three corresponding promises. Of course, because Ouyang didn't have too much emotional baggage, no one would mention it.

After finally solving these problems, Su Qingyue finally let out a sigh of relief.

Leaving from the focus, I got into Dongshan's car.

Pingjing's road was blocked as always. Dongshan drove the traffic radio station, listening to the traffic jam, and occasionally made a little adjustment. Su Qingyue discovered that he had been listening to the road conditions to adjust the driving route recently, and his speed was obviously much faster than before.

When passing by the Hualuo Building, he looked through the car window. Thinking of this proposal, some people criticized him for being unjust. Zheng Sangun finally caught the opportunity to retaliate against him and attacked him with full force. Although Chen Feng didn't say anything about him, it was impossible for him to have no opinion in the dark.

This is what makes him feel like a dog in his throat. UU reading www.uukANAnshu.com

He thought, the song "Goodbye" by Zhang Zhenyue was shown on the traffic radio.

"I'm afraid I won't have a chance, so I will say goodbye to you, because maybe I will never see you again. Tomorrow I will leave, where I am familiar with you. If I want to be separated, my tears will fall. I will remember you firmly. My face, I will cherish the thoughts you give. These days will never be erased in my heart..."

After a while, the car arrived at the unit.

He returned to his office and made a cup of tea as usual.

While waiting for the computer to start up, look at the tall buildings in the distance. When they first moved in, those high-rise buildings were only a dozen stories high, and now they have become skyscrapers. Looking at them, the computer started up. He clicked in to see that, due to the decisive and timely handling, the information of Ouyang's resignation did not spread widely.

Now people are generally focused on the matter of Falcon's suing Zhengshang.

After looking at it twice, I felt that there was nothing new, so I closed the website and started a new day of work.

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