Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 580: :Subtext

Time flies, and October is almost over in a blink of an eye.

The temperature in Pingjing dropped quickly, and even a jacket in the morning was no longer enough, and many people had already put on thin down.

When Su Qingyue went out today, the sky was gloomy, the wind was blowing the branches, and the ground was full of fallen yellow leaves. He tucked his clothes a little and got into the car directly.

As usual, I bought a champion cake at the intersection, and Su Qingyue always felt that the name was a good luck.

During this period, he went very smoothly from work to life. The iteration of the "Little Magic Fairy" version is getting more and more perfect, and it was rated as the most anticipated game of the year by several media. Su Qingyue is also in contact with Nicesoft, and plans to visit South Korea in the near future.

At the same time, the black box test of "That Little Fairy Qi" was also launched, and Sanqing Xiaoxian specially helped them find readers and players. Some players sighed: "This is the world that Xiaoxian built. The plot is extended on the basis of the original flavor, making the entire system more complete."

In addition to readers, there are ordinary players who commented: "This game has many new ways to play, which is very interesting. With someone like me, I am ready to go back after the test. I think this is the success."

The "Three Kingdoms Heroes" project team is also very good, Gao Shixian lived up to expectations, not only stabilized the existing results, but also received the recognition of the players in terms of version changes. Some media commented: "After Yue Dao took over, "The Heroes of the Three Kingdoms" has proved its performance with its achievements, and even more proof of its performance. It is true that experts will know if there is any, and Su Qingyue should be recognized in any case."

In addition, Su Qingyue's life is also good. Recently, he has not worked as many overtime as before, so he can spare more time to accompany Ah Mo. On the weekend of the previous day, he accompanied Amou's parents to the Aircraft Carrier Park in Hangu Bagua Beach. This is a large-scale military theme park with the "Kiev" aircraft carrier as the main body, integrating aircraft carrier sightseeing, military equipment display, theme performances, conferences and exhibitions, outreach training, national defense education, entertainment and leisure, and film and television shooting into one large-scale military theme park. A Mou's father thought about it, and finally made the trip.

In addition, he also applied to the driving school, and thought he should be able to get his driver's license soon. Su Qingyue hoped that he could take Amu out. For men, driving is a kind of gifted sense of control.

However, Ouyang's affairs still have some influence. Someone in the industry forum exposed Ouyang's departure because he has always been considered Su Qingyue's right-hand man, the most capable Titan, a major player in the free mode, and the late producer of "Three Kingdoms Heroes".

"It is said that Ouyang was forced to resign. It is estimated that he was in conflict with Su Qingyue. Su is too overbearing and he has to listen to everything. Ouyang is still too simple to do research and development, how could he be able to fight this kind of heart? President of the model." An account commented like this.

Someone commented: “Su Qingyue is just killing the donkey. He felt that Ouyang was too capable and took the limelight. So I found an opportunity to kill Ouyang directly. Yue Dao’s interior is not as simple as we thought.”

There are many comments, but all of them are unreliable rumors, and none of them involve the truth of this matter. Su Qingyue didn't think of this. Because there is no impermeable wall in the world, this shows that Yue Dao's cohesion is not a problem, and he is very satisfied with it. I also heard that many people are looking for Ouyang, hoping to dig him.

Su Qingyue didn't care because he knew Ouyang. Be the boss for one day, and be the boss for life. Ouyang didn't move his mouth, he took this sentence as his life rule.

This episode is still going on, but the sound is getting quieter. The real concern in the industry recently is the case of Falcon’s prosecution against Zhengshang. The whole incident has not only attracted the attention of the industry media, but also the pan-technology media and financial media. Should be the core hot topic of the Internet in the near future.

Su Qingyue and Xiao Yu met a few days ago, and they also talked about it.

Xiao Yu was not optimistic about this and said: "The chances of us winning this matter are very small. Unless I thoroughly come up with all the evidence, Zhou Yang doesn't have much convincing evidence."

When she said so, Su Qingyue was stunned for an instant.

I heard the subtext that Xiao Yu did have very clear evidence points, but how could this be possible.

However, media rumors are that the Falcon is almost guaranteed to win.

He thought about it and said, "You have to protect yourself."

"Actually, it doesn't matter." Xiao Yu said with a smile: "Because I've really done enough on Falcons." She said, "It's boring to follow Zhou Yang. He won't give me any direction, only his own calculations are in his mind. Zhou Yang has no real friends, only herself." She said, and then said: "Brother Yue, I have a good idea, and I will do film work in the future."

I didn't expect Xiao Yu to be so disappointed with Zhou Yang, but Su Qingyue was also pleased that she had a new direction.

Tell her to speak if necessary, and then Su Qingyue told her about the previous proposal.

Xiao Yu was shocked when he heard that, and asked Su Qingyue why he didn't tell himself.

"If I tell you, you and Zhou Yang will have a big bump in your heart. People with such a big emotion can't work well." Su Qingyue said: "I don't want to influence you because of myself." He said, finally Then he said, "But since you have thought about it clearly today, it doesn't matter."

He said, Xiao Yu nodded and told Su Qingyue that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com would think carefully about the direction of the movie.

The car finally arrived at the unit, and Su Qingyue went through the industry news and forums as usual. It was only then discovered that the lawsuits between Falcon and Zhengshang Network will be formally pronounced today after many confrontations. Many media have reached the door of the court early. Zhou Yang and Jiang Zhengshang both claimed to the media: "They are bound to win this lawsuit."

The major media and celebrities in various industries have made various speculations about the lawsuit. It's also like doing a TV series. The timeline of them is very clear, making many people feel like they are watching a suspenseful movie. The forum is also full of various voices, and it is very lively.

However, Su Qingyue is not too concerned. Since Ouyang's accident, he has done a deep reflection. I think what happened to Ouyang is also a problem. Since the success of the Three Kingdoms, I have paid relatively little attention to the focused team, on the contrary, I have spent too much energy in other places.

Su Qingyue felt that this was his own problem first. Ineffective social interaction will inevitably waste time, and at the same time may involve other things. He swears that he must be less social and devote himself to work.

At 11:35, he was about to have lunch when he suddenly saw a news pop-up showing that the Falcon had lost the first instance.

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