Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 586: : More than every year

"I think the first thing to do now is to re-adjust my goals and thinking, because it is not the harvest season yet." Su Qingyue spoke, holding a wine glass, looking around the people on the table, and finally stopped looking at He Jiahua, smiling again. : "In the words of Mr. He, a hundred small crucian carp is not as good as a big fish."

After he said something, He Jiahua nodded in agreement. Yue Lindao drank a sip of tea next to him, smiling and waiting for Su Qingyue to continue.

"In fact, I understand what Mr. He means. I also believe that you will not only hope that the company will be safe when the company is in the big wave of the times." Su Qingyue said: "But true wealth requires the right At that time, we will be fully committed, and only then can we catch the big fish."

"Qingyue is right." He Jiahua nodded.

Su Qingyue felt that it was almost the end. He said at this time: "I am going to adjust the original performance this year and go all out to enter the first camp. Registration, entry, online, popularity, market share, and revenue are based on the original goals. , We need to increase it again. Our investment needs to be greatly increased, so the corresponding profit will be reduced.” In the face of He Jiahua, there is no need to talk about specific implementation. Su Qingyue only briefly talked about the direction and goal.

At the next moment, He Jiahua suddenly laughed, and said to Yue Lindao next to him: “Qingyue’s business sensitivity is indeed very strong. After only a trip to Tokyo, I have some reflections. I can see the relationship with the first-tier international manufacturers. The gap is very good." He said, and said to Su Qingyue: "You are right, it is very important to seize the high position. I see no problem."

He said, looking around everyone with a smile.

Yue Lindao was the first to say: "Qingyue's talent in doing business is indeed unparalleled." He said and laughed: "Every time the rhythm point card position is very accurate. Qingyue, you have to do it boldly, the task of us people. , Is to support you with all my strength."

At this time, Chen Ting also said: "President Su, rest assured, I will help you handle the logistics and make sure you have no worries. Especially in the administrative area, the team's logistics support work will definitely get better and better."

"President Su, let me tell you the truth. In fact, before Mr. He came, he said that you must have some big plans." Du Nanxiang interjected at this time: "So Mr. He is very happy. I will wait for you to say this all day. Yeah. Sure enough, it's not the same when you open your mouth."

For a while, the entire private room became lively.

Although he thought it would definitely pass, Su Qingyue actually didn't expect it to be so fast.

He Jiahua said with a cup at this time: "Qingyue, then I wish you an early catch of this big fish, for yourself, for me, and even more for all of us, for Yuedao Network." He said, "Come on. Let's have a toast, for the sake of clarity!"

He said that everyone had a cup.

Su Qingyue also laughed and toasted.

Although he thought that He Jiahua would agree with his idea, he didn't expect it to go so smoothly. That's how it is when working with smart people. They don't need to say too much to understand what's going on. He thought, drank a cup of wine with everyone, and smiled: "Everyone, let us work together."

As they said, the fish made in the restaurant came up.

There are three dishes in total, called Reservoir Fish Three Eats. To put it simply, one fish is made into three flavors. The body of the fish is braised in brown sauce; part of the fish is cooked into a sweet and sour taste; the skin of the fish is fried and eaten with vinegar. This is a typical northern practice, with a heavy taste, but it removes the fishy smell of the reservoir.

Su Qingyue took the lead to turn the fish to He Jiahua's side, and said, "Mr. He, you come first." He said, actually implying that the fish head wants He Jiahua to put down the chopsticks first. After all, the meat of fish gills is the most fat, and letting He Jiahua move first represents a kind of respect. Seeing him put it in his mouth, he turned to Yue Lindao.

"This fish is doing a good job." He Jiahua spoke and said with a smile: "I can't get used to eating fish in the north, but he did a good job, I can accept it." He said, looking at Du Nanxiang again, and asked: "How does Nanxiang feel?"

"Yes, but the taste is a little heavier." Du Nanxiang smiled back.

Then everyone eats.

Su Qing tasted two more. It should be said that he is not used to the way of making fish in the north. But it is true that this fish is done well, using braised soy sauce to cover up the original fishy smell of the reservoir fish. At the same time sweet and sour also have this purpose. Only the fishy smell of fried fish skin is obvious, which makes people a little uncomfortable.

They ate and chatted.

Speaking of "Little Devil" may cooperate with Korean companies in the future. He Jiahua said with a smile: "When you arrive in Korea, tell me that I have good friends there. They can drive a yacht and take you to the open sea, which is much more interesting than Kabukicho."

He said, everyone laughed.

Following Yue Lindao toasting to Su Qingyue, he said: "Qingyue, you are the hardest worker in this company. From Three Kingdoms to "Little Devil", you really did your best, and it's so happy to be your investor. "He said: "I have to toast you, and I hope your future work will go smoothly."

"Mr. Yue, this is what it should be." Su Qingyue said, and said: "And in the days I am away, thanks to you. In our company, everyone works hard together to have a home."

"Yes! I have a home!" Yue Lindao laughed when he heard this.

The two of them clinked glasses and drank the wine together.

Although it was just a short break at noon, they did not have too strong fighting power in the face of such a large reservoir fish at night. At the end, He Jiahua smiled and said: "It is a good thing to have fish left over. This is not only a good thing, but it also has a meaning-there is a head and a tail."

He said that everyone liked this statement.

They continued chatting and laughing.

Talking about fishing today, it is said that Su Qingyue is not only lucky, but also good at grasping his skills.

It was almost 9:30 in the evening, and they picked up the last glass of wine.

He Jiahua said again: "Qingyue, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com, you should do it boldly. As long as the direction is okay, with your ability, I believe that the results will be better if implemented." He said, repeating again: "Yes. Let’s eat big fish together. We can eat as many as we want, but the important thing is that we eat together."

Knowing what he meant, Su Qing laughed more and toasted everyone.

Then they left the hotel and got in the car to return to Pingjing.

It was eleven o'clock when he arrived home in the evening. When he walked in, Amou's father was watching TV. Seeing him coming back, he smiled and asked, "How is today? Qingyue?"

"I caught a big one. At first I thought it was eight catties, but later it was more than ten catties."

Su Qing smiled and said, Amu's father said he was lucky.

After a while, he went upstairs and sent a message to Lili He: Please inform all the executives of the meeting at 10 o'clock in the morning on Monday.

After sending the message, he went back to the bedroom and saw that Amu was already asleep.

Just as the drunkenness hit, he too fell asleep.

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