Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 587: : 1 small goal


October 30, the penultimate day of October. When Su Qingyue woke up, he found that the sky outside was gloomy, with a pale color. The wind howled, it felt like it was about to blow away the window frames, the poplar trees became even more dry, and the air was filled with dust. Su Qingyue then remembered yesterday's weather forecast and said that there was light snow today.

Woke up, took out the thin down jacket from the cabinet. In Pingjing for several years, he has gradually adapted to this kind of weather, and the thin down jacket can deal with temperatures above zero without any problems. We said hello to Amu's mother and left. As soon as I walked out of the unit door, I felt like I was almost retracted by the cold wind.

Tolerant of the cold wind, bought a piece of cake.

He got into the car and hurried towards the unit. It's very congested along the way, stop and go. By the time I arrived at the unit, it was already 9:15. Su Qingyue made a cup of tea, turned on the computer, synchronized the prepared documents, and checked again.

After a while, seeing that the time was almost the same, he took the computer to the conference room. As soon as I walked in, I found that the rest of the people had not been there except the fields. Just thinking about it, the latter also rushed to the door and explained: "I'm sorry, it's too congested, there is really no way."

He sat down, everyone was chatting, waiting to call Dongfang Jun.

Listening to Lord Snake on the phone: "The voice is very clear, can I start?"

Su Qingyue then officially announced the start of the meeting.

As usual, He Lili is in charge of meeting minutes.

Su Qingyue said: "Today we are calling you to hold this meeting. It is not a simple weekly meeting to arrange work. This meeting is very important because it contains my reflection in Tokyo and the adjustment of the company's strategy. This is related to how we will do later. ,do what."

He said, everyone is listening.

Su Qingyue then continued: "I believe that everyone here today knows that Jiang Zhengshang has begun to target us again, and even this is not news in the industry." He said, "But I am thinking about why this is, he is Crazy dog? Or something else?"

He paused at this point, and saw that everyone was silent, and then said: "In fact, he is very smart, and he is by no means a mad dog. I pondered over and over, and then I understood what was going on." He said, "Jiang Zhengshang was motivated by nothing more than that. Zhou Yang couldn’t help but respond to his prosecution. Otherwise, the media will report more and more biased, and eventually become an established fact. However, Jiang Zheng is not so clean about the matter itself, and he has a guilty heart, so he dare not go too far for fear of anger. Zhou Yang. In balance, choose to attack us."

Speaking of the recent thinking, Su Qingyue said: "Moreover, we have conflicts before, so that we can quickly shift the focus of public attention without irritating Zhou Yang. Solving problems, hitting opponents, and diverting attention are all in one fell swoop. Too much, it’s not unwise to be smart.” He said, “Of course, he chose us because in his heart, our strength is not enough to cause an uncontrollable threat to him. It’s not good to say that this is Qi Cai or Yi Yuan. , He is never so bold and dare to hang on."

He said that Zhou Ziyou nodded seriously.

Su Qing understood that from the perspective of market public relations, Zhou Ziyou might actually see Jiang's purpose.

Then he said: "Next is Zhou Yang, I think you may not know that I did not agree with Zhou Yangfa at the beginning of this proposal. This is his proposition, and it is not good to say that I was kidnapped!"

He was straightforward.

Except Zhou Ziyou, who was not too surprised because he knew it, all the others were stunned.

Then Jackie Chan cursed a verbal swear word.

Dongfangjun followed: "You didn't say anything in Tokyo."

"What's the point of not telling this kind of thing." Su Qing exhaled more and then said: "The important thing is why Zhou Yang repeatedly pulls me back and forth?" He asked questions, and then said again: "My summary is, He pulls on me, and the hot spot can be with him, and I can also help him share part of the bullets Jiang Zhengshang has come over."

He said, everyone nodded.

Su Qingyue said again: "Through these we have discovered that strength is the foundation, and you will be beaten if you fall behind. In the turbulent business war, the environment will force you to move forward. Without sufficient strength, you will become a target and target, and you will be defeated. Wanton kidnapping, and these are not based on your will. I have always wanted to focus on the business and product levels, but it doesn’t work now. We have to adjust our play and strategy."

Hearing this place, everyone obviously started to get excited.

Then he said: "This time we have to make several adjustments to re-determine the direction and goals. The first is to take the initiative to attack Jiang Zhengshang's endless offensive. In the past, we always wanted to do things seriously and watch with little mixing. Not able to use these methods. But the other party is aggressive. If we don’t fight back, the result will be that any company that competes with us will dare to use us in the future. This will not work.” He said: “We want to kill others! We! We must tell everyone that we are not afraid of war, let alone bloodshed."

He said so, and everyone nodded.

But Zhou Ziyou followed: "Boss, the whole person is your strong point."

"Don't talk nonsense." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

Zhou Ziyou immediately shut up.

"We will discuss the methods and methods later. But since we are going to fight, we have to play with prestige and momentum, injure and disable them, and play ‘peace’ for several years..."

The brothers were very angry and passionate.

Su Qingyue said again: "The second is that we need to adjust our goals and grow and improve quickly. On the basis of ensuring the investment in Three Kingdoms and "That Little Immortal Qi", we will increase the investment in the promotion of "Little Demon Fairy". On the basis of the original, marketing and promotion expenses are to be tripled, and we must speak out our goal in a fair manner, that is, to lead the market and break into the front line. Of course, the quality and stability of the product, as well as the update iteration after launch Put forward higher requirements."

"Understood." Dongfang Jun said on the phone.

Tanaka also nodded.

"The third is our three-dimensional matrix layout. This is my reflection in Tokyo. Why do domestic manufacturers have obvious project-oriented characteristics, and the revenue and performance of a single payment can even determine the life and death of the company. However, international manufacturers do not have these problems. Are they smart? Are they working hard?" Su Qingyue asked, and before everyone answered, he said: "Neither. In fact, they have also encountered similar problems in their long-term business, but they solved it."

Su Qingyue said: "Equal emphasis on R&D and operation, equal emphasis on agency and operation, and equal emphasis on domestic and overseas. This is the secret of the cross-cycle development of international companies. This is also the true purpose of Fu Sichang in organizing us to participate in the exhibition. From this perspective, we have a long way to go. , But I hope that starting from today, we will be the first mover in the domestic market. The overseas agency of "Little Devil" has already been negotiated, and I will go to Korea to finalize this matter in person..."

Su Qingyue said, and concluded: "For the layout, I also thought of a plan called Sunshine Dream. That is, we will be investors, angel investors, and invest in a group of small teams or small studios with ideals and standards. To solve the problem of our personnel, ideas and project reserves."

He said so, and Dongfang Jun on the phone immediately followed up: "This is a good idea!"

Tanaka also nodded and said, "Boss! If this is the case, in the future, some people with ideas within us can apply for this plan. It's great."

When he said so, Su Qing smiled more and nodded.

Without answering this question, Su Qingyue said: "The fourth point is that through all the previous efforts, we must seek to go public as soon as possible. Let each of you, all brothers in the company, have a home in Pingjing. We must create something worth more than 1,000. Wan's brother, millionaires want more."

He said: "Brothers, give me three years. I want you to have your own home and a big house of your own."

Zhou Ziyou said: "If there is a big house, I can take my parents over."

"Then you find a girlfriend first!" Su Qingyue said.

"If you have a house and rich, are you afraid of not having a girlfriend?" Zhou Ziyou said.

Unexpectedly, Yu Chenglong suddenly said: "That's not necessarily. Your wealth is not enough to make up for your looks..."

In an instant everyone burst into laughter.

"I can also discuss with the person from my Nanyue family to come to Pingjing, or prove my strength with her family." Yu Chenglong said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, they were still together, and Su Qingyue was very happy that their relationship was stable.

"Boss~www.readwn.com~ no problem! Just tell me how to do it!" Yu Chenglong laughed.

Dongfang Jun said: "I will definitely do a good job here."

Tanaka even said: "Wait for "That Little Immortality" to go online, to guarantee the top three in the industry! I have this certainty!"

Zhou Ziyou followed: "Boss, there is nothing left to say. I will play where you refer. I will definitely play well."

"I must do logistical support." Chen Ting said with a smile.

Du Nanxiang also said: "From now on I will prepare for the listing, haha."

They said, and finally Su Qingyue said: "This time I named the plan: Full Attack. From then on, Jiang Zhengshang is no longer our opponent, and the Four Little Kings are no longer our goal. What we are pursuing is a real giant in the industry, which is very important! "

As he spoke, everyone applauded.

One by one wanted to start working the first time.

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