Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 588: : Yangmou

Su Qingyue feels that if everyone respects the market, respects their opponents, and devotes their energy to making their own products, the environment of the entire industry will become better. Sometimes a mad dog bites you, and you bite again. Everyone goes back and forth, and only business matters are delayed.

So it's not that you don't fight, but you kill the mad dog if you want to fight.

After the meeting was over, he made another cup of tea and went back to the office. I thought, how to fight? In addition, Xiao Yu must be involved in this. Try to arrange her before, not only to ensure that she goes abroad to study a film and television-related major, but also how to arrange after school?

He thought, dialing a call to Li Ming.

The latter is no longer as simple as an artist’s agent. He founded Mingyuan Films a year and a half ago, and it was supported by the industry and capital as soon as it opened. Subsequently, the scale quickly expanded, not only film and television production, but also artist brokers, event organizations, and so on. Participated in investment and production of many works, including Lunar New Year files, and hit serials.

The phone went through.

Li Ming's calm voice came from the end of the receiver.

The two exchanged greetings for a while, and Su Qingyue said: "Do you have time, I want to treat you to a meal?"

"Don't be so polite." Li Ming smiled on the phone and said, "Just tell me something, and I'll see if I can help you." He said, "I am really busy here recently." His voice is still calm, without the slightest sense of floating after success.

Su Qingyue said directly about Xiao Yu, and also talked about his own needs.

Li Ming listened on the phone and said with a smile: "Okay, no problem. I will send someone to carry out related matters related to colleges, majors, and procedures. Don't worry." He said, before Su Qingyue responded, he sighed with emotion. "This Xiao Yu is also considered a big man. I went for a repair, you called again, and Yuanyuan told me in person." He said, and the conversation suddenly changed: "But Qingyue, since your relationship is so good, then I just make a suggestion?"

"You speak." Su Qing realized that Li Ming had something to say, the more busy he said.

"Many people only see the halo of the film and television industry. Those who are famous and profitable think that this is a very easy circle to make money." Li Ming said: "I don't know that this is an extremely cruel circle, and there are very few people who can get a halo. If she only sees the halo and can't see the hard work behind her, persuade her. Don't be blindly impulsive and excited, thinking that if you go to school overseas, you will be a great director when you come back."

Understand the kindness of Li Ming, this is indeed the mentality of many people who want to join the circle. But he talked with Xiao Yu and knew that she was sober, so he said: "We talked about this. She really likes the industry and is well prepared. She has a sober understanding of this."

"That will do. After returning from the United States, I will arrange for our company to start from the basics. But the master leads the door and the practice is personal. In the end, how far she can develop in this circle is beyond our control. It's..." Li Ming said.

Then they talked for a while, agreed to have a meal together next week, and hung up the phone.

After arranging Xiao Yu, Su Qing felt a lot more relaxed.

Following him, he called Xiao Yu again, and only briefly said a few words, the latter understood what it meant. Then he said: "Don't have too much psychological pressure, I believe you can do it."

"Brother Yue, thank you. It is impossible for many people to regard interest as a career. I don't have high expectations, so there is no so-called pressure..." Xiao Yu said over the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Su Qingyue thought it should start.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door to come in, and Su Qingyue let him sit down.

The latter said directly: "Boss, didn't you say in detail what to do at the meeting just now? I want to hurry up."

He said: "Tell me, I'm easy to arrange work. Because Jiang Zhengshang has been getting too much lately, everyone is staring at it. After a long time, the brothers will feel that the company is not doing well, which has an impact on morale."

"I have considered this matter carefully." Su Qingyue said: "But we can't tick the boots. This time we will have a fatal blow. Ziyou, you can also talk about how it can be fatal."

"Boss, don't let me guess." Zhou Ziyou laughed and said half-jokingly: "I want to have the patience and take your position. You think I'm polite with you."

He said that Su Qingyue pretended to be angry, but did not continue with this joke.

So he said: “Actually, hitting a company is the same as hitting a country. There are nothing more than two points, one is internal troubles and the other is external troubles. Generally speaking, only when the two are superimposed, can a devastating strike be formed. This is what it did."

"But Zhou Yang, who is suffering from foreign affairs, has already lost the first trial." Zhou Ziyou said.

"Because he has no evidence, and I have it, I can help him." Su Qingyue said, without specifically mentioning Xiao Yu.

Zhou Ziyou was startled, and laughed: "What about the internal sorrow, where is the internal sorrow?"

"That's what I think about this." Su Qingyue said: "In fact, Zhou Yang and Jiang Zhengshang have been fighting for so long. Haven't you discovered that his two largest game websites in the industry are still putting ads on Zhengshang Network? There is a question of the benefits brought about by their independent accounting, but what if these two big websites directly block Zhengshang Network?"

"Their traffic will suffer a very large loss." Zhou Ziyou said.

"Yes." Su Qingyue said, and then: "What about the website where A Mou is located if we add a good relationship with us?"

"Are you thinking of launching an operation to completely block Zhengshang's network?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

"It doesn't need to be comprehensive, it's impossible. But if the few websites mentioned just now are blocked, then all other websites will not be able to make up for this traffic gap no matter how large the Zhengshang network is." Su Qingyue said: "Once this situation is formed, Zhengshang Networks Online and revenue will be affected, and the ecology and life cycle of the product will be greatly reduced..."

He said, Zhou Ziyou could not help but nod as he listened.

Then Su Qingyue said: "Once this happens, internal worries will arise. Because winning can cover up contradictions, but as long as you start to lose, various problems will arise." He said: "Apart from anything else, what can equity capital do? After a long time, can the employees of the company persist? His morale will definitely be hit."

"But this will affect the income of these media after all, and they may hesitate." Zhou Ziyou asked.

"You tell everyone that Yuedao and Falcon have all digested the share vacated by UUreading www.uukanshu.com Zhengshang, and ensure that their income will not decrease." He said.

"Okay. This'internal worry' and'foreign trouble' are like a left uppercut and a right uppercut, a combination of which is enough for Jiang Zhengshang..." Zhou Ziyou nodded and laughed, but he said: "Boss, I One more sentence."

"you said."

"Is Jiang Zhengshang's evidence in your hand sufficient? Because of the intellectual property rights, once the Falcon loses the lawsuit again, the impact will be stronger." He said, "So whether this evidence is reliable or not is critical. "

"This evidence is provided by Xiao Yu." Su Qingyue said simply.

Zhou Ziyou was shocked.

But then he laughed and said: "So I can rest assured."

They were talking, and Zhou Ziyou left after a while.

Su Qingyue looked at his watch, picked up the phone again, and dialed Zhou Yang.

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